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Native Americans all across the United
States have had thier homes taken
from them from the very beginning.
They lived peacefully on the land
and treated everything that god gave them
with respect and honour.
They are the true "Americans."
They have loved and laughed as we do.
They treat everything the way our Creator intented.

Then the white man came and took thier freedom from them.
They did not ask, they just took.
The white man claimed a land that was not thiers to claim.
Killed and beat there
way across this land that was not thiers.
The Native American Indian faught back to
try and keep thier land, but the white man prevailed.
The White Man was determined to take
this land for themselves.
The Indians future became one of hardship.

I believe it has made them stronger.
To see them in thier culture is one of great joy.
The Pride they have in thier people.
You can see it in thier eyes as they talk of thier ways.
Thier eyes light up with such love.

I hope that I can give enough Info and
links to help in the research
of The Native American Indians.

Blessings, Love and Light


The Cherokee Nation

The Legend of the Cherokee Rose.

No better symbol exists of the pain and
suffering of the Trail Where
They Cried than the Cherokee Rose(pictured at top of page).
The mothers of the Cherokee
grieved so much that the
chiefs prayed for a sign to lift
the mother's spirits and
give them strength to care for their
children. From that day forward,
a beautiful new flower,
a rose, grew wherever a mother's tear
fell to the ground. The rose is white, for
the mother's tears.
It has a gold center, for
the gold taken from the Cherokee lands, and
seven leaves on each stem that represent the
seven Cherokee clans that
made the journey. To
this day, the Cherokee Rose prospers along the
route of the "Trail of Tears". The Cherokee
Rose is now the official flower of the
State of Georgia.

North Georgia's Cherokee Indians

Cherokee in Georgia -- Timeline

Cherokee in North Georgia:A Nation's history


The Creek Nation

Prior to the early 18th Century,
most of Georgia was home to Native
Americans belonging to a southeastern
alliance known as the Creek Confederacy.
Today's Creek Nation, also known as
the Muskogee, were the major tribe
in that alliance.

According to Creek traditions, the
Confederacy migrated to the southeastern
United States from the Southwest.
The confederacy was probably formed
as a defense against other large
groups to the north. The
name "Creek" came from the shortening of
"Ocheese Creek" Indians -- a name given
by the English to the native
people living along the Ocheese
Creek (or Ocmulgee River).
In time, the name was applied
to all groups of the confederacy.

For more on The Creek Nation
visit these links.

The Creek Nation - North Georgia's American Indians

History of The Creek Nation - American Indians in North Georgia

