"I'll Be Up All Night"

Title: "I'll Be Up All Night"
Author: Emony (ro_laren@my-deja.com)
Series: DS9 (first season, shortly after the events of "Dax")
Rating: NC-17 (explicit sexual content)
Characters: J/J
Summary: After Dax's extradition hearing, Jadzia contemplates love and a previous host, while Julian decides to make another attempt at charming her.

*Disclaimer: The characters and settings contained herein are the property of Paramount. The author does not intend to infringe, only to pay tribute. No profit will be made by posting this story.

*This story contains explicit sexual content, is intended for adults only, and should not be read by anyone under the age of 18


Jadzia sat alone in the Replimat, with her third cup of raktajino. She was once again thinking of the extradition hearing, of the way Enina Tandro came forward to save her from execution. Although Jadzia herself had nothing to do with the affair, she felt Curzon's love for Enina as if it were her own. That is why she felt bound by Curzon's vow to keep their tryst a secret, despite the consequences.

She was now contemplating whether Curzon would have approved of Enina's confession, since he had worked so hard to preserve her reputation. Having trained under Curzon before joining, Jadzia had not found him to be particularly caring or sensitive. Now, however, she understood Curzon as he really was; the face behind the facade. Would he have wanted this?

During the hearing, Jadzia had found it difficult to detach herself emotionally from these memories of Curzon's, and she couldn't help but go over them again now.

Julian watched Lt. Dax from a table across the Replimat. She was now beginning her fourth raktajino, and seemed oblivious to everything else around her. He was debating whether to go over and make an attempt at conversation. She did not appear to be in the mood for small talk, and in light of Julian, failed rescue attempt, he felt a little deflated where her opinion of her was concerned. His reluctant testimony against her at the hearing didn't help matters. On the other hand, she looked as though she might be in need of a friend, and he wanted very much to become one to her.

Julian was aware that he had acquired somewhat of a reputation as a womanizer on the station, although his attempts at charm usually ended in interruption or failure. His encounter with Dax days ago had proven to be no exception, and his perseverance had earned him little more than a concussion and a bruised ego. Julian knew he should simply give up and find some other avenue of study. Yet try as he might, he could not take his eyes off the preoccupied woman, unaware of his attentions, sipping Klingon coffee on the other side of the Replimat.

"I thought you said that raktajino keeps you up all night, Lieutenant."

Jadzia looked up, startled out of her reverie, to see the smiling face of Dr. Bashir. "I'm sorry, Doctor, I was daydreaming, I didn't see you coming," she said hastily, then added, "I wasn't aware that I had an audience."

"I was simply passing by, and when I saw you sitting alone I thought I might join you," Bashir replied, some of the swagger gone from his smile. "May I?"

"Of course, Doctor, have a seat. Raktajino?" Jadzia wasn't really in the mood for company, but she did want to thank the doctor for his efforts to help her when the Klaestrons were abducting her.

"Thank you, no. I may have a redleaf tea in a few minutes," Bashir replied. A moment of uncomfortable silence followed. "If I've interrupted you at all, Lieutenant, I can . . ." he began.

"No, Dr. Bashir, I'm sorry. I just have a lot on my mind right now, that's all," Jadzia said, looking at Bashir and seeing the man who'd tried to come to her rescue, the clumsy "womanizer" who she'd coyly avoided just moments before the incident. If he hadn't followed, she might have already been executed on Klaestron IV. "In fact, I've been meaning to talk to you."

"Please, Lt. Dax, call me Julian," he offered, surprised by Dax's statement, and hoping that she wasn't about to berate him. "What's the matter?"

She gave a small smile, and said, "Nothing's the matter, Julian. I'd prefer Jadzia, likewise. It's about the other day . . ."

Julian flushed, and began apologetically, "If you mean my testimony at the hearing, I was under oath, and backed into a corner, and . . ."

"No, Julian," Dax interrupted, "let me finish. I'm trying to thank you. You saved my life."

Julian gave a surprised chuckle, and was further surprised to see that Dax was serious. "I did no such thing, Jadzia. I tried to be heroic, but succeeded in doing little more than making your abductors even angrier."

"Don't be so modest, Doctor," Dax insisted, "If you hadn't notified Commander Sisko when you did, there would have been no extradition hearing on the station, and I would have been tried and executed before the truth could come out. And I know how hard you tried with your testimony, as well. You really stuck your neck out for me. Thank you," Dax finished, at last putting a hand on Julian's.

He was stunned for a moment, both by Dax's heartfelt sentiment and by his sudden and vivid awareness of her touch. This was going far better than he had hoped; perhaps he had a chance with Jadzia Dax after all. Julian realized at once that he was in danger of falling in love with this woman, indeed he had surprised even himself with his uncharacteristic act of bravery when he saw she was in danger.

"I assure you, that was a complete accident," Bashir said, "I was happening by when I came upon the situation. I acted as anyone else would have."

Jadzia smiled at his bashful modesty. She also couldn't help but notice the change in his expression when she held his hand. She did not remove it. "Still," she said, "I appreciate the risk you took. I've done nothing to earn it." She felt a pang of regret about the way she'd rebuffed his attempt to charm her, almost forgotten among her thoughts of Curzon and his past.

"Jadzia," Bashir said, sounding a bit breathless, "you don't have to earn anything . . . I only wish I could have done more."

"I'll tell you what, Julian," Jadzia said, amused despite herself at his shift in behavior, "why don't I take you up on that offer to walk me to my quarters?"

"Sure," Bashir stammered, then stood up and replaced his swaggering grin, "I'd be happy to." He pulled out Dax's seat and gestured toward the Promenade. "Ladies first," he said, still grinning.

Jadzia nodded and began walking, slowly enough to continue their talk. She was beginning to think that she felt like company after all.

"So tell me, Jadzia, what was it that you were daydreaming about before I interrupted?" Julian asked as they neared the turbolift, hoping he wasn't overstepping his bounds.

"Habitat Ring," she said, once inside. "I was thinking about Curzon, actually, about how hard he tried to protect the reputations of his friend and his lover. He would have died protecting them."

"You nearly did just that," Julian said, following her off the lift and down the corridor. "Why?"

She hesitated before answering, and Julian worried that he'd offended her. He did not think that he would ever get up the courage to approach Dax again if she rebuked him now. But she spoke, and when she did they were right outside her door. "Love is a very powerful thing, Julian. When you fall in love, a part of you remains that way forever. It even survives bodily death," she stopped then, and laughed to herself. "I sound like an Earth romance novel. Would you like to come in?"

Julian stared incredulously. "Are you sure? I mean, it's late, I shouldn't . . ." She stepped inside and pulled him along by the arm.

"I've had too much raktajino," she said, "I'll be up all night."

Julian sat down on Jadzia's sofa. She went to the replicator and brought two redleaf teas before joining him. "I didn't know you liked this stuff," he said, taking a sip of the warm beverage and enjoying the scent of her perfume in her quarters.

"I don't know if I do, I've never tried it," she replied. She took a sip, then spit it back, laughing. "This is awful!" she cried, still laughing. "You have strange taste."

Julian took her hand and again became instantly aware of the impact of her touch. He hardly believed that he had the guts to do this. "Actually, Jadzia, I think you'll find I have marvelous taste," he said softly. He kissed her, just as softly. She raised her hand to cup his face. She returned his kiss, passionately.

Jadzia stood suddenly. "Let's move into my bedroom," she said, a little breathless herself now.

Julian stood slowly to join her, grasping her hand and whispering urgently, "Are you certain this is what you want to do?" She grinned at that; always the gentleman, she thought as she led him to her bed.

"I think you'll find that I, too, have marvelous taste, Doctor," she said, and kissed him again. They stood a moment, embracing, and Jadzia felt every part of him, in high definition, pressed against her. This started the blood flowing to her own vital organs. She pushed Julian gently to sit on the edge of the bed, and began to undress.

Julian watched, mesmerized, as Jadzia undressed for him. First, she bent to take off her shoes, then pulled his off as well. She unzipped her jacket and let it fall to the floor, comm badge and all, revealing her tight, sleeveless turtleneck with nipples just visible beneath the gray fabric. He unzipped his own jacket, and pulled it off, tossing it on the floor next to hers. He was aware that he was very hard, and this would be obvious to even the most casual observer. Certainly Jadzia had noticed.

He stood and pressed herself against her once more, her body firm and tight, her skin hot to the touch. He couldn't hold himself back from kissing her, and she matched his passion. He reached behind her to unzip her jumpsuit, and she did the same for him. Together their clothes fell to their feet. Julian stepped back to arm's length to admire her, now in only her bra and underwear, both black with no frills, but sexy nonetheless. Her spots stood out in high contrast against her milky skin.

She ran her hands over his chest, his abs, his bulge. "You've been working out," she giggled, reaching into his black boxers to liberate him.

"I do my best," he managed, then fell back onto the bed.

Julian was naked now on her bed, and Jadzia left him there for a moment while she unbound her hair. She tossed her head a little, and her long brown hair tumbled over her shoulders in a shining waterfall. She reached behind her with one arm, expertly unhooking her bra and tossing it aside. Her full, pert breasts stood out toward Julian, still heaving with anticipation on the bed. At last, she pulled off her underwear, revealing her neatly trimmed bush. She joined him on the bed, and he quickly rolled onto her.

Julian kissed her fervently, his gentle, surgeon's hands running over her supple breasts, his fingertips dusting over her pink nipples, which responded instantly. As he manipulated her sensitive nipples, Jadzia began to squirm, bucking up against him in involuntary anticipation. He kissed her neck, ran his tongue around her ear, moved his hand painfully slowly from her breast to her mound, fingers dancing over her labia and her clit, feeling how wet she was and teasing her endlessly.

Jadzia was whimpering, trying to press herself against his fingers that moved deftly around her pussy while his tongue swirled around her nipple. Finally, he pushed his fingers into her, and she gasped in relief. He moved them in and out, still so agonizingly slowly, and manipulated her clit with his thumb. She could feel the beginnings of an orgasm when he stopped, abruptly, infuriating her.

Jadzia pushed Julian off of her, then was instantly on him, tongue running over his neck, breasts brushing his chest, wet labia rubbing his large, genetically engineered cock, without letting him inside. She slid downward, straddling his legs, gripping his throbbing member in both hands before licking and sucking at the head. He was lubricating, she was tasting him. Her hair splayed over his torso as she sucked him, feeling like silk threads. Julian groaned, quietly, as his own orgasm crept up in his balls. Then, she stopped.

She waited just a moment, savoring the pleading look of frustration in his eyes, before she gave in to their momentum and lowered herself down onto his cock, guiding it in with her fingers. She was incredibly tight, just like the rest of her body, and Julian grunted as she clenched him with her muscular vaginal walls. She began to rock slowly back and forth, her lips never leaving his, tongue swirling madly around his mouth.

Almost immediately Jadzia felt her orgasm build up once again, the tension building unbearably as she slid with increasing speed and pressure up and down Julian's shaft. Finally, pulling him to sit up, clenching her arms around his shoulders, she tensed, paralyzed for a few seconds until the tension exploded into waves of head and pleasure radiating through her now relaxed body. Julian grinned.

He gave her a moment to recover, whispering, "I never would have thought you for a screamer," into her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

"I hadn't realized I was," she replied, panting.

Julian held her tightly, gently rolling her onto her back without pulling out. "You alright?" he asked, raised up on his arms, admiring her flushed face.

"Never better," she replied, grinning.

Their lovemaking resumed with Julian on top, moving sometimes with long and slow strokes, sometimes hard and quickly, Jadzia climaxing twice more.

The changed positions one more time, sitting upright on the edge of the bed, Jadzia straddling his lap, both thrusting in fast, perfect rhythm. In this position Julian was stimulating her g-spot, and soon she came to one last shattering orgasm. Then, with a loud groan, Julian stopped, paralyzed, until at last he too was spent. He fell backwards, Jadzia collapsing onto his chest before rolling to lay beside him, catching her breath.

"That was . . ."

". . . marvelous"

Julian smiled, toying with the notion of telling Jadzia the way he really felt about her. He hesitated, however, not wanting to scare her away now, not after this. He said instead, "Now what, Jadzia?"

She crawled under the blanket, Julian followed. "Now, Doctor, I think I may get some sleep tonight after all." She grinned devilishly, then gave him a light kiss. "And thank you again, for everything." With that she wrapped her arms around him, forgetting all thoughts of the hearing, of Curzon, of anything . . . falling into blissful sleep.

"Well," Julian said, brushing a strand of hair off her face before laying back on the pillow, "I suppose that'll have to do." Then he was asleep.


*As always, feedback is much desired and appreciated

Email: ro_laren@my-deja.com