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About Me

ĞAll About Meğ


Hello All, how are you?
I am Eve and I live in Sioux Falls, SD
with my Husband, Bobby and daughter, Katerina.


My Husband Bobby

I am not sure where to start.
My family is spread out across the USA.
My mother is Puerto Rican/Taino Native.
My birth father is Russian/Jewish
Which makes me a Mix up
What a mix!, aye. That side of the
family was all gone but,
I found out on March 9, 2001 that I have family from
my dads side that
are still very much alive.
My mothers side is a bit harder to find
but I do know that they come from the San Juan area
of Puerto Rico, so hopefully I will find some one from there soon.

I was baptized Evelyn Marie in a catholic church.
When I made my first communion in 1995
(yeah I know a bit late) my saint became St. Elizabeth.
Although I can not remember which one..sorry..
It was an experience to be sure.
MY daughter was also baptized catholic.

I am not a practicing Catholic at all.
I do believe in God and what he teaches us all.
He has set out a guidebook so to
speak as how we are to live.
I try my best to live by this,
but do have a hard time with it every now and then..
We are only human and are not perfect.
I do try though and that is all I can do.

As for my daughter she was born December 30,
1990 in Hollywood, Florida by a Midwife.
I actually prefer a Midwife to a doctor. Call me crazy.
She is 11 yrs old and you can read a bit about her on her page.
She is the love of my life.

I am currently working for Wal-mart.
I am a Customer Service Manager.
I cant explain what I
feel when I help someone. Helping the NA cause
is very close to my heart and a cause that I hope
to get more involved with as time goes on.
You can see the projects I am working on in my
Native American section and there is my
ultimate passion..WILDLIFE..The wolf is my favorite
animal. These two causes are dearest to
me and I am dedicated to them both.

Well I am not sure what else to put.
If you have any
questions feel free to ask..

Nashoba Hoya
Happy Girl


