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Disclaimer: Valyn and company do not belong to me. I am making no money off of this, so don't sue me!!!

Dedication: To Christy and Cat, who else? And don't worry cat, I have a special story planned, just for you...

Authors note: I always like to include one of these. This is of course, in one of my happy B universes. It takes place about a few months after the events chronicled in Elvenblood. Oh, and I don't know if toff is a real word or not, but I think it is. If not, it is now! And Teslyn's mine, so please don't use her without permission. Enjoy!!!


By: Lady Hernalth

Teslyn Nahar crouched behind a fallen log, her short dagger held tightly in her small fist. She kept her emerald green gaze locked on the small group of people ambling through the woods. Her short, coppery bonze hair blended well with the autumn leaves, and she was crouched low, certain that the travelers could not see her.

But that meant nothing. They could easily find an old campsite, or any number of signs that Teslyn was there. She didn't want to have to kill them, but she would if she was forced.

Slowly, she reached out and touched their minds. They were human, but wore no collars. Wild humans. That was all they were. A small pack of wild humans, not too bright, and certainly not a threat. Teslyn sighed with relief, and waited for he party to pass. They had nothing on their minds save for food, and shelter for the night. And they were headed away.

After a few moments, Teslyn rose. Her thighs and calves ached slightly from crouching so long, and she stretched, arching her back. She shook out her short curls, dragging them back from her face. She still kept her hair just long enough to cover her slightly pointed ears. Despite being in the middle of nowhere, Teslyn wasn't going to take any chances.

The young halfblood woman trotted back through the forest, pleased to detect the odor of cooking meet. She loped easily through the underbrush, her long, lean legs flashing between the shrubbery. She was dressed in a plain leather sleeveless tunic and short leather pants. There wasn't much choice, this far from settled lands.

"Hei!" She called, making her presence known before she emerged from the brush. She had no desire to startle her traveling companion. He was a bit skittish, and likely draw his bow on her.

Never though the day'd come when I'd be running inta the wilds with an Elven lord. Teslyn though, half smiling to herself. O course, he isn't like any lord I ever saw. But they were stuck with one another, and had been for over a year. Teslyn could remember vividly their first meeting, even though he was unconscious at the time. Teslyn closed her eyes, as the smell of burning flesh hit her memory...

Teslyn stood among the ranks of humans, all dressed in simple leather and armed with crude swords or arrows. They were mindless, doing only as the lords had commanded. Teslyn was lucky, her mental powers were strong enough to break the coersions placed by the collars. She was in her right mind, and had no desire to throw away her life for a useless cause such as this.

She found it odd to be fighting the halfbloods. They were her people, weren't they? Her father was Elven, though no one but Teslyn's mother knew that. She had kept the girl hidden until she could use her Elven magic to present an illusion of full humanity. And she had kept her hair clipped short, and had often blackened her daughter eyes to keep her out of concubine training. Teslyn had been a beauty, inheriting her Elven fathers angular features and sculpted face, along with her mother's copper curls.

But Teslyn had never thought of running. Only of surviving. And now, now she saw an escape route. There had to be a way, to get to the halfbloods. The siege couldn't last too much longer. It was all Lord Dyran. Lord Berenal (Teslyn's own master) was only listening to the Clan Head. He was a sick man, wasting so many lives for s useless cause. It disgusted Teslyn, but she kept her expression one of grim determination. There was nothing to distinguish her from any other slave out there.

Too damn long. She though. This is goin' on too damn long. The dead and dying were everywhere, and Teslyn did her best to help them. But what could she do? They would die with or without her ministrations. And the few elves that came onto the battlefield ignored the bloodshed.

Teslyn took no notice of them. She didn't give a damn about them, nor they about her. She had to restrain herself from leaping for their throats.

Suddenly, a massive tremor shook the battlefield. Teslyn flung herself to the ground as debris came raining down. She rose her head, peering through the thick smoke. What had happened to Lord Dyran's tent? It was gone, nothing but a smoking crater left. Teslyn rose, curious, and crawled towards the sight.

The explosion had taken out the guards, and a few soldiers near the hill. Some were still alive, but Teslyn ignored them. There were two bodies close to the crater, one inside and one at the edge. They were both Elven, and one was still living. Barely.

Monsters. Teslyn though, glaring down at the dying Elven lord. But something didn't make sense. What had happened? She remembered rumors, about Lord Dyran's son/ Gently, she reached out a mental tendril, and touched the dying Lord's mind.

Demons! It's the lords own son! Teslyn looked around quickly, but no one had approached save for her. The man would die, unless something was done quickly. He was badly burned, and who knew what internal injuries there were? Teslyn knew little of healing, but the little she knew might be enough.

Concentrating, she placed her hands on his chest, and sent what spells she knew into him. Soothing pain, and checking for internal injuries. They were numerous. Teslyn could only aide in the healing of the largest wounds, but she hoped it would be enough. She grabbed the young lord under the arms, and dragged him off, into the woods surrounding the battlefield. Under the smoke, no one noticed....

And now look at us. She shook her head, chuckling. She had healed him, slowly, a little more each passing day. No one had discovered the crude hut she had made, they were too concerned about the treaty with the halfbloods. It had taken him month's to recover, to be able to walk again. But he had. Teslyn hadn't thought he'd make it, even with her healing. And he had removed her collar once he was strong enough...

"I take it the threat was minimal?"

"Aye." Teslyn nodded. "Jes some wild humans, none't to worry about. Ye cooked us some dinner."

"It stood to reason you would be hungry."

"Aye, ya reasoned right." She sat on a log across the fire from Valyn. Rabbit, again. Well, game was scarce at the moment. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. Wild humans? Odd to find them this far away from Elven lands. Were they collared?"

"Nope. Weren't to bright either." She took the meat Valyn offered her, jostling form one hand to the other to cool it down. "I think they were born wild."

"Amazing. That there are still humans living, untouched by elves."

"I would'na call it livin'. Survivin', not livin'. I read their thoughts, an it was little more sense an a childs."

"So I suppose they have been touched by the elves, in a way." Valyn shook his head. "Though one wonders if intelligent humans could live somewhere out there, far beyond the Elven lands. There are rumors, you know."

"Ay, ye've said as much. The grel riders an the rest of them. They could be out here, but how'd we find 'em? We can't even find the halfbloods."

"We've only been traveling a month or so. We probably haven't gone far enough."

"But we have'na found any trace of them. An I don't want'a be traveling come winter."

"This far south I doubt the winter would be harsh. And by that time, we'd be even farther south." Valyn pointed out.

"Perhaps." Teslyn nodded grudgingly. She was getting sick of traveling, for more reasons then one.

"And besides, I'm sure we'll have found them by then."

"I hope so." Teslyn said. "Or some civilization at least."

"Soon enough." Valyn flashed her a smile. "Is my company that poor?"

"It is'na you, and ye know that." Teslyn said, a tad harshly. "I jes don't like travelin', thas all. I'm not used'a this. I've lived me life in a lords manor house, three meals a day an a bed at night. Least you've been muckin' about in the wilderness afore. I have'na."

"You're doing fine." Valyn said, a bit quickly. "You're quite useful. Why, you've caught most of our meals, and you can sense any wild humans long before I can."

"I adapt." Teslyn said, shooting a glare at Valyn. It wasn't that he was useless, exactly, It was just that she thought he could be more useful. He had crafted a crude bow, and used it well enough. And he helped to make shelters, as long as Teslyn told him what to do. But despite everything, he was still an Elven lord.

"Yes." Valyn said, drumming his fingers on his knee. "I can't say I enjoy this that much either. But once we reach the halfbloods, everything will be fine."

"What makes ye so sure they're gonna welcome us with open arms, eh?" Teslyn finally voiced the suspicion she'd been harboring for a few weeks. Valyn looked a bit startled, and he paused a moment before answering.

"Because they will." He said simply. "Look at it logically. I helped them once before, ancestors, I nearly died for them. I gave everything I had for Mero, and more. And you're a halfblood, they can't turn you away."

"They can. They can do whatever they like, ye know. Ye just make sure we can talk to this Shana."

"Well of course." Valyn said, and Teslyn bristled a bit. He could be a bit condescending, and he tended to be more so lately. But the young halfblood forced herself to calm. The journey was wearing on him as well, and his condescending manner was probably his temper showing through.

"It's gettin' dark. We may's well get out the sleepin' mats." Teslyn rose, finishing off her dinner. The sleeping mats were large hides, sewn together and stuffed with grasses. They were actually quite comfortable, as long as the grasses were changed daily.

"Yes, that would be a good idea." Valyn gave her another smile, and set about helping her.


Valyn frowned slightly to himself as he smoothed out his sleeping mat. He knew he was next to useless, but he did what he could. It wasn't his fault, really. Shana hadn't exactly taught him anything when they were traipsing about the wilderness. And though Teslyn had healed most of his wounds, the young Elven lord was still stiff.

He watched Teslyn out of the corner of his eye. She went about her preparations with precision, her movements smooth. But Valyn winced as she turned and his gaze fell on the chaffed scars around her neck, come from years of wearing a heavy slave collar. The scars were an embarrassing reminder of his people, and the atrocities they had committed. And he knew that beneath her tunic there would be scars from the whip. No slave could escape being beaten at least once.

"Ya almos' done there?" Teslyn asked, raking her copper and bronze hair out of her eyes. Valyn gave her a distracted smile and nodded. Almost everything about her said slave, or at least had in the beginning. Her speech, her movements, her manner of dress. In the very beginning, when Valyn had just regained consciousness, she had treated him as a slave would treat a lord. She had bowed to him, and kept her eyes cast down. But soon she lost those affections, and began treating Valyn as an equal. Now, it was almost as through she were the superior.

"Looks like rain, maybe." Teslyn said, sitting on her mat. "Tomorrow, for sure. If'n we can find a cave to wait it out, that'd be good."

"I think there are a few shallow caves a little ways back. We passed them earlier today." Valyn reminded her.

"Aye. We'll 'ave to double back, then." Teslyn yawned, and stretched out on her mat. "We'd better get a good night sleep, then."

"Yes." Valyn agreed, lying down on his own pallet. He listen to Teslyn breathing, deep slow breaths. She was one of the strangest creatures he had ever come across. Tough and hardy, and she reminded him of Shana. But Teslyn had yet to lose her temper, and never one got flustered while speaking to him. In fact, it was sometimes the other way around.

I do believe I am attracted to her. Valyn thought, turning over on his side. He did find her oddly appealing in a way. She was certainly unlike any girl he knew. His own sexual experience was limited to human concubines, ( And Lady Triana, but that was another story altogether...) and they were all silky softness and plump curves. There wasn't a bit of plumpness on Teslyn, and he wouldn't dream of calling her soft. She was whipcord slim, and every muscles taut and toned. Her features were sharp and angular, and she had a hint of the wilds about her.

He attributed most of his attraction to the fact that he owed her his life. She had saved him. He would be dead if not for her. It amazed him, that a slave would risk so much for him, even a halfblood slave. Especially a halfblood slave. She had more of a chance running on her own then dragging him. And they could have been found easily in all the time it took for him to heal.

Also, she was the only other thinking being he had had any contact with for a very long time. Familiarity breeds affinity, and she was female. They had been together so long, it was obvious he'd develop at least base emotions for him. But she certainly had no attraction to him. Valyn was rather certain that half the time she'd rather leave him for the beasts.

And of course, there's little to do to alleviate boredom out here. Teslyn isn't one for conversation. And we sleep as soon as the sun goes down. He turned again, folding his hands beneath his head. His hair was longer than he liked it, and uneven. The only thing they had to cut it with was Teslyn's knife. But the blade worked well enough.

Ancestors, I hope we reach the halfbloods soon. I don't know how much more of this wandering I can take. But he had to admit it wasn't that bad. They ate rather well, and so far had only been caught out in a few storms. And the weather was pleasant. But still, he wanted civilization again. It had been so long...

Zed was the last friendly face I saw. I wonder if they miss me. Or if they even remember me. It's been a year, more maybe. So much is just a blur. Is Shadow mad at me, I wonder, for not telling him. Is he upset, that I never said good-bye? Did he cry for me? Did Shana? Does she still think she loves me, or has she moved on? The questions turned over and over in the young Elven lords mind. But the days traveling had exhausted him, and he fell into an uneasy sleep.


"We're not gonna 'ave bedding t'night." Teslyn said, frowning at the sleeping mats.

"Why not?" Valyn asked, looking up at her expectantly. He was crouched over the small morning fire, idly stirring the tinder with a stick.

"Is gonna rain, there'll be no dry grass to fill the mats with. And besides, they're gonna get wet." She frowned. She did not want to sleep on the floor of a cave.

"Well, I could always use my magic to dry them. It wouldn't take much, you know."

Teslyn narrowed her eyes at Valyn, and pursed her lips. Magic. It would leave a telltale sign.

"Oh, really!" Valyn said, obviously realizing her doubts. "This far out, who will be around to sense it? Anyone who can will be a halfblood, and they're who we're looking for. Besides, we can't afford wet bedding."

"I suppose yer right." Teslyn agreed grudgingly. It hadn't begun to rain yet, but the storm clouds were gathering. "Let's go. I wan'ta be in the cave afore the heavy stuff starts."

They cleaned up their campsite, and pulled the stuffing out of the mats. They were rolled up, and tied for carrying. Teslyn realized they didn't even have to stuff them, they would be fine as they were. At least for her.

The two walked in silence, Valyn apparently sensing Teslyn's rather dark mood. It began to drizzle lightly as soon as they broke camp, and the wetness only added to Teslyn's gloom. The halfblood was growing tired, and was harboring doubts about this Citadel. The other halfbloods didn't have to take them in. They would turn them out, or kill them. Teslyn was not looking forward to that at all.

"There." Valyn pointed to the left, and sure enough there was a cave. Teslyn nodded, saying nothing. She changed direction, and headed into the cave, Valyn on her heels.

"S'good enough." She said, sitting down. It was not a deep cave, but both Valyn and Teslyn could stand up without crouching, and it kept out the rain. Luckily, she had through to bring some firewood. It began to pour a few moments after they entered the cave, and Teslyn was thankful. She untied her mat, and spread it out. The cave kept out the rain, but not the cold that came with it. The halfblood immediately started a fire, while Valyn settled his mat.

"It's better then being out in the rain." Valyn said, shuddering slightly. Teslyn raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. She knew when Valyn had first run, the weather had been bad. But Valyn didn't talk much about that time, and Teslyn didn't ask.

"S'cold." Teslyn said, wrapping her one blanket around her. She curled up next to the fire, frowning.

"Yes." Valyn said. He too was wrapped in his blanket. "Oddly cold for this time of year. You're wet. Being wet and cold is a sure way to get ill."

"Well, there isna much I can do about it." Teslyn said, slightly resenting the comment.

"I could dry you with magic. Unless you protested?"

"Go 'head." Teslyn said, and she 'heard' him begin. Soon, she was dryer, but still cold. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." He gave her one of his insufferable grins. He always seemed so proud of himself whenever he did anything. "But you're still shivering. I must admit, I'm rather chilled myself. Perhaps if we shared body heat, it would be better...?" He arched an eyebrow at her, and Teslyn glared at him. It was a good idea, she supposed. Reluctantly, she dragged her mat over next to Valyn's, and sat down.

"I suppose, since there's nothing else to do, we should sleep."

"Humph." Teslyn said, but followed his example and lied down. She lay there stiffly, feeling awkward. It was warmer, but uncomfortable. She tried her best not to touch him, to keep herself separate.

It's too bad he's Elven. She thought to herself. He's damn handsome. I wouldn't mind warming up with him at all. But he was an Elven lord, and certainly wanted nothing to do with her. He was always so condescending to her, but then again, it came with the breed. She closed her eyes, and forgetting herself, moved closer to him. She was pressed against his side, and he was warm. Content, Teslyn drifted off to sleep.


Valyn awoke, painfully aware of the shifting that had occurred while he and Teslyn had slept. She was curled tightly to his side, and his arm had fallen nonchalantly across her side. The Elven lord stiffened immediately, his breath catching in his throat. From the halfblood girls slow breathing, he could tell she still slept. If he shifted, it would surely wake her. But if she woke, and he was awake and practically embracing her...

This simply will not do. Valyn slowly, slowly, drew his arm over her, hopping to roll away before she awoke. Unfortunately, he felt her stiffen as his hand slid over her waist. Valyn froze, not knowing what to do.

"What'ya doin'?" Teslyn asked, her voice muzzy with sleep.

"Er...I was removing my hand from your person." Valyn said, flushing slightly. "It seems were changed positions in sleep, and ended up in a slightly awkward position."

"Oh." She remained where she was, and Valyn glanced down at her. Her eyes were still closed, and her breathing still deep. Obviously she had no desire to wake up fully.

"I'll just...yes..." Valyn said, retrieving his hand. Teslyn made a noise, but Valyn had no idea how to interpret it. The Elven lord drew himself slightly away from her, relaxing as he did so.

"Yer that disgusted by me, eh?" Teslyn said after a moments silence. Valyn was taken aback. Not sure she had actually said what he thought.

"Pardon?" He asked, sitting up. Teslyn opened her eyes, and sat up as well, drawing the blanket up around her. She regarded him with inquisitive eyes, more curious then angry.

"I said are ye that disgusted by me? Ye don't even want to touch me?" She cocked her head, her coppery bronze hair falling around her cheeks ina tumble of uneven curls. They fell down her neck, to where her tunic had slipped off her shoulder, leaving it bare. Her wide green eyes were bright in the remaining flickers of the fire, and she looked very much like a spirit of the woods.

"I...I... Well, what gave you that idea?" Valyn finally asked.

"The way ye went all stiff, when you realized ye were touchin' me. And then ya rolled away." She shrugged, and Valyn was suddenly struck with how attractive she looked, how rugged and unpolished and real. She was a fighter, born and bred as one. There was fire in her spirit, but not the sharp biting fire like Shana had had. Teslyn was unbridled flame, chaotic and smoldering, flaring and sinking and unpredictable. Valyn suddenly had an image of her as an uncut emerald, bright and rough and beautiful, with fire in her center.

"I simply didn't want to offend you. It hardly would have looked proper, waking up with my arm around you." He said, trying to hide his true reasons for panic.

"Thas all then?" Teslyn asked. "Ye don' think I'm sum sorta animal?"

"Of course not! Teslyn, I would of thought by now you'd know how I think of you." Well, sort of. "I am well aware you are my equal in most things, and my better in some."

"Ye jes never can tell wit you Elven types." Teslyn said, shrugging again.

"You know you could simply look inside of my mind if you wished." Valyn said. "I've kept my thoughts open."

"I ken. But's not polite."

"Yes, well." Valyn was actually thankful she hadn't. He felt it odd, how things were this time around. The last time he was running through the wilderness with a young female halfblood, trying to find the Citadel, he had been the desired. Now he found himself longing after someone unattainable, and the situation amused him slightly. Would Shana find it amusing? Or Shadow? Could he tell them someday, sitting in camaraderie around a fire?

Strangely, he doubted it. He had never been able to really share with Shadow, no matter how much he wanted to. Ancestors, he probably told more to Teslyn then he ever had to Shadow, and that was purely out of boredom. Of course, his relationship with Teslyn was far different then his relationship with anyone else. She had seen him at his worst first. And she'd never seen him at his best.

"Asides," Teslyn continued. "S'not right, me bein' able to look inta yer head when ye can't look inta mine."

"Well, I suppose you could simply tell me." Valyn said. "If it really meant that much to you." He wondered why he was pushing the subject. It was almost as if he wanted her to know how he felt. Well, it would make things easier, for one. He certainly didn't love her, but he was at least physically attached to her. And he'd never be able to put that into words. And sometimes it was better to put all the cards on the table...

"I could." Teslyn said warily. "Ye givin me invitation?"

"Maybe... But first, tell me what you think of me." Valyn said it with the air of one making an important decision. He was aware of the way he said it, as if he were commanding her to. He winced, but didn't take the words back.

"Honest 'pinion? O'course, that's comin' offa you like heat. A'right. Yer a bit of a toff, high an' mighty an' the like. Ye don' ken much about living off'a the land, but neither do I. Yer too damn handsome fer yer own good, an yer a bit o a scatter brain." The halfblood shrugged, and Valyn swallowed. "But yer a good man, wit a good 'eart. An ye try yer best. Ye canna help the way ye were raised."

"Oh." The Elven lord was taken aback. He wasn't used to such brutal honesty. A toff? He wasn't even sure what that meant. High and mighty, well he could see that. But like she had said, he couldn't help how he was raised. Scatter brained! Not in the least. Too handsome for his own good... "You think I'm handsome?"

"Och!" Teslyn threw up her hands. "An such a man!"

"Well, it wasn't something I expected you to say, that's all." Valyn said, a bit indignantly.

"Aye, I think yer handsome. But I also think yer a toff."

" that bad?" Valyn asked, and Teslyn rolled her eyes.

"Jes means yer spoiled an the like. All ruffles an' silk small clothes an' usin' big words."

"I...well...." Valyn didn't know really what to say. He wasn't spoiled, he was just used to... He just always had... "From you're point of view." He finally said.

"Aye, an' every one else's who isna lord." Teslyn said, her eyes gleaming. "Oh aye, I can jes see ya afore the war. All dressed in velvet dress coats wit loads a 'broidery, all gold up an' down yer sleeves. An lace, I bet." She grinned, even as Valyn closed his eyes in mock horror. She tossed her head, her voice taking on an amused, teasing tone. "An I bet yer undershirts were silk, white as an alicorn and lace at the collar. Fine lace, pro'bly made by magic, 'cause no woman's needle was fine 'nough. And silk breeches so tight ye could see all a yer assets. Canna see how a man can walk in those, but I bet all them fine Elven ladies enjoyed it."

"That's enough." Valyn said, though he could feel himself flushing. Teslyn only laughed, her green eyes sparkling.

"Oh, an ye'd go to yer fancy dances, an they'd all line up to take a turn it ya. And some of the bolder lass' would invite ya out to the garden, would'n they?" She raised her eyebrow suggestively, and Valyn finally rose to defend himself.

"But I never went."

"O'course not. Didna want to spoil their honor, I bet. Not right to take a girl, les yer married, aye? I bet yer a virgin, ain't ya?" She grinned as though she had discovered some sort of treasure, and Valyn drew himself up.

"I am not a virgin, I assure you!" Not really. He had visited the harem a few times. Well, once or twice. And there'd been Triana....

"I find that 'ard to believe."

"Well, it's true. My father did keep concubines, you know."

"That doesn'a count." Teslyn said, waving it away. "Thas they're job. D'ya think they'd want to go ta yer bed, if they wasna conditioned and collared?"

"Well..." Valyn faltered. The thought had never occurred to him. "Probably..."

"But ya don't know. It doesn'a count les ye've lain with someone who really wanted ya."

"And I suppose you know all about it?" Valyn asked, deciding to give a bit of what he'd been taking.

"Aye, I do." Teslyn said. The woman had no decency! But Valyn had to admit he was enjoying the exchange. "I've had my share o'men, and all of'em of their own accord."

"That's not something to be proud of."

"An why not? Why should'n I be proud that I'm pretty, and men want to sleep wit me?"

"Because...because you're a woman." It was the only defense Valyn could think of, and he knew it was a poor one even as the words left his mouth.

"Val'n, if women didna enjoy sex as much as men did, men would only have 'em through rape."

"It was all I could come up with, under your viscous slander." Valyn said, running a hand through his hair.

"O'course, maybe it's different fer elves." Teslyn continued. "I wouldn'a know, I've never lain with one."

"I can assure you, we fornicate in the same manner as humans or halfbloods." Valyn said, shaking his head at the ludicrousness of the conversation.

"An I'm supposed to take yer word for it?" Teslyn said, tilting her head.

"Well, you don't have to but since you've no experience for yourself, and you've no one else to ask, my word is all you have." A sudden though occurred to Valyn. Had she been inside his thoughts yet? Well, even if she hadn't... "Of course, first hand experience is the best teacher, or so I've been told."

"Oh aye. S'better to do sommat yerself, then jes trust someone else to tell ya." Teslyn said, nodding sagely. "But where'm I gonna find an Elven lord to lie with me, out here in the wilds?" She gave him a sly look from beneath lowered eyelids. Valyn leaned forward slightly, his voice taking on a conspiratorial tone.

"Oh, I think you'll manage..".


Teslyn lay on her back, bathed in a fine sheen of sweat. Well, she certainly wasn't cold anymore.

Pleasant way to spend an evening, or night, or whatever time of day it is. The rain made it hard to tell, but it was sufficiently dark out. She hadn't expected to end up rolling around the floor of a cave with Valyn, but she wasn't complaining.

"When do you think the rain will let up?"

"Eh?" Teslyn sat up, wrapping the blanket around her torso. "Oh, the rain. I could'na say. With luck, it'll be gone by tomorrow." She had to smile. For all of his outward calm and stoicism, her Elven companion was a turmoil of emotions inside. Teslyn didn't even have to conciously tocuh on them to feel them. And of course intimacy always enhanced her metnal powers.

"We can really only hope. Not that a I wouldn't mind another delay, but i'd rather delay in a warm bed then a cold stone floor."

"Spoiled, ey are." Teslyn said, wrapping her arms around him from behind. Physical contact felt good, solid.

"Sorry for preferring comfort."

"Ye should be. Take what ye can get, aye."

"It's funny, isn't it?" He asked, and Teslyn tilted her head, resting her chin on his shoulder.


"Us. For months I swore you hated me, and now look at us."

"Thas 'cause yer a stupid man." Teslyn said. "No offense, but all men'er stupid. Lest when it comes to women."

"Not stupid just...inattentive." Valyn amended. "And we misinterpret."

"Aye, an that's cause yer stupid. Ye either think with yer heart or with yer cock, never with yer head."

"I believe I'm forced to agree with you there."

Teslyn sighed. It was true, at least from what she'd seen. It amazed her that in the Elven culture, men were dominant. The women could control them if they wanted to. But they were so wrapped up in society and tradition, it never occurred to them.

"Thas why women're so smart. We 'ardly ever think with anything other'n our heads. 'Cept sometimes with'n our hearts."

"Which is why it takes both to make the species." Valyn said. "Well, I suppose we should see what foodstuffs we have on us. I must say I'm quite a bit hungry."


They spent the night in the cave, and in the morning, though the world was damp, the rain had stopped. Teslyn and Valyn rose and dressed in silence, though it was companionable rather then strained. They set off, using the sun to set their course. It didn't take long to recover the ground they had lost, and strike out into new land.

The traveled for another week at least, and saw no sign of wild humans or anything else. The most intelligent form of life they encountered were grazing beasts, and once an alicorn. But the landscape changed slightly, even in one week of travel.

"It seems to be getting dryer." Valyn commented, noticing how the grasses here were more brownish yellow then green. And the air had a dry warmth, rather then humid.

"I know what ya mean." Teslyn agreed. "Ye were right 'bout the climate, then."

"I didn't doubt it." He shook his head. Of course he knew that it would be dryer. I might be toff, but I'm an educated one.

"I 'eard that." Teslyn said, and Valyn flushed. He was learning she could pick up sub-vocalizations without even trying. He would have to think quieter.

"Well, it's true. I may not have that much real life experience, but I have plenty of book learning. Geography, topography, climatology..."

"Now yer jes making things up." Teslyn accused, and Valyn bristled.

"Simply because you're lacking an education doesn't mean you can't listen to sense."

"Wha're ye getting so upset about?" Teslyn asked, turning on him. Valyn regretted snapping immediately.

"I'm sorry. I'm just at the end of my rope, that's all." He gave her what he hoped was a dazzling smile. Women would usually forgive him if he smiled.

"Aye, I understand." She said, giving him a half grin. Valyn sighed with relief. Teslyn turned, and stopped, holding up her hand.

"What?" Valyn asked, clutching his crude wooden bow.

"I'm not sure." Her face scrunched up, and she was silent for a moment. "S'people. Lot's o'em. An I canna read their thoughts. It's halfbloods." Her eyes went wide, and she looked expectantly to Valyn.

"Are you certain?" He asked, not wanting to get his hopes up. After so long...

"Now who isna listening to sense?"

"Sorry." He apologized, and Teslyn continue on, looking in all directions as if she expected halfbloods to leap out of the bushes.

Could we really be almost there? Will I be recognized? Or will they even give me a chance to explain... Suddenly, Teslyn's irrational fears didn't seem so irrational. Valyn remembered his first meeting with Shana, and the crossbow she had leveled at him and Shadow.

"There's on jes up ahead o'us." Teslyn whispered. "I think I've been sensed. I havena been too careful."

"That's all right." The Elven lord drew himself up, grimacing. They were both dirty and scrawny, and looked a mess. They both stood, waiting for the halfblood to find them.

Soon, Valyn could hear the faint movements of someone coming through the underbrush towards them. He still gripped his bow, just in case. He doubted it would do any good, especially against a halfblood, but it was all he had.

"Stay right where you are."

Valyn tensed, and saw Teslyn do the same. The speaker was so close, but still hidden by foliage.

"S'now or never." He heard Teslyn whisper, and he gave her a reassuring smile.

"We're friends, not foes." Valyn called out, thanking his training that kept his voice forever an even, calm tone.

"I'll be the judge of that. Lower your weapons."

Valyn slowly set the bow down, and saw Teslyn putting down her knife, reluctantly. He didn't blame her. Only then did the speaker reveal herself, for it was a woman.

"Shana..." Valyn breathed. She had changed so much, and so little! Her hair, the same fiery red as ever, but so long and full now, and brushed soft and strait. Her skin bronzed, her eyes wary, and her manner so mature! But her tunic dragon skin, and the set of her shoulders just a bit petulant.

He couldn't breathe, couldn't speak, could only stare at her. He unconsciously raked the hair out of his face and gave her a hesitant smile...

"Valyn....?" Her voice was querulous and confused, as if she didn't believe her own words. " are you?"

"I hate to shatter your illusions, but your first guess was accurate." Valyn said, feeling as though he had the upper hand. It was childish, he knew, but he felt better knowing he as in control of a situation. He had been expecting to see Shana, whereas she was taken completely off guard.

"But how...?" She asked, and her stance changed completely. Her shoulders sank, and her eyes widened.

"A rather unusual situation, actually. I hate to impose, but is there somewhere perhaps we could...."

"Fire and rain, it is you!" Shana cried, flinging herself forcefully into Valyn's arms. He caught her awkwardly, tensing at the contact.

Well, she certainly remembers me.

"I said it was..." Valyn responded, holding Shana to him. He hadn't expected such a welcome. He felt something warm and wet on his neck, and realized Shana was crying. "Shana, it's all right." He said, clasping her shoulders and holding her a little ways away from him. "It's all right."

"Where have you been?" Shana demanded, grinning through her tears.

"Looking for you! It wasn't exactly easy."

"But how did you survive...?"

"Teslyn." He said, nodding his head to the halfblood girl. Teslyn was shrinking back, holding her small pack to her.

"Oh, damn, it's good to have you back!"


Teslyn remained silent and in the shadows during the reunion. These weren't her family and friends. But she felt a twinge of jealousy at everyone who hugged Valyn, or burst into tears on his shoulder. He seemed flustered as well, but for different reasons. Over and over he related the story of how he survived, a sketchy version of it that left out much.

She allowed her self to be herded along, and stayed mostly in a corner in the big hall they ended up in. Valyn was the center of attention, of course. He was the hero, back from the dead. Teslyn was just another halfblood. She half-thought most of them didn't even know she had just arrived.


Someone said her name, hesitantly, as if they weren't sure it was right. The girl turned, and saw a slim black haired halfblood standing behind her. He had been one of the ones who cried. Now he stood, shuffling his feet and glancing at the floor.

"Aye?" She said, raising an eyebrow. She couldn't keep the wariness out of her voice.

"If you really saved Valyn, I owe you so much..."

"Leave off it." Teslyn said, shrugging. "Ye don't owe me nothin. No one does, save fer Val'n 'imself."

"No, I..." But obviously he saw something in her eyes or her stance, and stopped, nodding and hurrying away. Teslyn leaned against the wall, tapping her fingers on the smooth stone. She didn't pay much attention to what was going on, and actually dozed off until a touch on her elbow woke her.

"Teslyn? Are you all right? You're nearly collapsing on your feet. Are you ill?"

"Och, Val'n. No, jes bored. Is all the fuss done with, then?"

"Yes, mostly. We can finally clean up." He gave her a smile, and Teslyn rolled her eyes. "Luckily they've rooms to share. Shana will take care of you..."

"Separate rooms then?" Teslyn said, titling her head. Of course she knew as soon as they got back among people he would lose interest. But it still hurt a little.

"Well, yes. I haven't really had an opportunity to mention anything about us."

"What us?"

"Well, I mean, I had only assumed...I mean, you're not obligated to..." He trailed off, and tried again. "Whatever you want to do?"

"I want ta get clean an fed. Everything else can wait, far as I'm concerned."

"Right then." Valyn nodded, and flashed her a grin. "Everything will be fine, you'll see." He squeezed her hand, and then looked beyond her, waving someone over. Teslyn turned, and saw Shana.

"I found her. She was hiding." Valyn passed Teslyn's hand to Shana, and the other girl took it with a smile. Teslyn gave her a nod, and went with her, not speaking.

"Don't worry about anything." Shana was saying. "You're welcome here, I hope you know. You really survived for over ten years while collared? That's amazing. And I though I was lucky for surviving a few months."

"I wasna hard, once I'd broken the spells on the collar." Teslyn shrugged. Shana took her to what was basically another cave. But this one had a deep sunken pool of steaming water.

"I sent Jaena for some food and clothes for you, she'll be here soon. Now let's get you clean." Shana gave her a warm smile, and Teslyn returned it with a small quirk of her lips. She stripped out of her grimy hide tunic and trews, and sank gratefully into the warm water. The best she'd had was cold water, usually in the form of a pond or stream. Hot water was a blessing.

"Och, that fells good." Teslyn said, dipping her hair under the water, and brushing it back.

"We have soap to." Shana said, smiling to let Teslyn know it was a joke. "Here. I'd guess you haven't been clean in months."

"More'n a year." Teslyn said, washing away the grime and grit thankfully. "Now I know what Val'n meant about not seeing each other et our bests."

"Trekking through wilderness will bring out the worst." Shana said. Just then, another halfblood girl entered, her arms full of cloth and some bread and cheese. She handed them to Shana and left.

"These should fit you. I can't remember what it's like to be that dirty. I don't really want to either."

"I donna blame ye." Teslyn rinsed her hair, and was reluctant to leave the steaming water. But clean clothes and food were even more tempting, and she dredged herself out and dressed, with some help from Shana.

"Is a dress." Teslyn said, looking down at herself.

"Well, it was all Jaena could come up with so quickly." Shana said. shrugging. "It looks nice, I guess. I don't really know about these things."

"Neither do I. Doesn't matter how it looks on me, it's clean." She smoothed the dark green fabric over her hips, and wrinkled her nose. "I've never worn a dress afore."

"What were you?"

"Eh? Oh, when I was a slave. A fighter. I shoulda been a concubine, but me ma kept my face bruised to keep me outa the harem. She knew what I was."

"Oh. exactly did you and Valyn end up together? He never did explain that."

"I was part o the last siege against ye." Teslyn said, not hiding the fact she had fought against them. "I was on the field when Val'n went after his father. I found 'im, nearly dead. I was gonna kill 'im, revenge against the lords an all that. But then I touched his mind. I dragged 'im off, and healed him best I could. But it was months afore he could walk. Then we started looking fer ye."

"You were part of the Second Wizard War, on the Elves side?' Shana asked.

"Aye. I didna have much of a choice, did I?" She shrugged, and finished off the hunk of cheese she was eating. "It was either fight or die on the end of an Elven sword. An it wasna much of a fight, really."

"I never even though that there could be halfbloods among the fighters..."

"Donna worry about it." Teslyn said, yawning. "If'en ye don't mind, I'm right tired."

"Oh, right. Oh, but Valyn wanted to see you again. Come on." Shana rose, brushing crumbs off of her pants. Teslyn nodded and followed her, not paying much attention to where she was going.

"Well, I guessed right when I thought you'd clean up well." Valyn said, when Shana and Teslyn entered.

"Ye still look like a toff." Teslyn said, though she was a bit taken aback. Valyn looked much better clean, and he knew it. Damn, but Teslyn hated the man as much as she liked him.

"I'm humbled by your praise. Teslyn, I'd like you to meet my cousin, Mero." Valyn indicated the man sitting beside him on the bed, the same man who had approached Teslyn before.

"Aye, we've met." Teslyn said, nodding to Mero. "But hello to ye, jes the same."

"Hello." Mero bobbed his head.

"Shana said ye wanted to see me?" Teslyn said, getting strait to the point.

"Oh yes, I wanted to speak to you about delays." Valyn gave her one of his insufferable smiles, and Teslyn raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, aye. Ye'd mentioned something afore, to?" Teslyn shook her head. "I was thinkin' 'bout more important things."

"Of course. Mero, Shana, if you'll excuse us? I would like to speak with Teslyn, and then turn in for the night."

"Should I wait?" Shana asked. "I don't think Teslyn can find her way to her room..."

"She'll be fine." Valyn said, slightly firmly. Mero rose, clasping Valyn's hand before taking Shana by the arm and leading her out.


"Come here." Valyn said, holding his hands out to Teslyn. She really was stunning in the dark green wool dress she had found. Her hair was drying into soft curls about her cheeks, and her skin seemed to glow.

"So what're we gonna do?" She asked, taking his hands. It was a question that had been plaguing Valyn for a while now. He had assumed that his feelings for her were base, and physical. But now he was realizing that was not true.

What feelings he had for her went deeper, on an emotional level. He wasn't sure if it was love, but it was certainly something. He had talked about it briefly with Mero, but there had been so much else to talk about.

"Well, I was reminded of something today." Valyn said. He had formed a plan, and he hoped Teslyn agreed to it. "Last year, when Mero and I first met up with Shana, we wanted to tie ourselves to her. I suggested a hand fasting, between her and Mero. But she pointed out it would be more beneficial to directly tie an halfblood with an Elven lord."

"Aye, I can see that." Teslyn agreed.

"Well, I felt at the time that Shana hand fasting to Mero was more beneficial. I think perhaps I was wrong."

"Well, ye are a man. Men are wrong a lot."

"Yes well, I thought perhaps I should remedy that mistake."

"Aye?" Teslyn raised an eyebrow, and Valyn continued.

"I'd like to take you in hand fasting, if you'd have me. This is all new for me as well. Perhaps, we can face I together?" He looked into her eyes hopefully. Please Teslyn, say yes. I'm not sure, but I think I love you, and I know I can grow to love you. I need you, now more then ever. So much has changed, and it's changed without me. Everything but you.

"Aye, I'll have ye." Teslyn said, pressing her forehead to his. "What did ye think I'd say, e great toff?"

The End