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Hands From the Darkness

That kid just wanted to be popular
But then things happened.
Only he was aware of the great gap
Between him and reality.
So when this kid, popularity himself,
Was thrown, voluntarily,
Into the great abyss of university life
He suffered from despair,
Confused and alone in the big world.
The small things reaching
Trying to pull him in every direction,
Everyone wanting his time
And everywhere more for him to do.
At some point he thought
People were enjoying his suffering,
It seemed to him the hands
Had evil faces behind that darkness
That was the Real ‘real life,’
That the darkness was grinning for all
The pain it caused, real pain.
Then, at finals, the darkness got darker
And a spotlight fell on him.
The hands gripped harder, they became
More perilously pushy and
Ripped at old scars and new scars alike,
Its laughter hurt more and
Sounded louder, much louder, than before.
The kid decided it was time,
He shall leave that world and will go
Where no one could follow.
So he buried himself in such a place, so
Unreal that the darkness shan’t
Enter, too brief a place for hurt to thrive,
Too nice a place for evil to show
Its grimy, grinning face ever again, but
Then a shadow fell on his place
The darkness cannot be held back by
Delusions of a better place, not
Even by insanity, this thing that was
And shall always be right next
To us all in life.