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Hello everyone How are you all doing??
I am Katerina and I am 9 yrs old.
I was Born December 30, 1990 in Hollywood,
Florida at 11:04 a.m.

My mom tells me that I am the light in her life,
her reason she thinks life is so great.
I think my mom is pretty great as well.
The best mom anyone could have.
She is also a great friend to.

I love to hike, rollerblade, play soccer,
play basketball, and anything outdoors.
Right now I like to collect catapillers,
Rolly pollies and anything i can make
a terarium out of.
Mom hates it.

I have three dogs that I love allot.
Two of them are Alaskan Malamutes
and One is a pom/terrier mix.
I am not sure what else.
Any questions just sign the guestbook ok..


