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Doctor Who Chronology: The 1990s

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The Mandragora Helix is due to manifest itself on Earth at approximately this time.

"About 500 years" after "The Masque of Mandragora" (1492).


Battlefield: 1,2,3,4: The 7th Doctor and Ace, with the help of UNIT (including the retired Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart), battle the Morgaine Le Fey of an alternate universe for possession of Excalibur, the mythical sword of King Arthur. They prevent Morgaine and her son Mordred from winning the sword and prevent them from starting a nuclear war.

Exact placement is conjecture. The Doctor says it is "a few years in [Ace's] future."


The Chase: Journey Into Terror: The 1st Doctor, Barbara, Ian and Vicki confront the Daleks in a haunted house at the 1996 "Festival of Ghana." Several Daleks are destroyed by the exhibits; Vicki ends up in the Daleks time-machine.

The date is given on the sign on the haunted house's door.


December 29-31: Doctor Who: The TARDIS lands in San Fransicso, USA, driven off course by the essence of the Master, whose remains the 7th Doctor is bringing to Gallifrey. The Doctor is shot by gang-members, and when operated on to save his life, he "dies" and regenerates in his 8th incarnation. The Master, possessing the body of an ambulance driver, opens the TARDIS' link to the Eye of Harmony, endangering Earth. With the help of Doctor Grace Holloway and Chang Lee, the Doctor regains control of the TARDIS, and travelling backwards in time, reabsorbs the Eye's energy, saving Earth. The Master falls into the Eye, apparently absorbed by the TARDIS.

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