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Episodio II


Mas Amedda was the Vice Chair of the Galactic Senate during Chancellor Valorum's term, a position he held a decade into Chancellor Palpatine's rule. Amedda's booming voice often called for order when the partisan nature of the Republic's government degenerated into pointless bickering. Amedda's office was rife with scandal. He has been accused of misusing his parliamentary powers for bribes, though Amedda would stand firm to his own code of honor. Mas Amedda was a Chagrian male, with well developed lethorns draped from his shoulders. His pale blue skin screens out the harmful radiation of his native sun. En Episodio I Mas Amedda fue interpretado por Jerome Blake, quien interpreto muchos papeles en The Phantom Menace, Incluyendo al Senador Orn Free Taa, al Neimoidiano Rune Haako, a Horox Ryyder, y al Maestro Jedi Oppo Rancisis. En Episodio II, Amedda es interpretado por David Bowers .

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