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[The 3rd Doctor regenerates]

Doctor Who Chronology: The 1970s

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The Underwater Menace: 1,2,3,4: The 2nd Doctor, Polly, Ben and Jamie encounter a surviving fragment of Atlantis underwater. An insane scientist, Professor Zaroff, has promised the Atlanteans he will raise their city. However, his plan to do so will result in the Earth's destruction. The time-travellers foil his plan by flooding his headquarters.

Dobson becomes Bruno Taltalian's chief assistant.

Two years prior to "The Ambassadors of Death" (1972).

Ace is born, under her given name of Dorothy.

According to "Dragonfire," Ace appears to be sixteen when she is caught in the timestorm in 1987, placing her birth here or 1971. Placement here is confirmed in "Ghost Light," where we learn the Ace was thirteen in 1983.


Auto Plastics employee Harry Ransome leaves England for the United States on business. At approximately the same time, half a dozen meteorites, containing part of the Nestene Consciousness, land in a forest near Epping in England.

Six months before "Spearhead from Space" (early 1972).

Mars Probe 7, containing two astronauts, lifts off from Mars. They stay in contact with Space Control on Earth for 12 hours, when contact is lost. Unknown to anyone but General Carrington, and a select few he has confided in, the astronauts have been replaced by ambassadors from an alien species, at Carrington's request.

Seven or eight months before "The Ambassadors of Death" (early 1972).

Posing as Professor Emil Keller, the Master approaches Captain Chin Lee at the Chinese embassy in London. He explains to her that he has developed a machine that will revolutionize prison reform, and invites her to Stangmoor Prison for a demonstration. He then hypnotises her and they both go to the prison to set up the Keller machine, in reality a mind parasite, which feeds off evil impulses.

"Nearly a year" before "The Mind of Evil." Apparently, after his plan fails in "Terror of the Autons," the Master travels back through time to this point.

The Invasion: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8: A group of Cybermen are prevented from taking over and destroying the Earth by the 2nd Doctor, Jamie, Zoe, and Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart and his newly-formed UNIT - the United Nations Intelligence Taskforce.

A group of Silurians in hibernation begin to awaken when their machinery absorbs energy from the nearby Wenley Moor Nuclear Research Center. They continue to revive their people, causing frequent power failures at the Center. The proximity of the Silurians also causes a number of breakdowns in Center personnel.

Three months before "Doctor Who and the Silurians" (early 1972).

Farrell Plastics hits hard times, with their volume only being half of normal.

"Over a year" before "Terror of the Autons" (1972).


Spearhead from Space: 1,2,3,4: Stranded on Earth by the Time Lords, a newly-regenerated 3rd Doctor, with the help of Cambridge scientist Elizabeth Shaw, assists UNIT in preventing an invasion of Earth by the Nestene. In return for equipment to help repair his TARDIS, the Doctor agrees to become UNIT's scientific advisor.

Captain Mike Yates is put in charge of clean-up operations after the defeat of the Nestene. An intact Nestene energy unit is discovered. The Brigadier authorizes it use in a special exhibit at the National Space Museum.

Shortly after "Spearhead from Space," as described in "Terror of the Autons."

Doctor Who and the Silurians: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7: The 3rd Doctor, assisted by Liz Shaw and UNIT, prevents the recently-revived Silurians from regaining complete control of the Earth by infecting mankind with a virulent disease and then destroying the Van Allen Belt. The Doctor's attempts at negotiating a peace between humans and the Silurians are unsuccessful, and the Brigadier has the creatures entombed.

The Ambassadors of Death: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7: The 3rd Doctor, Liz and UNIT encounter a trio of aliens who have taken the place of three astronauts sent to Mars. They have been sent as ambassadors by aliens living on Mars. General Carrington, who had encountered these aliens on a previous trip to Mars, believes them to be hostile, and plans to reveal their existence to the world. The Doctor manages to prevent this, and an exchange is made for the return of the astronauts.

Presumably, these aliens are not native to Mars, but just "passing through," as they bear no resemblance to the Ice Warriors.

Inferno: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7: The 3rd Doctor, Liz and the Brigadier with UNIT are present at the project nicknamed "Inferno," an attempt to pierce the Earth's crust by Prof. Stahlman. A liquid released from the drilling is transforming workers into large, savage brutes, but Stahlman refuses to stop drilling. The Doctor is transported to an alternate timeline, where England is a Republic. Inferno is more advanced there, and the Doctor is unable to stop that world's destruction when forces from the Earth's core are released. After returning to his own dimension, the Doctor is able to stop Stahlman, who has also been transformed, and shut down the Project.

Liz Shaw leaves UNIT, and returns to her research at Cambridge. The Doctor starts bothering the Brigadier for a replacement. The Doctor also begins work on the dematerialization circuit of his TARDIS.

Between "Inferno" and "Terror of the Autons."

At the Summer Olympic Games in Munich, British athlete John Crichton jumps 2.362 meters in the high jump.

In "Invasion of the Dinosaurs" (1975), Sarah says this happened at "the last Olympics."

Terror of the Autons: 1,2,3,4: The Master attempts to take over the Earth with the help of the Nestene. They pass out plastic daffodils which will suffocate anyone near them at the appointed time. The 3rd Doctor, his new assistant Josephine (Jo) Grant, and UNIT manage the foil the plan, although the Master escapes.

The Mind of Evil: 1,2,3,4,5,6: With the help of a "mind parasite," the Master takes control of Stangmoor Prison and uses the prisoners to hi-jack a nerve gas missile, Thunderbolt. He plans to use the missile to destroy an international peace conference and plunge the world into war. The 3rd Doctor, with the help of Jo and UNIT, uses the missile to destroy the parasite instead. The Master escapes again.

After fleeing Earth, the Master is captured by Axos. The Master agrees to lead Axos to the Earth for feeding, in return for his freedom and a chance to destroy the Doctor.

Between "The Mind of Evil" and "The Claws of Axos."

The Claws of Axos: 1,2,3,4: A creature known as Axos, aided by an unwilling Master, attempts to absorb all life on Earth as part of its feeding cycle. Aided by Jo and UNIT, the 3rd Doctor defeats Axos by forcing it and the Master into a time-loop.


The Spanish Ambassador is arrested by UNIT after being mistaken for the Master.

Some time before "Colony in Space."

Colony in Space: 1,6: The Time Lords send the 3rd Doctor and Jo to the 25th century in the TARDIS. They return seconds later.

The Coal Board closes down the coal mine in Llanfairfach, Wales.

A year before "The Green Death."

Professor Gilbert Horner begins the excavation of the Devil's Hump barrow in Devil's End. Miss Olive Hawthorne, a local white witch, objects to this, and begins "pestering" Prof. Horner.

"Weeks" before "The Dæmons."

The Master disposes of the Vicar of Devil's End, and takes over as his "replacement," Mr. Magister.

Some time before "The Dæmons."

April/May :The Dæmons: 1,2,3,4,5: The Master revives Azal, a Dæmon, who decides that Earth is unworthy to continue its existence. The 3rd Doctor is unable to convince Azal otherwise, but Jo's willingness to sacrifice herself to save the Doctor turns Azal's energies back on himself, destroying him. UNIT finally captures the Master, and takes him into custody.

The Master, posing as Professor Thascales, begins experiments in "interstitial time" at the Newton Institute in Wootton, in an attempt to summon Kronos, a Kronovore.

"Months" before "The Time Monster." The Master apparently travels back through time to initiate this scheme as he did between "Terror of the Autons" and "The Mind of Evil."

An international peace conference is arranged, but the Chinese delegation refuses to attend. Sir Reginald Styles is assigned the task of convincing them to come.

Shortly before "Day of the Daleks."

September: Day of the Daleks: 1,2,3,4: Guerrillas from an alternate future dominated by the Daleks come back through time to assassinate Sir Reginald Styles in an attempt to avert to wars which allow the Daleks to take control. The 3rd Doctor, with the help of Jo and UNIT, manage to prevent this after it is discovered that the guerrillas themselves are responsible for the alternate timeline.

In an alternate timeline, the guerrillas' attack on the peace conference is successful. As a result, a long series of wars break out. These wars will last for one hundred years, during which nearly seven-eights of the world's population dies. Sir Reginald Styles is believed to be responsible for this disaster.

As described in "Day of the Daleks."

The 3rd Doctor and Jo are briefly pulled back in time to meet their earlier selves.

This must happen very shortly after "Day of the Daleks," as the future Doctor and Jo are wearing identical clothes as their present counterparts.

The 3rd Doctor convinces Jo to come with him on a test flight in the TARDIS.

Some time between "Day of the Daleks" and "The Sea Devils," as shown in "The Curse of Peladon."

Two ships disappear off the Southern coast of England when they are attacked by a group of Sea Devils.

Shortly before "The Sea Devils."

The Sea Devils: 1,2,3,4,5,6: Despite being held prisoner on a small island, the Master aids a group of aquatics Silurians, nicknamed Sea Devils, in their attempt to destroy humanity and reclaim the Earth. The 3rd Doctor and Jo try to make peace between humanity and the Sea Devils. When this fails, the Doctor reluctantly destroys the Sea Devils' base. The Master escapes captivity.

The Mutants: 1: The 3rd Doctor and Jo are sent on a mission to the 30th century by the Time Lords.

The Doctor begins work on a time sensor in hopes of tracking down the Master's TARDIS.

Sometime between "The Sea Devils" and "The Time Monster."

A strong volcanic eruption takes place in the Thena group of islands off Greece.

A day or two before "The Time Monster."

September: The Time Monster: 1,2,3,4,6: The 3rd Doctor, Jo and UNIT discover the Master's attempts to summon the Kronovore Kronos and use its power to rule the universe. They are unable to stop him in the present, but the Doctor and Jo follow the Master as he leaves for ancient Atlantis.

While monitoring cosmic rays, Dr. Tyler encounters strange readings. He finds what appears to be a beam of light travelling faster than light-speed. This beam, which is scanning the Earth, is actually being sent by Omega, in search of the Doctor.

A few weeks before "The Three Doctors."

The Three Doctors: 1,2,3,4: The Time Lords pull the 1st and 2nd Doctors out of their proper times to help the 3rd Doctor, Jo, and UNIT stop Omega. Omega, who gave the Time Lords their power source, has been trapped in an anti-matter universe for thousands of years, and wishes to leave. Unfortunately, his body has eroded, and the Doctors must destroy Omega's realm before he can claim vengeance on the universe. For his help, the Time Lords reward the3rd Doctor by lifting his exile to 20th century Earth.

The Brigadier and Benton check the grounds of UNIT HQ in an attempt to account for any equipment that may not have returned from Omega's realm.

Just after "The Three Doctors."

The 3rd Doctor builds a new force-field generator for his now-functional TARDIS.

Shortly after "The Three Doctors."

The 3rd Doctor and Jo take the TARDIS on a test-flight.

Some time after "The Three Doctors," as shown in "Carnival of Monsters."


War breaks out between the twin planets of Atrios and Zeos. This war has been caused by the Shadow, a minion of the Black Guardian, as part of a plan to recover the sixth segment of the Key to Time for his master. The Zeons are quickly wiped out, so to keep the war going, the Shadow forces renegade Time Lord, Drax, to build Mentalis. Mentalis, a powerful super-computer, will run the entire Zeon war campaign for the next five years.

Five years prior to "The Armageddon Factor" (1979).

Professor Clifford Jones, leader of a commune in Llanfairfach, Wales, tries to borrow some cutting equipment from Global Chemicals; they refuse. Shortly after, that same cutting equipment in used at the now-closed Llanfairfach coal mine, and returned by miner Dave Griffiths.

"A fortnight back" from "The Green Death."

Global Chemicals Director Stevens meets with members of the Ministry of Ecology, and gets full approval to go ahead with Global's new oil refining technique.

Shortly before "The Green Death."

The Green Death: 1,2,3,4,5,6: The 3rd Doctor, Jo, and UNIT discover giant, diseased maggots in a mine in Llanfairfach, Wales. The maggots are a result of the pollution caused by Global Chemicals. Global is actually run by a super-computer called BOSS, which intends to take control of the people of the world in an attempt to make them more efficient. The Doctor manages to turn Global's Director, Mr. Stevens, against BOSS, who is destroyed. Jo meets and falls in love with Prof. Clifford Jones, who helped in fighting the maggots.

Capt. Mike Yates goes on leave shortly after these events. During this leave, he is recruited into Operation: Golden Age.

Shortly after "The Green Death," as described in "Invasion of the Dinosaurs."

Professor Jones and Jo Grant pick up equipment in Cardiff, where they get married, and go on a trip to the Amazon Basin to search for rare types of fungus.

Over the month following "The Green Death."

Commander Guy Crayford is lost in deep space while testing the space freighter XK5 and is presumed dead. Journalist Sarah Jane Smith visits the Space Defence Station in Devesham to cover the story. Crayford has in fact been hijacked by the Kraals. They trick him into helping them with their planned invasion of Earth, by claiming to have saved him after his ship suffered a gyro failure and reconstructed his shattered body, although he is in fact not injured at all.

Two years before "The Android Invasion" (1976).

Professor Whitaker applies for a government grant to fund his experiments in time-travel, but is refused. Shortly after, he disappears completely and becomes involved in Charles Grover's Operation: Golden Age.

Six months before "Invasion of the Dinosaurs."

Several hundred people are chosen by the people behind Operation: Golden Age as "colonists" to be sent in spaceships to a planet called "New Earth." The colonists are not told that New Earth will in fact be Earth reverted to an earlier period in history, wiping out the existence of millions of lives and countless civilizations.

Three months before "Invasion of the Dinosaurs."


At a secret research facility, at least six scientists, and a large amount of equipment, are pulled back through time to 1250 by Linx, a Sontaran, to fix his damaged ship. UNIT is called in to investigate, and the Brigadier sets up barracks for the scientists, isolating many from their families. One scientist, Prof. Rubeish, doesn't seem to mind.

Shortly before "The Time Warrior."

The Time Warrior: 1: The Brigadier assigns the 3rd Doctor to discover the reason for the missing scientists and equipment at a secret research centre. While at the centre, the Doctor meets reporter Sarah Jane Smith. When the Doctor discovers that the scientists have been taken back through time, he and Sarah follow in the TARDIS.

Due to the Doctor's actions in 1250, the missing scientists are returned shortly thereafter.

Just after "The Time Warrior."

Dinosaurs start appearing in the streets of London, resulting in an evacuation of the city. The dinosaurs have been brought from the past by the people involved in Operation: Golden Age to allow them to complete their plans.

Shortly before "Invasion of the Dinosaurs."

Invasion of the Dinosaurs: 1,2,3,4,5,6: A group of men, led by MP Sir Charles Grover and including Capt. Mike Yates of UNIT and army General Finch, attempt to reverse the flow of time as part of a project called Operation: Golden Age. They intend to wipe out generations of human history in order to start over again with an unpolluted world. Their plot is foiled by the 3rd Doctor, Sarah and UNIT.

After the failure of Operation: Golden Age, General Finch is court-martialed and Capt. Yates is allowed to silently resign from UNIT. After his resignation from UNIT, Mike Yates becomes a student at a Tibetan monastery in Mummerset, in an attempt to make peace with himself.

Shortly after "Invasion of the Dinosaurs." Yates at the monastery revealed in "Planet of the Spiders."

The Five Doctors: The 3rd Doctor is abducted by Borusa to Gallifrey in 1983.

This must happen sometime between "Invasion of the Dinosaurs" and "Planet of the Spiders," as the Doctor knows Sarah Jane Smith.


The 3rd Doctor begins investigations into human psychic abilities.

Some time before "Planet of the Spiders."

The United States, Russia, and China all agree to give the launch codes for their nuclear missiles to the government of Great Britain. In the event that international relations should get too tense, Britain would be able to use the codes to prevent the launch of those missiles.

"A few months" before "Robot."

While Jo Grant and Professor Jones are on their expedition in the Amazon basin, they discover that their native bearers fear the Metebelis III Crystal given to them as a wedding gift by the Doctor. Jo decides to mail the crystal back to the Doctor.

Some time before "Planet of the Spiders."

While doing research into human ESP, the 3rd Doctor discovers a stage magician called "Professor" Clegg, whom the Doctor believes to be a powerful psychic.

Shortly before "Planet of the Spiders."

Planet of the Spiders: 1,2,3,4,5,6: The 3rd Doctor, Sarah, and Mike Yates (formerly of UNIT) discover an invasion attempt on Earth from powerful, mutated spiders from the future. These spiders use several people studying at a Tibetan monastery in an attempt to retrieve the Metebelis III Blue Crystal in possession of the Doctor. When the spiders succeed, the Doctor and Sarah follow the spiders to the future. While in the future, the Doctor's body suffers so much damage, that upon his return to the present, he is forced to regenerate.

Robot: 1,2,3,4: A group calling itself the Scientific Reform Society attempts to blackmail the world into submission by threatening to launch a number of nuclear missiles. They are protected by an enormously powerful robot, K-1. A newly-regenerated 4th Doctor, Sarah, and UNIT (including Medical Officer Harry Sullivan) manage to foil the SRS's plot. After accidentally destroying its creator, the robot goes berserk, and must be destroyed by a "metal virus."

On the planet Gallifrey, the Time Lords discover a possible future in which the Daleks will control the entire universe. In order to prevent the occurrence, the Time Lords decide to send the Doctor back in time to prevent the Daleks' creation. The 4th Doctor, along with his companions Sarah and Harry, are pulled back from the year 16 000 to the year 5700 BC, and a messenger is dispatched to explain their mission.

Some time bewteen "Robot" and "Terror of the Zygons," as described in "Genesis of the Daleks."

In Tullock, Scotland, the Duke of Forgill, his gillie the Caber, and Sister Lamont, a local nurse are all replaced by Zygon duplicates.

Some time before "Terror of the Zygons."

Two oil rigs, one of them belonging to the Hibernian Oil Company are destroyed shortly after mysterious radio blackouts. These attacks are being caused by the Skarasen, whose route between Loch Ness and the open sea are being blocked by the rigs.

Shortly before "Terror of the Zygons."

Zygon leader Broton, disguised as the Duke of Forgill, gives a stag's head to the Fox Inn in Tullock. The stag's head is in fact a monitoring device.

A week before "Terror of the Zygons."

UNIT is called in to investigate the attacks on the oil rigs and the Brigadier summons the Doctor by syonic beam Space/Time Telegraph.

Just before "Terror of the Zygons."

Terror of the Zygons: 1,2,3,4: The 4th Doctor, Sarah and Harry assist UNIT in the investigation into the destruction of several oil-rigs. They discover the existence of the Zygons, a race of shape-shifters who crashed on Earth centuries earlier, and now plan to take over the planet and remake it for their own species. They have at their disposal the Skarasen, a large cyborg which has been mistaken for the Loch Ness Monster for centuries. The Doctor destroys the Zygon ship, and the Skarasen continues to live peacefully in Loch Ness. Harry Sullivan decides to stay behind on Earth.

Pyramids of Mars: 2: The 4th Doctor shows Sarah an alternate Earth, one devastated by Sutekh the Osiran in 1911. This timeline is prevented by their actions when they return to that year.

Astronaut Guy Crayford, presumed dead for 2 years, makes contact with the Earth, saying that he has been stranded in orbit around Jupiter and is finally on his way home. This is in fact the prelude to an invasion of Earth by the Kraals.

"Recently" before "The Android Invasion."

The Android Invasion: 1,2,3,4: The 4th Doctor and Sarah land on the planet Oseidon where they discover a plan by the native Kraals to replace the townspeople of Devesham and its Space Defence Station with android replicas. Once the takeover is complete, the plan to destroy all human life with a deadly virus. The Doctor and Sarah immobilize the androids, and Kraal scientist Styggron is destroyed by the virus he developed.

Autumn: The Seeds of Doom: 1,2,3,4,5,6: The 4th Doctor and Sarah travel to Antarctica where two Krynoid pods have been found. If allowed to germinate, a Krynoid will consume all animal life on a planet. One pod infects a scientist who is subsequently destroyed in an explosion, but the second pod is stolen and taken to England by plant enthusiast Harrison Chase. The second pod sprouts and grows to enormous proportions before it is destroyed by a UNIT air-strike.

On Gallifrey, Chancellor Goth discovers that the President of the Time Lords does not plan to name Goth his successor. Shortly after, Goth discovers the Master on the planet Tersurus. The Master has reached the end of his cycle of regenerations, and agrees to help Goth kill the President in exchange for his aid. As part of his plan, the Master has Goth destroy his Data Extract from the Matrix, a vast computer containing all Time Lord knowledge.

Some time before "The Deadly Assassin."

The Hand of Fear: 1,2,3,4: The 4th Doctor and Sarah discover a fossilized hand in a quarry. This hand takes over Sarah, who takes it to a nuclear power plant. The hand uses the energy from the plant to grow a new body and reveals itself as Eldrad, a scientist from Kastria. Convincing the Doctor to take him to his own planet, Eldrad is revealed to be power-mad, but discovers his people are all dead, and he has no army. He dies from a fall before he can turn his attention to ruling the Earth. The Doctor drops Sarah off on Earth, as he cannot take her to Gallifrey, his next destination.

Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart retires from UNIT. Soon after, he becomes a teacher of mathematics at Brendon School.

Seven years prior to "Mawdryn Undead" (1983).

On Gallifrey, the Matrix predicts the assassination of the President of the Time Lords. The Master arranges that this prediction will be rerouted to the Doctor.

Just before "The Deadly Assassin."

The Deadly Assassin: 1,2,3,4: Arriving on Gallifrey, the 4th Doctor is framed for the assassination of the retiring President of the Time Lords. The Doctor uncovers the real assassin as the high-ranking Chancellor Goth. Goth is working for the Master, who has reached the end of his regenerative cycle. The Master attempts to use the symbols of the Presidency to access the Eye of Harmony, a black hole harnessed by Time Lord engineer Rassilon millions of years previously. The energy from the Eye could give the Master a new regeneration cycle, while destroying Gallifrey, but he is stopped by the Doctor. The Master absorbs enough energy to live long enough to escape.

Due to Goth's death, Cardinal Borusa is elected the new Chancellor, despite the absence of a President, which is normally required.

Shortly after "The Deadly Assassin," as revealed in "The Invasion of Time."


June 7: Mawdryn Undead: 2,3,4: Nyssa and Tegan arrive from 1983 in the TARDIS, believing it to be six years in the future. Here they encounter Mawdryn, whom they take for a regenerating Doctor. They also meet the Doctor's friend, former-Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart, now a teacher. In an attempt to help the "Doctor," they all travel to Mawdryn's ship in orbit, also travelling ahead to 1983. A short time later, Lethbridge-Stewart is returned, but due to events in 1983, has partial anmesia and does not remember the Doctor or anything relating to him.

Lethbridge-Stewart's confusion arising from his partial amnesia is diagnosed as a small nervous breakdown by Doctor Runciman.

Shortly after "Mawdryn Undead."

July: Image of the Fendahl: 1,2,3,4: The 4th Doctor and Leela meet a group of scientists attempting to discover the secrets of a 12 million year old, apparently human skull. The skull is in fact all that remains of the Fendahl, a creature which feeds on life itself. The Fendahl attempt to manifest itself through several of the scientists, and the Doctor must destroy their lab and equipment before it succeeds.

The 4th Doctor drops the skull of the Fendahl into a supernova in the constellation of Canthares.

Shortly after "Image of the Fendahl."

Professor Emilia Rumford attends a lecture in New York, bringing with her a policeman's truncheon "in case she gets mugged." She is arrested for possession of an offensive weapon.

A year before "The Stones of Blood" (1978).


Underworld: 1,2,3,4: The 4th Doctor, Leela and K-9 help a group of Minyans in their "Quest" to discover the location of the P7E, a ship containing their people's race bank, launched 100 000 years previously. They discover the P7E buried at the heart of a young planet, where the descendants of the crew are being treated as slaves by the Oracle, the P7E's rogue computer. The Oracle is tricked into destroying itself, and the Minyans, along with the race banks and the P7E descendants, are able to move on to a new world to colonize.

The 4th Doctor discovers that a group of aliens called Vardans have infiltrated the Matrix on Gallifrey. He and K-9 devise a plan to stop the Vardans. As part of this plan, the Doctor contacts the Vardans and offers to assist them in their takeover of Gallifrey.

Just before "The Invasion of Time."

The Invasion of Time: 1,2,3,4,5,6: The 4th Doctor, Leela and K-9 arrive on Gallifrey, where the Doctor demands his right to be made President of the High Council of Time Lords. He is apparently aiding a race called the Vardans in an invasion of Gallifrey. This is in fact an elaborate ruse to allow the Doctor access to the Matrix, which contains the total knowledge of all Time Lords who ever lived. The Doctor uses this information to identify the Vardans' home world and place it in a time-loop. Unfortunately, the Vardans are actually working for the Sontarans, who then themselves invade. The Doctor uses the Great Key of Rassilon to create the De-Mat Gun, with which he annihilates the Sontarans. Leela falls in love with a Citadel guard, Andred, and stays behind on Gallifrey. K-9 elects to stay behind with his mistress.

Leela and Andred are married some time later.

After "The Invasion of Time," as mentioned in "Arc of Infinity." Exact timing in conjecture.

Chris Parsons graduates from Cambridge University with an Honours Degree in Chemisty.


On Gallifrey, Chancellor Borusa is elected President of the High Council of Time Lords. Shortly after, new Time Lord graduate Romanadvoretrelundar is assigned to assist the Doctor in his quest for the Key to Time by someone she believes to be President Borusa, but is in fact the White Guardian of Time.

Just before "The Ribos Operation." (Borusa's role as President is conjecture. The Doctor makes disparaging remarks about the President, which probably indicates that Borusa was made President shortly after "The Invasion of Time.")

The Ribos Operation: 1: The 4th Doctor is assigned the task of finding the 6 segments of the Key to Time by the White Guardian of Time.

The Pirate Planet: 1,2,3,4: Searching for the second segment of the Key to Time, the 4th Doctor, K-9 Mark II and the 1st Romana land on the planet Zanak, instead of Calufrax, as expected. They discover that Zanak is a hollow planet which materializes around other planets and crushes them down to use their mineral wealth. The travellers disable the planet's engines, and recover the second Key segment, disguised as the remains of the planet Calufrax itself.

The Stones of Blood: 1,2,3,4: The 4th Doctor, K-9 Mark II and the 1st Romana arrive on Earth to find the third segment of the Key to Time. While searching, they discover an escaped prisoner from Tau Ceti, the Cessair of Diplos, who has been masquerading as the Cailleach, a Druidic goddess, for 4000 years. The time-travellers are able to free the Megara, two "justice machines," from their ship trapped in hyperspace, so that sentence may be passed on the Cessair. They also retrieve the third Key segment from the Cessair, disguised as the Great Seal of her planet.

The Doctor drops off a crate, containing K9 Mark III, at Sarah Jane Smith's home in Croyden, as a gift for Sarah. Through K9, he leaves this message: "Give Sarah Jane Smith my fondest love; tell her I shall remember her always."

"K9 and Company."


The Armageddon Factor: 1,2,3,4,5,6: In search of the sixth and final segment of the Key to Time, the 4th Doctor, K-9 Mark II and the 1st Romana visit the twin planets of Atrios and Zeos, which are involved in a devastating war. The war is in fact part of the plan of a mysterious being called the Shadow, who is working for the Black Guardian. The time-travellers are able to put an end to the war, and recover the sixth segment, disguised as Princess Astra of Atrios. After the Key is reassembled, and balance is restored to the universe, the Doctor disperses the Key, making sure Astra is returned to her human form.

City of Death: 1,2,3,4: While vacationing in Paris, the 4th Doctor and the 2nd Romana encounter art-thief Count Scarlioni. The Count is, in fact, the last of 12 "splinters," spread throughout time, of Scaroth, the last of the Jagaroth. The Count has become an art-thief in order to finance his time-travel experiments, which will allow him to travel back in time to prevent the accident which spread him through time. The Doctor and Romana, with the help of Detective Duggan, follow him back to 400 000 000 BC to foil his plan.

The Creature from the Pit: 1,2,3,4: The 4th Doctor, the 2nd Romana and K-9 Mark II arrive on the plant-rich planet of Chloris. There they discover Erato, an ambassador from the metal-abundant planet of Tythonus, being held captive by the Lady Adrastra. Erato arrived years earlier to negotiate a trade agreement bewteen the two planet, but Adrastra, in an attempt to retain her metal monopoly, had him imprisoned. After freeing Erato, the travellers also save Chloris from a neutron star sent by the Tythonians in retaliation.

Sergeant Benton leaves the army and takes up selling used cars.

"Mawdryn Undead."

Sarah Jane Smith's aunt Lavinia moves to the village of Moreton Harwood. Sarah visits her around this time, first meeting Bill Pollock.

Two years before "K9 and Company" (1981).

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