Played By- William Gregory Lee
                   Chris Lazar (Young)

Barcode Number:  330417291559

    Zack is the big brother the Manticore Children.  He looked out for Max, Jondy, Eva, Brin, and all the others.   Zack was born in 1997. He and his other "siblings" were trained as weapons.  In 2009 when he was twelve years old, he and eleven others escaped the lab.

    While on the run from Manticore, he looked out for the others.  In Ohio, under the name of "Michael Hanover" he was arrested for armmed robbery and he escaped four hour later when he learned  Lydecker was coming for him.

    In 2020, he when to Seattle to check up on Max. He found her during the night and her motorcycle.  He followed her until they reach the check point and he disappered. Zack found out where she worked and took a job at Jam Pony under the name of "Sam".  Max didn't know it was Zack until he found her in his apartment. Lydecker found them but they got away. Zack left Seattle.

    He came back when Brin was in danger.  At the meeting area, Brin was captured and Zack was run over by a car.  Zack was treated at Logan's. He and Max later capture Lydecker to force him to tell them where he is hiding Brin.  He didn't have Brin.  Using Lydecker they break into a base that is planning to sell her.  Zack and Max save her but end up handing over to Lydecker because she was deadly sick and Manticore had the cure.

    He later turned himself into Manticore to save Max for the crime he commited (He murdered Dan Vogalsang).  At Manticore he was tortured and drugged.  Finnally, Manticore buried him alive with a transmitter on him so they can follow and hear what is going on around him.  When Max came to rescue him, they found the transmitter not long after Zack told Max about the others.

    Max took Zack back to Logan's.  Where Logan made a country-wide Eyes-Only braodcast to all eight of the remaining Manticore X-5s.  Soon the eight reformed Zack that they are leaving.  Tinga called Zack saying she was in trouble.  Both Zack and Max helped her get away from the TAC team.  Zack stole a car and took Tinga to Canada.  Before he left, he destoryed his contact number so Max or anyone esle won't find him.

Tinga ditched him. Zack came back to help her save Case. He was upset Tinga give herself up to save Case. He knew Manticore would double-cross her. He came back to save Case. After that he spied on Manticore to find where Tinga was held. He took Max there. Max was caught.

He contacted Krit and Syl. Them, Logan, and himself began to bring the fight to them. Max showed up with Lydecker. Lydecker helped them as well.

When the charges were set, Zack escaped while Max dealed with Tinga. His clone shot him outside the base. Zack saw Max was shot too. They were both captured. Max needed an X-5 heart to live. Zack sacrifed himself.

- Michael Hanover (Pilot)
- Sam  (411 on the DL)