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Bighorn Sheep

Bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) once numbered in the
millions in western United States and were an
important food source for humans.
The "Sheepeaters", related to the Shoshoni tribe,
lived year-round in Yellowstone until 1880. Their
principal food was bighorn sheep and they made their
bows from sheep horns. By 1900, during an
"epoch of relentless destruction by the skin
hunters" (Seton 1913), bighorn numbers were
reduced to a few hundred in the United States.
In 1897 Seton spent several months roaming the upper
ranges of Yellowstone Park and did not see any,
although about 100-150 were estimated to be present.
He reported that by 1912, despite a disease (scab)
contracted from domestic sheep, bighorns in
the park had increased to more than 200 and
travelers could find them with fair certainty by
devoting a few days to searching around Mt. Everts,
Mt. Washburn or other well-known ranges. In winter,
small bands of sheep could then be seen every
day between Mammoth and Gardiner ..."4
great rams with about 40 other tame
that one could get pictures within ten feet..."

Bighorn sheep are named for the large, curved horns
borne by the males, or rams. Females, or
ewes, also have horns, but they are short with only
a slight curvature. Sheep range in color from light
brown to grayish or dark, chocolate brown, with a white
rump and lining on the back of all four legs.
Rocky Mountain bighorn females weigh up to 200 pounds,
and males occasionally exceed 300 pounds. During
the mating season or "rut", occurring in November
and December, the rams butt heads in apparent
sparring for females. Rams’ horns can weigh more
than 40 pounds, and frequently show broken or
"broomed" tips from repeated clashes. Lambs,
usually only one per mother, are born in
May and June. They graze on grasses and browse
shrubby plants, particularly in fall and winter,
and seek minerals at natural salt licks. Bighorns
are well adapted to climbing steep terrain where
they seek cover from predators such as coyotes, eagles,
and mountain lions. They are susceptible to disease
such as lungworm, and sometimes fall off cliffs.

By 1914 there were about 210 sheep in Yellowstone and
by 1922 there were 300 (Seton 1929). Censuses since
the 1920s have never indicated more than 500 sheep.
In recent years, bighorns have been systematically
counted by aerial surveys in early spring. An annual
ground count is also conducted on the winter
range in the northern part of the park.

In the winter of 1981-82, an outbreak of pinkeye
occurred among bighorns in the Mt. Everts area. Many
sheep were blinded and/or killed on the adjacent
park road or by falling from cliffs. No evidence
of the disease, a natural occurrence, has been seen since.
Winter visitors to the park still enjoy watching
and photographing bighorns along the cliffs between
Gardiner and Mammoth, as they did 80 years ago.
Annual surveys of bighorn indicate that the
resident herd on Yellowstone's northern range
consists of at least 150-225 animals

In 1997, a new study done by researchers at Montana
State University began to investigate bighorn
population status and behavior in northern
Yellowstone. Of particular interest to these
investigators is the effect of road use on the
bighorns' ability to use their summer and winter
range. Sheep are commonly seen along the road through
the Gardner River Canyon, where visitors should be
alert for bighorns crossing between their preferred
cliffs and the river where they drink.

Summering bands are found in the Gallatin and Washburn
Ranges, the Absarokas, and occasionally in the Red
Mountains. On Dunraven Pass, a section of the Grand
Loop Road in the park, a band of ewes and lambs has
become somewhat habituated to summer traffic. These
bighorns cause numerous traffic jams and are sometimes
illegally fed by visitors, posing traffic hazards
and danger to sheep. Park staff and visitors
are encouraged to educate others about the
importance of the "no feeding" regulation
to the long-term welfare of wild animals.

All information on this page is from
Yellowstone National Park Web Site.
Click on "Nature" then "Yellowstone Wildlife Pages"
then "Bighornsheep" to learn more about this animal.
