
Why the wheelchair, you ask?

I dunno...sometimes I feel like a complete psychological cripple. Oops, that wasn't very PC of me, was it? But I think since I was referring to myself it doesn't count.

I'm back in school now--good ol' Iowa State U! Yay! I spent $280 on books yesterday and I'm not even done yet! Yay! I'm so goddamn bored I've been napping curled up in the center of my dorm room floor! Yay!

I'm about to go knucking futz here. I don't know what to do. I can't go shopping because I still have books to buy. I don't want to go too many places 'cause I haven't bought a bus pass yet.

I'm boring today.

Gratuitous Dexter

I've been feeling so blah I was even too lazy to watch Americana or Huck It earlier. I was even lazy enough that I didn't change the channel when Britney and Christina, the anti-christs, came on MTV. Damn that's pretty lazy.

I think I'm going stir crazy and I've only been back ONE F*CKING DAY!!!!!!!


Maybe I'll go work on the page about me. Kill some time. Kill something anyway....
