There is no need for fear or worry when you and others stand together to aid and assist each other
to give solace and shelter
to allay fears with real security
bravery is not absence of fear
but the strength to conquer it and become more
peace is a gift
freedom from war
not lazy tranquility
not boredom
not lack of fear
peace is a refreshment to enjoy
a sense of renewed wonder
a heart at ease
love that will not let you fall
god is not an aspect
perhaps it is a choice how to live
but imposing your good will upon another
can do that person evil
there are no hard lines between good and evil
because there is no absolute
and quick judgments that do not see, all ends
selfishness used for you may accomplish some good
selfishness stands in the way of a better world
of true peace in the mind
preserving peace requires duty and vigilience
But what is responsibility? Yours mine
is it a conscience
more of brilliant individuals than the collective
to get good at the game
without losing your integrity
a choice to remain good
and that wearisome necessity to struggle
for survival, for the survival of those whom we love and for what we love
but why protect, why preserve, why fight?
why is responsibility an action performed to appease the will that drives us
at its basest, a survival instinct
in love, a inner fire of passion, in the soul
out of fear, a futile struggle against death
for civilization, it becomes the creation of our world
mental perceptions turned into actions imposed on the flow of events of life
let it count for something
create what you can
and somtimes surrender yourself to the influence and perception of other creative states
have faith in the other's
power to dream a better world
and meet him halfway; or try
there may be more to become and to see
between man, on every step of the way
a new illusion add another to become something new, something changed
allowing forgetfulness to clear the way
to seeing all, and knowing your soul
what you really are
is nothing but a momentary feeling
a beautiful thing that will be lost
enjoy it as long as you can
but if you could remember the best
even then, one soul, one perception at the cost of another
to become more yourself takes more steps than we have in a lifetime
if it is more than the act of justifying self-content, a permanent mode of being and living
I am independent of your vision
if I hope to become myself
Freedom is an illusion
a choice of self-affirmation, of blindness
content and serene, a paradox.
no man is ever free.
each man's illusion is priceless
sever the moments of time, in time
forget a little who you are
freedom is the means of achieving the strongest illusion
You find out more
in what you explore that is not you
and open more in yourself in the process
there is more in potential than can ever be seen, than can ever be grown
the pattern of your life lies in you and all that comes into your life, by life or idea, what your consciousness draws from this
the unpredictable response
March 2004