This Rogue Squadron site is owned by Kat and Mish.
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RebelPilots.Com - read about Face and Phanan and your other favourite pilots
But to make it easier, here's Face's bio...
... and here's Phanan's!
The Merry Rogues -- devoted to Hobbie and Janson, and pretty darned cool at that.
Star Wars Fan Fiction
Star Wars Chicks - what the name says.
Echo Station - Much like Rebelpilots.
The Ready Room - A page devoted to the Rogue lads.
Kelly's Corran Horn Page, devoted to one of our favourite pilots-turned-Jedi
Lysha's Dack and Phanan Page - Someone else devoted a page to Phanan! (Oh Dack too...)
Wraithnet: Also by Lysha
Jedi Child's Spaceport, with some really excellent pilot fanfic (including one with Face!)
The home of Aaron Allston, the creator of Face and Phanan
JediNet.Com -- A great place for general Star Wars news
Karin's site -- it's under construction, but pretty cool
Our dear friend Claire's website, with SW and a bunch of other cool random stuff
Jenn's Luke/Mara archive