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This page is a faxsimile and is in no way related to the Official Star Wars web site. It the work of a fan who is trying way too hard. So please Mr Lucas, don't sue me...

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Confirmation On Episode IV Obi-Wan
November 12, 2000 -- You've heard it here first. George Lucas has commented on the fourth chapter of the six-part Star Wars saga and, in particular the casting of a certain Jedi character. "When I cast Ewan [McGregor] for the role of Obi-Wan," he said from the ILM offices where Episode II is currently being edited, "I had hoped to replace him with an older acter for Episode IV. I was in talks with the late Sir Alec Guinness who I felt would have been perfect for the role."

Sadly, the veteran actor passed away recently much to the dismay of many of his fans all over the world. After hearing of this Lucas came to an important decision. "It was Ewan's work on Episode II that really made my mind up," he explains. "With make-up and CGI we can easily age him by twenty years for the movie. I feel it will add continuity to the series if he plays the role for all six movies."


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