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...Updates page...

' 'Scabrous pirates to you this morning.'

Just in case you come here regularly... **Mish shakes her head** Mad, mad people. (It's been a Mad Season... Mish has been listening to too much Matchbox20)

Wednesday, June 20:
Yeah, yeah, we know we're overdue. Will ya just lay off about it? Geez! Anyway, there's new stuff up on the TPC page. Go and enjoy, or something.

Wednesday, May 9:
Kat added the hoedowns that her favouritest Claire wrote her for her birthday to the non-TPC page.

The First Sunday of May (Otherwise known as 'Kat Knows The Date But Thinks Mish Is Amusing')
Kat adds the next part of Mish's SLATFATXW series 'cause Mish, in her boredom, forgot to. Also, no one's online now too.

The First Saturday Of May 2001 (Otherwise known as 'Mish Doesn't Know What The Darned Date Is')
Mish adds her fic, whose name she can't recall, but also based on the same WAAS Challenge as Kat's, to the Non TPC page. She also gets extremely bored 'cause NO-ONE is online for her to talk to. I mean, like, no-one. Zip. Nada. Nill. Zero. Zilch. No-one... Where the sith is everyone?

5 May 2001:
To celebrate Kat's new aged-ness, she has added her fic "A Trip To Wal-Mart," based on a Challenge posted on the WAAS list, to the Non TPC page.

3 May 2001:
If anyone cares, it's Kat's birthday tomorrow! Send all birthday presents to her here.
Also, we changed the link for Aaron Allston's page. Our GodKing got his own domain. There will be celebrating.

29 April 2001:
Ooopsies.... we added the first issue of our guide to "Masquerade," but forgot to mention it here. Sorry guys!

Still Friday KatTime, but Saturday MishTime:
Added a new poll to the main page! Vote? Please?

Friday, April 27. One week till Kat's birthday! Whoo-hoo!:
Okay, I'm good now. Anyways, I added my new fic It's Been A Long Day to the Non-TPC fic page. Enjoy!

How the heck am I supposed to know what the date is? 26/4/01 ? Possibly. Around 2240 hours. :-P
If you didn't realise from the sarcastic nature of the opening date, Mish was once again on an update theme. Only she didn't actually have that much to update. So she updated her fic, Happy Anniversary? into the non-TPC Fic page. Email her to give her feedback directly, simply because she's figured out how to use the mail-to thingy!

Bah, never could get the hang of Thursdays. It's Wed today, though. The 18/4/01, in fact. (And that's right, Kat!)
So, what have I done today? I've updated! Oh yes, Claire's fic, Lost and Found, is now up in the non-TPC page.
Mish's Fourth SLATFATXW is up, and...
TPC Chapter 10 was added. Co-written by Kat, Mish and with added goodness: special guest writer Claire.
Horrah! I'm in a much better mood today than the other day.
Oh, and I also just wrote SLATFATXW 5 ! That's up too!
(How bored is Mish?)

Actually, today, Thursday, is 12 April 2001. But we'll forgive Mish 'cause she's cute:
Another chapter of the TPC was added. This one is very special, 'cause Kat wrote it with her dear wonderful bestest-guest-writer Becca. Yaynessness!
A litttle bit later:
I added part 3 to Mish's SLATFATXW. I think I'm bored.

Whatever the hell day it is today, uh, Wed the somethingth. April 12 2000, or 2001. Whatever. *growls*
Mish gets REALLY stressed redoing all the links to TPC2, trying to redo the pages and generally getting it all to work. She reckons she needs to get this whole TPC thing organised, so might be adding a seperate cast list for TPC1 than for TPC2, but she's seriously stressed at the moment, so perhaps not. We shall see. *Fumes* Anyway, go read the NEW TPC - Chapter eight! Horrah!
Twenty minutes or so later: Right. TPC2 Cast list is also up. And Mish is totally stressed out and off to find something to cheer her up. Thankfully, Teachers is on TV soon, so Mish should be okay.

10 April 2001:
Added a new section to our page: The non-TPC fic page. All that's up there so far are the first two parts of Mish's So Long And Thanks For All The X-Wings which is very funny and hoopy and which you should go read.

07 April 2001:
We added... wait for it... Chapter 7 of the second book of the Ton Phanan Chronicles! In other words, more TPC! Well, what are you waiting for? Go read it! Now now now!
Also, Kat would like to say Happy Birthday to her dad, who is now... really old.

06 April 2001:
Added a little something to the About Us page. Hope you like it! (And shhh, don't tell Mish.... she might not be thrilled that I put it up...)

18 March 2001:
Updated the TPC Dramatis Personae with the TPC 2 characters (so far). Anyone have any ideas for a name for the TPC 1, by the way? Mish and I wrote it, but we're quite quite bad at naming things, so we leave the title up to you, our faithful readers (?!). Email us if you've got any ideas. In fact (<--- tycho'd that "face." You can tell where my mind is. And yes, I meant to write "tycho" and not "typo"), e-mail us just for the hell of it!

17 March 2001:
Added a link to Karin's site on the links page. What's that? You think we need to get off our asses and add something substantial to the page? We think so too. But we're both lazy and busy, and therefore it might not happen for a while. If you have something you think should be added to this site, please email us.

09 March 2001:
Chapter 6 of the TPC was added!!! Yay!!! Umm... that's it. Move along.

06 March 2001:
Added the review for Iron Fist! Yay! And we'd also like to ask ('cause we've no better place to do it...) if anyone has any Face, Phanan, X-Wing, pilots, or general picture-type-thingies (and yes, that's the technical term) that they want us to have, we'd be ever so grateful if you'd e-mail them to us at

04 March 2001:
Kat does not know how to do cool bullet-y things, but she did manage to upload her Wraith Squadron Review (which Mish should have done last night. **stern look** She never listens to me, ya know!) and she also corrected Mish's updates for yesterday which previously read "03 March 2000."

03 March 2001:
'And bleeding pirates to you.'