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My Friends

Friends are Precious

Meet Michael..Our Bad boy of Firetalk Chat.
Seriously though, he is a wonderful guy.
He is the type of friend
that we all wish we had.
Michael is my Best friend &
my Soul Mate. He is without
a doubt good for me and I
can only hope that i am
in some way good for him.
I love him very much as there
is no other like him:-)
He is always there when I need him!!
He makes it a point to make
me laugh. Doesnt matter how long
it takes him either. He is the best.

Michael, I am not sure what else I
can say about you that would
make sense to anyone else. I
am very lucky to have you in my life.
I am blessed with you everyday:-)
Thank you for all that you are
and for being just you. I am
honoured to call you friend.
I love you Michael:-)


Meet Diane, she is the best friend anyone
could ask for. I couldn't ask for
a better friend than Diane.
She as well as a few others,
have been there for me when i needed it most.
She is like the Sister I never had,
but would be honoured to have as a sister.


Meet our resident heart throb Chris Jonstone.
Chris is a great friend and
I am lucky to have him and others as my friends.