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Force Notes

Box 1 Box 2 Box 3 Box 4 Box 5 Box 6 Box 7 Box 8

Box 1: Newton’s 1st Law of Motion

How can we define any laws of motion with out defining what a force. Aforce is a push or a pull. Forces can do these following things to an object:
1) Start
2) Stop
3) Change Direction
Newton’s First Law of Motion

Box 2: Friction
Friction is a force that opposes motion. There are three types of friction:
Sliding- Two surfaces (in contact) moving past one another. ex. skiing, walking, pushing a box
Rolling- Having wheels or ball bearingsex. bicycle, rollerblades or a car.
Fluid- Moving though liquids or gases. ex. airplane, boat or throwing a baseball.

Box 3: Newton’s 2nd Law of Motion
Newton’s Second Law of Motion

Box 4: Momentum
Momentumis the measurement of the movement of matter. Momentum is the relationship between an objects' mass and velocity.
We use the following formula to calculate an objects momentum:

Momentum = Mass X Velocity

Box 5: Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion
Newton’s First Law of Motion

Box 6: Gravity
Gravity is the attraction between the earth and all objects on the eath. The force of gravity depends upon two thigs:Mass and Distance.
The larger the object (large mass) is the stronger the pull of gravity. The smaller the object (small mass)the weaker the pull of gravity. Mass is the number of particles in an object. Please do not get this confused with the weight of an onject. The weight of an object is how hard gravity pulls on the mass. If you went to the moon you would weigh less because the moon has a weaker pull of gravity than the earth. But your4 mass does not change when you travel to the moon.
The closer you are to an object the stronger the pull of gravity. Do we feel the effects of gravity from the planet Pluto? No that planet is so far away. How ever the gravity from the moon affects our tides. The earth is effected by the pull of gravity from the sun.

Box 7: The Solar System
The earth revolves around the sun in a nearly circular path. The path is shaped like an elipse. The earth takes 365.25 days to go around the sun. The planets in the solar sytem also revovle around the sun.
Our sun is an average size star. The points of light you see in the sky are other suns of different solar syatems. They are more than one light year away.

Box 8: Center of Gravity
Cebter of gravity is the point on a body where gravity seems to pull. Center of gravity is the center of mass on an object. This is the point where all the mass around is equally balanced. if your canter of gravity is not over a base then the object will fall.

Box 9: Other Forces
Electric- Force that causes the flow of electrons.
Gravity-the attraction between the earth and all objects on earth.
Fricton- force that slows all objects down and stops them.
Magnetic- Force that attracts and repels certain kinds of matter.
Centripetal- force that pushes or pulls an object into a circular path.
Nuclear- force that occurs at the center of atoms.
Universal- the name for gravitational, electromagnetic and nuclear forces combined.
Static Electric- the electric charge that causes objects to attract or repel each other.
Lift- upward force of air moving around objects.
Buoyancy- force of fluids that push objects up and make them seem to loose weight.
Centifugal- force produced when a body moving in a curved path tends to move away from the center of the curve.

Box 10: Project Adventure
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