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I have just received the following letter in my mail:
"Hello Mr. Noggins, I am a representative of Lucasfilm Ltd. and Mr. George Lucas wishes you to take off the treatment to the yet to be released film EPISODE IV. It is unfortunate an insider emailed you some of the treatment, we will get onto firing him imediatly if we can find him."
Well, this might just confirm that what we were sent was true. But I'm making a stance and not taking this down. There are fans out there who wish to be spoiled and so be it. With no threats of legal action (as yet) I will keep the treatment up!

This is the biggest spoiler we've had yet! I warn you that this could spoil the whole of Star Wars Episode IV if it turns out to be real (and our sources seem to think that it is) - the rough draft treatment of the movie! Several rumours seem to be confirmed! Remember a lot could change but as it stands this is the movie! Click here to check it out along with my analysis.

An informant has sent us a report on the Episode IV script. Since Episode II is only just in post production I can only assume it's an early draft or outline. Still, if true it reveals some info on characters [Highlight]:
"I work at LFL and guess what, I was looking  for the Ep II script to read, when I found a script titled: "Star Wars: Episode IV: The Adventures of Han Zoler" and then I  I nicked off with it, and I'm telling ya it's great, most of the rumors are infact true, Jar Jar's in it, this Zoler is in it, so is Anakin, an older Obi-Wan is in it also, with a special appearance by Padme! Those familliar droids R2 and 3P0 are in it, it is DA BOMB! If Lucas hadn't known the script was stolen, I would have kept it and sent some of it to you's." [End spoilers]

Just got an e-mail from a scooper with news on an unconfirmed cast member of Episode IV:
Last night on "The Tonight Show" Jay Leno interviewed M.I.B.'s star Will Smith. Ater talking about how MIB2 is coming along, Leno asked if Smith had any "cool" upcoming roles Smith's reply was "I probably shouldn't tell you, but I may be playing a main character one of the new Star Wars movies."
Very interesting. I can't imagine who he could be playing unless it's a character we haven't heard of yet. More info as and when it arrives!

A new insider "Bantha Poodoo" has come up with information that is contrary to what we've heard before but it may pan out. Highlight to read: "
As you probably know, the SW4 script isn't even in the workings yet but there have been several meetings on how it will link with SW3. Luke Skywalker (aka Han Zolder) is neither Anakin's son nor a clone of him - but rather his father!! I know, I know. Everyone thinks Anakin has no father but it seems Luke arrives to save him after he falls to the Dark Side and becomes the rumoured 'Darth Vader.'"


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