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Yellowstone Wolf and WildLife Update

Yellowstone's wolves object of debate MARCH 19, 2001

The wolves in Yellowstone National Park are often the
subject of debate as hunters say the predators are
driving elk towards extinction and hurting livestock.

But National Park Service researchers say wolves have
had a positive effect on Yellowstone's environment.
They say they only kill elks and cows that are in failing health.

They also say more bald eagles and golden eagles are
showing up to scavenge on wolf prey. The researchers
are conducting a number of studies on the wolf
population to better understand their behaviors

Get the story:

From research to ecology to emotions, Wolves are stiring up Yellowstone
(The Billings Gazette 3/19)

Wolf terretoriers shift as packs grow. (The Billings Gazette 3/19)

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