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Automatic Ice Cream Scooper Project
Automatic Ice Cream Scooper

We are going to make automatic ice cream scoopers. They will be due on December 5th. The requirements for the project are as follows:
*The automatic ice cream scooper must contain at least 2 simple machines. You can have more.
*Ice cream must move from the carton to the bowl in at least one easy motion.
Please create the following:
1. An advertisement for your ice cream scooper.
2. A 3 sentence description of your project(3 sentences per person in your group. Ex. 2 people equals 6 sentnences.).

In years past student made infomercials instaed of doing as class prsentation.
On the day of the presentation I will supply the ice cream for your project and to eat when we are all done! Check back soon for some pictures of this years projects!