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These are just things I noticed while reading the books. I know no writer is flawless, believe me. I've caught myself making some darn stupid mistakes myself, but I just felt like pointing these things out. They just didn't gel with me.

The biggest one I found (for me) was the whole Sheyrena/Shana thing. Sat the time that happened Rena was thirteen. Then, a year and a half later, she meets Mero. I would have put her age then at around sixteen, but that just isn't possible with the time line of the books.

Also, it states that Shana looks into Lady Viridin's mind. Wouldn't she know about Lorryn? Obviously those thoughts and memories would be in there, especialy since Shana did some serious poking in there. I like how everything ties in, but I just think there were a few loose ends there.

Whatever happened to Rovylern? He was a major part in the first book, especially with Myre. They were inseperable. Then, when Myre hatches her big scheme in the sequel, he's nowhere to be found.

Keman knew Valyn and Shana were siblings. Why didn't he ever say anything? I understand Valyn's reasoning, but Keman was well aware of what was going on. And I'm sure Mero had a good idea as well.

In the first book, Mero is Valyn's cousin. In the second, they're always reffered to as brothers. And it changes from the heri being an el lord, to being an er-lord.

Near the end of the Elvenbane, after Shana has brought everyone into the Citadel, Shana, Keman, Mero, Valyn and Zed are all in her rooms. Then Denelor comes in. He lets everyone know he knows Valyn's elven. Zed is there before Denelor comes in, and after Denelor calls attention to Valyn's heritage. But then, when Valyn's sneaking out of the Citadel, Zed doesn't know! He was right there when Denelor made a point of it!

Once the halfbloods have retreated to the old human fortress, it is said that the elves found the Citadel. Then, in Elvenblood, the elves haven't found the Citadel. Well, which is it?

Just thought I'd point out a few things that were bugging me. If you noticed anything else, let me know. I'll add it and credit you if you'd like.