
This whole place is still in the process of being built, but I thought I'd add something to the journal--I guess to justify it's being here. Hmm...what can I say about today? Well, it's 10:30 a.m. right now. I'm sitting at the computer in my pjs. For the next few hours I'm going to be totally focused on this website, but at the back of my mind I can still hear this funny little voice:
I don' wanna go to Tae Kwon Do!
AAAAHHHHH! N'Stink just came on the radio! Must...change...ah. Better.
Ok now don't get me wrong, I LOVE Tae Kwon Do, and my instructor is awesome. But I haven't exactly been practicing a whole lot since I left for college....
I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die...he's gonna kick my ass....
Hmm, what to do.

Damn, I'm even boring myself to death with this thing. I really do have a pathetic life. Never fear though, around X-mas things should pick up, and of course when school starts again I'm going to write about that. And even if I'm the only one who reads this shit...oh well!

1:45 p.m.

Can you tell what just happened? I just got my grade report for the first semester of my college career!

4.0 GPA!!!


Ok, calm, calm. In other news...I'm still working on the site. It's looking a whole lot better than it did at ten this morning, let me tell you. I have the Offspring interface up and running, and all the pages up--there's just nothing on them yet. hehe
