
Written by: Patrick Harbinson

Directed by: David Jackson


Jessica Alba - Max Guevara
Michael Weatherly - Logan Cale / Eyes Only
John Savage - Donald Lydecker
Richard Gunn - Sketchy
Alimi Ballard - Herbal Thought
J.C. MacKenzie - Normal
Valarie Rae Miller - Original Cindy
Jennifer Blanc - Kendra Maibaum

Peter Bryant as Bling
Byron Mann as Det. Matt Sung
Michael Weinberg as Jude Thatcher
Geneva Locke as Young Max
Chris Lazar as Young Zack

Guest Cast:

Troy Ruptash as Jon Darius
George Cheung as Dr. Tanaka
Dylan Pearson as Manticore Boy
Mark Houghton as Captain Exter
Robert Weiss as Ranger
Catherine Haggquist as News Anchor
Shannon Powell as Waitress/Terrorist
Wren Roberts as Terrorist #1
Christopher Gora as Terrorist #2
Bianca Gurniak as Girl.

Things You Learn In this episode

Detailed Synopsis:

KENDRA has a new gig. She's translating Japanese into English for DR. YUKIO TANAKA, a geneticist who is in Seattle to host a  genetics conference at the Steinlitz Hotel. When Max learns that Tanaka turned a sickly baby into a healthy child by
re-sequencing his DNA, she wonders if he might be able to help her with her seizures. She asks LOGAN for phony press
credentials so that she can attend the conference. Despite his isgivings about "Dr. Feelgood," he acquiesces.

At the conference, Max introduces herself to Tanaka as Rachel Glasser, a reporter from BioTech Frontiers magazine. She
impresses him with her knowledge of genetics before moving to Kendra and making sure her roommate doesn't blow her cover.

Tanaka begins his presentation, telling the attendees about Jude, a crack baby whose DNA was manipulated using
groundbreaking gene-sequencing techniques; not only did Tanaka save JUDE from his flawed genes, he turned the boy
into a young genius. As Max watches footage of Jude's first years, she recalls her childhood training at Manticore. While
she's ruminating, a man takes the empty seat next to her in the crowded auditorium. LYDECKER.

Luckily, Lydecker doesn't recognize Max. As it turns out, he's also here to learn about Tanaka's work. Remembering
Lydecker's own lessons on the importance of knowing one's enemy, Max tempers her revulsion and engages Lydecker in
conversation as Rachel Glasser.

Suddenly, a commotion interrupts Tanaka's presentation and armed gunmen storm the conference room. Their leader, JON DARIUS, proclaims that they are members of the May 22nd Movement, an anti-technology terrorist faction that takes its
inspiration from the Unabomber, the ultimate technophobe. They are here to rescue Jude from those who would exploit
him. Before the terrorists can make a quiet escape with the boy, however, Lydecker pulls the fire alarm. Authorities
respond instantly, forcing Darius to take the conference-goers hostage.

Darius contacts the police and demands safe passage for himself, his colleagues, and the boy. He announces that he will
kill a hostage an hour until his demands are met. Logan and BLING arrive at the Steinlitz just in time to witness the killing of
the first hostage, Dr. Tanaka, who is flung from the roof of the hotel.

When Logan learns that Max is one of the hostages, he volunteers to act as an intermediary. Logan knows Darius --
he interviewed the terrorist a few years ago -- and thinks he ay be able to gain his trust. As a gesture of goodwill, Darius
agrees to release the female hostages, but only if Logan will take their place. The terrorists usher Max, Kendra and the
other women to the exits as Logan enters. But Max isn't about to leave Logan and Jude in the hands of armed terrorists;
hanging back, she takes out a terrorist and goes back to the auditorium.

Outside, the National Guard has taken control of the situation and is opting for aggressive measures. They land troops on the
hotel roof and shoot terrorists at the entrances. Darius is furious; thinking he's been tricked, he orders Logan tossed from the roof as well. Darius' men throw Logan over the edge, but Max swoops in at the last possible moment, saving Logan from the same fate as Tanaka. The two smash through a hotel window and onto a bed, where they chastise each other for putting themselves in such danger. After an embarrassed silence, they agree to put the argument aside until later. Saving Jude and the others is the top priority.

Surprisingly, Max and Logan find an unexpected ally in Lydecker, who tries to save the day but is quickly overpowered by Darius' men. Ironically, Max winds up saving her nemesis' life. She takes out the remaining terrorists in the auditorium, then goes to find Jude, who has been whisked away by Darius. Max easily finds and knocks out Darius, then turns to the distraught Jude. Tanaka is the only family he has ever known: what will happen to him now? Max assures him that everything will be okay before taking him in her arms and to safety.

In the aftermath of the National Guard siege, Lydecker finds a group of soldiers mercilessly beating Darius. He reproaches
them for violating Darius' right to due process -- do they want Darius showing up for trial bruised and beaten? Of course not,
the soldiers mutter. Neither does Lydecker; so he takes a soldier's pistol and shoots Darius dead. Problem solved.

That night, Max wonders if she did the right thing by saving Lydecker's life. Logan commends Max. She made the right
choice, at least morally speaking. Max agrees, but can't help wonder what will happen the next time they cross paths.