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Allies of the Palatine Gangrel
City of Independence
The independent Gangrel were allied with anarchs in the nearby city of Independence. The Domain of Fleming Park is held by the Gangrel as part of a treaty with those anarchs, in return for pacts of non-aggression and mutual defense.

By keeping Fleming safe, the Clan protected Independence from Sabbat incursions coming from that area, closing a vulnerable "back door" to Independence. Fleming Park has come under attack by the Sabbat, but the Gangrel Clan has suffered none of those Kindred to live; the Sabbat paid with their unlives for assaulting the Gangrel.

However, the anarchs of Independence spectacularly self-destructed, to the point that Kindred dare not enter the city for fear of discovery by vampire hunters and alert mortal authorities. The Palatine Gangrel could not protect the anarchs from their greatest enemy -- themselves.

But the Gangrel Domain of Fleming Park remains, and the Clan slowly spreads its influence into the surrounding city suburbs, beneath the notice of the Camarilla Kindred of Necropolis. 

The Alliance of Independent Kindred
The Giovanni and Gangrel clans formed an alliance in the spring of 1999, not long after the Gangrel left the Camarilla and the Domain of the Gangrel Palatinate was secured. The two independent Clans formed this self governing council to promote their mutual protection and prosperity. 

The A.I.K. charter, signed by Don Malcom Velonese and the former Jarl Morgan Powyll, does not create any position of Prince or Archbishop to rule over the Clans holding membership in the alliance; the individual Clans tend to themselves, forming a united front when a threat is posed to any one of the clans' sovreignty.

Due to the structure of the alliance, which lacks a central authority figure like a Camarilla Prince or Sabbat Archbishop, individual members of independent Clans cannot join the A.I.K.

Other allies of the Gangrel
The independent Gangrel have allies beyond just Kindred ones, and they can be as important and useful as the vampires that have allied themselves with the Clan.
First among these are the various ghouls the Gangrel have cultivated. Although it is not a common practice of the Clan in general to have such ghouls for extended periods of time, several Gangrel have found it necessary to give their vitae to various mortals involved in the day-to-day affairs of the Domain. Settled as they are in one place, the Clan finds use for a number of ghouls that normally would not be worthwhile to them.

On occasion, one of the Gangrel will wish to Sire a Childe; the Jarl has commonly required the prospective Childe to serve for a time as a ghoul to their would-be Sire. This time allows a mortal to enter the world of the Kindred gradually. While most would rather not wait, those who survive to become Gangrel are better prepared for their unlives. The Clan has a care for the Traditions, and they do not take the Embrace lightly. Nor do the Palatine Gangrel abandon their childer in the manner of wandering Gangrel. In this way as well, the Traditions are paramount in importance.

Those mortals who know of the existence of vampires and seek out the Embrace in the Palatinate more often find their death from a Gangrel's Kiss, or end their search in servitude as a Gangrel's ghoul to protect the Masquerade. The animal features left by the Beast upon them make the Gangrel painfully aware of all aspects of keeping the First Tradition.

Some number of wraiths apparently also call Swope Park home. The Ruins hidden deep inside the park, far from mortal eyes, have long stood as a place for the ghosts to gather. The extensive underground area is important to both wraith and Gangrel.

The recent, dramatic changes that have taken place in the Shadowlands have not gone unnoticed by the Gangrel. The Clan has even taken steps to assist their dead allies, warding the park against intrusions from the Spectres that ride the swirling Great Maelstrom. The Ruins harbor any number of hardy survivors of the Maelstrom, and when the storms are light, the wraiths come out to return the favor to the Gangrel Clan. The  Maelstrom however, has conspired to keep other wraiths as well as Spectres from getting inside the Park. The resident wraiths approve of this, however; the Maelstrom has made the vast majority of the city into a no-man's land for their kind, and they want nothing to do with outsiders that most likely reek of Oblivion.

As for the will-workers and fae, it would seem these denizens of Necropolis simply have little in common with the independent Gangrel. Very few have found any reason to visit the Gangrel Domain. A number of Changelings have entered the Park, only to be driven away by the presence of the Kindred there. The Clan may understand this phenomenon itself, but as a whole they may not realize why this happens.

The mages also seem content to fight their own battles, not mixing well with the Gangrel. Most times they appear to be mere mortals, and so the Clan might think them to be only prey. Such encounters only end in bloodshed. In other cases, the Gangrel may simply hide from mortal mages who know of the existence of vampires, reluctant to hand over their secrets to potential Masquerade threats.

Nevertheless, it occasionally happens that a mage will establish a measure of trust and friendship with one of the Gangrel. There's much to risk for the vampire as well as the mage, but much can be gained as well. Still, it is a fine line to walk, one that can end in the mage - or the Gangrel - being truly accepted by neither side.

There are other creatures of the night with which the Gangrel are familiar. It is rumored that one of the Gangrel ghouls is one of the half-human offspring of the thin-blooded; if this is so, the Clan does not speak of it. Of the many bizarre denizens that populate Necropolis, though, most do not test the boundaries of the Gangrel territory, and that suits the Clan well.

Enemies of the Gangrel Palatinate
While the independent Gangrel have their allies within the Kindred and elsewhere, they also have gained their fair share of sworn enemies since the Palatinate was formed.
The Sabbat
First and foremost among these would be the Sabbat. The Sword of Caine has fought with the Gangrel for centuries, as the Clan was part of the Camarilla; this warring took place in Necropolis as well. The Gangrel Clan led the way with the Brujah on the front lines during the last open conflict, before the Clan elders decreed that the Gangrel would be leaving the Camarilla.

After the Palatinate was secured by treaty with the Camarilla, the alliance between them meant that the Gangrel and the Sabbat would remain at odds, and so it has been to this day. The Sabbat continue to invade the territory when and where they can, and seek the blood of the Gangrel with which to strengthen themselves.

The latest incursions in Fleming Park, which took place in the spring of 2000, have guaranteed that the state of war between the independent Gangrel and the Sabbat will be maintained indefinitely. The Palatine Gangrel are allied with the Camarilla, and members of the Clan have also assisted when the Sabbat turned their attentions to the Camarilla, seizing territory on the north side of the city.

The Lupines
The Garou and other shifters that reside in the area are known to gather outside of the city, in the woods near Lake Smithville. Even so, the Gangrel have had to repel various werewolves and other, more bizarre breeds of shifter from Swope Park on many occasions. It is known to the Gangrel that the local Garou Caern has declared war on all Kindred within the city of Necropolis, and the Clan has witnessed Lupine packs hunting in the city for "leeches" to destroy. The Gangrel also know that they will be treated the same as any other Kindred when the claws of the Garou are at their throats.

The Camarilla Clans may think that the Gangrel have a special relationship with the Garou, but the watchers who guard Swope Park are outfitted with silver bullets for their rifles. Perhaps it's best to deal with the Lupines from a position of strength. Considering the Warding Rituals the Tremere Clan has cast upon Swope Park, and the other security measures in place, the Gangrel are well-prepared for Lupine assaults.

Individual members of shifter breeds and Gangrel vampires have managed to get past their inherent differences. Nevertheless, what few Lupine allies such Clan members may trust are not permitted to enter the Domain, on pain of death. After the latest incursion of Garou infesting Fleming Park in the summer of 2000, no one in the Clan would dare to invite a Lupine into the Palatinate. It would doubtless ensure both their deaths.

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