
Meanwhile, at the Raccoon Police Department, Leon had almost deduced that the door was locked....

Ahh, it's so fun to be mean to Leon. If you haven't played Resident Evil 2, Leon S. Kennedy is a bit of a ditz. For some reason everyone seems to like him. My take on the whole Leon situation?

The "S" is for "See, I told you he was brain damaged"

It's not his fault his father made that observation just as the nurse asked what the baby's middle name would be!

On with the show...
Well, I did about the stupidest thing imaginable yesterday. I was playing Legend of Dragoon on my PSX, right? I'm on disc 4. I got a break from the storyline, so I thought I'd go back and collect some items that I've missed along the way. I found some really neat stuff. I must've played for two hours, just collecting stuff. Then I found this neat place called Fort Magrad. I'd never been there. I got in a fight with a big bad suit of armor. I died.

I hadn't saved in hours.
I turned the machine off.
I caught up on my MTV.

Ooooooohhhh that pissed me off.

Hmmm, what else have I been up to? Oh yeah, Kara emailed me an animated gif of marijuana! Sweet. I'll have to use it on the Mota lyrics page. For those of you who haven't figured it out yet, Mota is a spanish slang for marijuana. Just thought I'd clear the air, so to speak. I had a dream about pot the other night. I don't remember it though.

In other news, I really wish Cory would send me the stats on my D&D stuff--
did I say D&D? ehehehe....d'oh.

In site news...I haven't been on the puter for a few days, so I haven't got much done. Today I fixed some little things, nothing really major. I might do some lyrics here in a bit before I get off. Gotta keep on truckin...*sigh*.

"pull the shades, razor blades, you're so tragic...things you say, games you play, dirty magic..."
I've been listening to Ignition a lot the last coupla days. "yeah I'm a pyro...I wanna burn it up..." hehe

Well, that's it for now. TTFN!
