Sorry guys, but we really have nothing better to do with our time, and it might get exciting and / or humorous soon. Stranger things have happened.
"Okay, okay," Said Mish, still trying not to laugh about how pathetic Lievel was, "So, where are we going now?" They were onboard the Millennium Falcon-esque ship. She was seated back in the pilot's seat, Kat in the co-pilot's, and Phanan standing behind, leisurely leaning over the both of them. Darillian was hanging around in the hold, weird, because Kat and Mish couldn't remember letting him on board.
Nar Shaddaa to see Parc, of course," Kat told her. "You'll also get to see -"
"So what way is it to Nar Shaddaa?" Mish asked hurriedly.
As Kat set the couse, Phanan asked, "Just who is on Nar Shaddaa that you want to see, Mish?"
Mish grinned back mysteriously, "Well, I wanna buy myself a Indiana Jones style hat," was all she said in reply.
Kat glared. "Will you two please go into the hold? We're still on Dathomir, therefore we're still your owners, and get OUT of the cockpit! We are TRYING to fly!"
"I'm not in the cockpit." Darillian's unmistaken voice came back quickly.
"Awwwww, but Kaaat!" Phanan complained, and played with her hair.
Mish shook her head. "Mad. So, which course is quickest?" she asked Kat, "And please put it into the right hyperdrive this time."
Kat batted Phanan away from her hair and set in the quickest course. "Okay. So we have almost a day to kill in hyperspace. Who's up for Truth or Dare?"
"I am!" cried Darillian, who was back in the cockpit.
"I rule at this game." Mish stated.
"Okay, you're going first then," Kat told her. "Truth or dare?"
"NOOOO! It was a metapho- Aw, man. Uh, Truth." Mish went for the safe option.
"Who do you really want to see on Nar Shaddaa?" Ton asked quickly.
Mish looked VERY unsure. "Uh," she said.
"C'mon," Kat urged. "Or else I'll tell them for you."
Mish looked at Kat like . . . like . . . well, there wasn't really a word to describe the look Mish gave her. Suffice to say it wasn't quite like a dog chewing a toffee, nor was it a look that she'd just eaten a wasp. She got up, "I'll be back after you're done." she said, and skated out of the cockpit.
Kat sighed. "Okay, to be honest, I don't know who she wants to see on Nar Shaddaa. I just pretend that I do in the hopes that she'll spill something."
Ton and Darillian stared. "That's so cheap!" the doctor exclaimed.
"So, who goes next?" Ton asked Kat.
"You do, because you asked," she said with a wicked grin. "Now, everyone, pretend like you know about whatever it is we don't know about." She called, "Mish! We're done!"
"You sure?" Mish asked from the safety of a bottle of Lomin Ale.
"Positive. It's Ton's turn now. Truth or dare?"
"Dare." Ton said, putting on his I'm-Totally-Suberb voice.
"Okay." Mish said as she entered the cockpit again with the bottle in her hand, "Kiss Darillian." She shrugged and leaned back into the pilot's seat.
Ton gaped for a moment. "Can I switch to truth?"
Mish smiled her most crooked smile, "Nope."
Darillian looked like he was going to be sick.
"Uh, I really don't think I can." Ton said.
"I really don't think he can either." Darillian added.
Mish grinned. Kat looked slightly ill, but not as bad as the guys.
"Just close your eyes." Mish said, an evil sparkle in her eye.
Ton did so. As did Darillian. Mish clambered out of the pilot's seat and kissed Darillian on the cheek, motioning for Kat to move in front of Ton's face. She did so, and at the last moment both of them pulled back, as both men opened their eyes. Or at least, were supposed to.
"I AM NEVER PLAYING THAT GAME AGAIN!" Ton yelled. He looked at Kat and Mish, standing suspiciously between the two men. "Wait a second, did you...?" He asked, trailing off as he saw Darillian.
Darillian blacked out, sprawled on the floor.
"You are never gonna let me live this one down, are you?" Mish asked Kat.
Kat shook her head. "Nope. Sorry."
"Wait, wait, wait. I did that?" Phanan asked.
"Uh, sure," Mish replied. "At least he's out of our hair for a while. Kat, your turn. Truth or dare?"
"Umm… truth," Kat decided, figuring this way she wouldn't have to kiss Mish.
Ton thought on this for a while, postulating all the really wonderful ways he could get Kat to compliment him, "Umm," he was actually really lame at this kind of thing. He was a doctor, for Sith's sake! "Did you really mean all that Earnest stuff? And were you really chatting him up?"
Just getting a little too worked up about all this, Mish decided.
"What do you mean, did I mean it? And of course I was chatting him up. It's the only way to get information out of him." Kat was a little disappointed. Was she so un-mysterious that that was the only thing anyone could think to ask her?
"Do you like Ton or Darillian more?" Mish pressed on, seeing Kat was momentarily distracted.
"Actually, I prefer… hey! No fair! You can't ask me two questions!"
"Damnation" Mish muttered.
"Anyway, it's your turn again," Kat said. "Truth or dare?"
"Truth." Mish said, again, shrugging.
"Why do you work for me?" Ton asked. It had always intrigued him.
"Ummmm." Mish thought about it. "Well, the pay is good."
"The pay is sith."
"Umm . . . I like meeting new people?"
"Uh, force of habit?"
"Easy answer."
"'Cause it's better than being on a wanted list somewhere?"
"'Cause I'm..." Mish burst out into song; "Hopelessly devoooooted to yooooouuu...." She stopped, and looked at her bottle of ale. "'scuse me." she said, downed the last dregs of the liquid, and exited the cockpit again.
Ton turned to Kat. "Wow, I knew I was irresistible, but…"
"Ton, drop it," Kat said, depressed. Her idea had been horrible. Darillian was unconscious, Mish was sulking in the cargo bay, and Ton's ego had been inflated even more. She sighed, then called, "Mish, do we still have that Twister mat?"
"Twister?" Mish sounded slightly suspicious, "I'm just gonna chill here and watch, uh, Grease . . . or, I could just sit here. Or, hey, how about we all get some sleep?" She sounded a bit too pleased about that suggestion considering she was an insomniac.
"Sleep? Do we sleep?" Kat asked. "We haven't slept since… sometime before chapter one."
"I slept!" Mish yelled back. "You were off... uh... dying Phanan's hair, or something. It was all very vague."
"Oh, right. I remember. How about I sleep and you dye Darillian's hair?" Kat suggested.
"He's already, uh, asleep." Mish muttered back. "But sure!" She came back into the cockpit with an ice-cold frosted-bottle of something or other, probably Elba beer. This she applied to Darillian's head. He awoke with a start, rather like a car engine on a cold day.
"W-W-W-WHAT?" He stuttered.
"C'mon," Mish said, and pulled him up and out of the cockpit.
"Well… we're alone now," Ton told Kat in a smooth voice.
Kat switched into the pilot's chair. "G'night, Ton," she told him before falling asleep.
"Damn," he muttered. "Am I ever going to get any action?"
Kat awoke in the pilot's seat. Mish and Darillian were nowhere to be seen, but Phanan was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, doing something that looked suspiciously like knitting. When he saw she was awake, he stuffed it behind him. "Oh, good, you're up," he said. "I'm so boooored! Amuse me!"
She sighed. "Not now, dear. I have a headache."
Ton sighed too. "I'm sick of the ship!" he whined. "Are we there yet?"
"No." Kat got up and stretched. "Where are Mish and Darillian?"
"In the cargo hold watching 'Indiana Jones.' 'Grease' finished about an hour ago. I watched that with them, but I didn't want to see Mish moon over Harrison Ford, so I came in here."
"You don't mind it when she moons over Face Loran," Kat reminded him.
Phanan glared. "That's different," he replied loftily.
"Where are we, anyway?" Kat asked, changing the subject before Ton could go on the defensive.
"About fifteen minutes from Nar Shaddaa."
"Hey, if you know where we are, why did you ask if we were there yet?" Kat asked curiously.
Phanan shrugged. "Force of habit?"
Kat went "Argh!" and sat back in the pilot's seat. "Mish!" she called. "Get your butt in here!"
"But we're at a good part!" Mish called back. "Indy's about to -"
"Fine, fine," she grumbled and entered the cockpit. "Get outta my chair, Ton."
Phanan rose and Mish sat down. She went "Argh!" and pulled some knitting out from behind her. "Your needles poked me again, Ton."
Darillian sauntered into the cockpit. "I really hope that sounded better in context," he commented.
Mish glared at him, then turned to Kat. "What do you think of his hair?" she asked.
Kat gave Darillian a once-over, taking in his now-blonde hair. It contrasted nicely with his bright eyes of a coulour-we-have-not-yet-determined-in-order-to-keep-possibilities-open. "Nice," she said grudgingly.
Darillian did a little pirouette. "Isn't it, though?" he asked. Phanan gasped and Darillian turned a bit red. "Hey, I like it!" he said defensively.
"Ooh-kay, Zurel," Phanan said, using Darillian's given name for the first time as the author realised he had one.
"Anyway, we're almost there," Kat changed the subject again.
"Oh, good. I really want a hat," Mish stated.
Kat sighed, "Can I stay on the ship, please?" she asked, remembering how much she hated the Smuggler's Moon.
Mish shook her head. "Oh, no," she said sternly. "You're the one Parc took a fancy to last time."
"Okay, just how many people fancy you?" Ton demanded of Kat.
"Too many," she groaned. "But at least none of them are Bothans."
Mish suddenly became very engrossed in the webbing
of the co-pilot's seat.
Just as Kat had said in Smuggler's Run, Nar Shaddaa was almost as dirty as that place. Ton tried to remember why he'd wanted to come along on the mission.
Mish had decided to leave the Glass Prowler on the ship, as the Smuggler's Moon was no place for a sick insect. It was just the four humans who were walking around Nar Shaddaa, looking for something to eat, as all they'd had to eat lately was Lievel's shortbread.
"Yoo hoo!" a voice called from behind them. They all turned around.
Neither Kat,. Mish nor Darillian recognised the dark-haired woman that was waving to them, but the colour drained from the non-metallic part of Phanan's face.
"Ton!" the strange woman cried as she walked up to them. She wrapped her arms around him. "Where have you been?" she demanded.
"Uh… hi, Bryn," Phanan said weakly.
The woman, Bryn stopped hugging Ton and folded her arms, tapping one foot. "Well, where have you been?" she asked again.
"Oh… here and there… hey, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be on Rudrig!"
Bryn shrugged. "I got bored of waiting, so I became a smuggler."
Kat cleared her throat. "Are you going to introduce us?" she suggested.
"Huh? Oh, sure. Bryn, this is my nurse, Kat, my secretary, Mish and my…. Darillian. Guys, this is Bryn… my fiancée."
Kat and Mish raised their eyebrows. Darillian clapped a hand over his mouth, trying not to laugh.
Ton wondered how he was going to get out of this.
We're sorry to say that this chapter has been banished from existence for being Imp propaganda because of an unfortunate mix-up with Iron Fist. When it did exist, Ton explained to Bryn, in an eloquent, touching, and characteristically-of-Kat-and-Mish-amusing scene, that he did not love her anymore as he had not seen her since his boyhood days on Rudig. Bryn was, understandably crushed, yet Kat and Mish offered that she could tag along for the remainder of the time they were on Nar Shaddaa, as long as she put up with Darillian. There was not, however, any mention of the mysterious man that keeps being talked about in relation to Mish.