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Treaty of Alliance 
Between the Camarilla Domain of Necropolis &
the Independent Gangrel Palatinate of Swope Park
      The Camarilla of Necropolis, MO, of the one part, and the Independent Gangrel of Necropolis, MO, of the other part; 
      Being united in the desire to bring to a final peace on this day December 25, of the year 2003. 
      Being anxious to reestablish the relations of friends and commerce which are essential to the mutual well-being of their respective peoples; and considering that these relations must be based on respect for the independence and sovereignty of States:  We empowered by our respective peoples, have decided to conclude a Treaty for this purpose and have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries: 
      For the Camarilla: 
            Sheriff Heather Pinacciao, of Clan Brujah
            Scourge Jon Blaed, of Clan Brujah
      For the Independent Gangrel: 
            Jarl Michael Darius, of Clan Gangrel
           Clan Whip, Katherine Anna Durant, of Clan Gangrel
      Who, having produced their full power, found in good and due form, have agreed as follows: 
Article 1: 
      The Gangrel will hold Swope Park (See Appendix 1A) in trust for the Prince, who will continue to uphold that trust as long as the Gangrel continue to uphold this treaty in all it's parts. They will have self governance rights within this Domain, with two exceptions: 
A) Camarilla Traditions be upheld at all times. In the cases of Progeny and Destruction, those rights remain the right of the Prince as they pertain only to Camarilla Kindred, and the right of the Jarl as they pertain only to the Palatine Gangrel.
       In other words, the Jarl cannot give Progeny rights to a Camarilla Kindred, nor can the Gangrel destroy or give the right of destruction to any Camarilla Kindred. 
      Likewise, The Prince can give no right of Progeny or Destruction to any Gangrel. 
B) The Palatinate Domain will be open to any Camarilla kindred, barring the noted Gangrel Safe havens (see Appendix 1B).  Contra-wise, all Camarilla Domain will be open to Palatinate Gangrel, with known exceptions (see Appendix 1C) 
i) All kindred wishing to enter both domains must make themselves known in accordance with the tradition of presentation, Gangrel entering the Camarilla Domain for the first time shall present themselves to the Prince, after presentation to the Jarl and Contra-wise.
ii) The area known as the "Hidden Grove", commonly known as "the clearing", will be made available to Camarilla Kindred by invitation only. Entrance will not be assumed, always asked and can be refused by any Gangrel or any retainer of clan Gangrel. All laws of Elysium are to be observed while in the "Hidden Grove" 
iii) The presence of kindred within Swope after its normal hours of mortal operation shall be kept invisible. Kindred within the park are to avoid mortals during these hours without just cause. 
iv)  In case of inappropriate behavior, either or the ruling bodies can seek to bar a member of either faction by approaching the appropriate figurehead. (Primogen in case of Camarilla Kindred, Jarl in case of Gangrel) 
C) In the chance of a breach of this Treaty, A one month grace period will be granted on both sides for clarification before any action will be taken. 
Article 2: 
   Both parties, both inside and outside the Palatinate Domain shall uphold Status. 
A) Within both factions, titled positions are upheld with the following provisions: 
i) Palatinate leaders, security and populace cannot enforce their laws without seeking appropriate permission when an offender is within the Camarilla Domain, but outside the Palatinate. 
ii) Camarilla leaders, security and populace cannot enforce their laws without seeking appropriate permission when an offender is within the Palatinate Domain 
B) The ignoring of status, or overstepping of status can be brought to the appropriate figurehead for punishment. (Primogen in the Case of Camarilla Kindred, Jarl in the Case of the Gangrel) 
C) Gangrel entering the Camarilla Domain for the first time shall present themselves to the Prince, after presentation to the Jarl and Contra-wise. 
D) All laws of tradition shall be upheld by both parties, regardless of their respective Domains. 
i) Palatinate members breaching, within the Camarilla Domain shall be apprehended and turned over to Palatine officials for judgment
ii) Camarilla members breaching within the Palatinate Domain shall be apprehended and turned over to Camarilla officials for judgment
Article 3: 
   With the Treaty, the Camarilla and the Palatinate enter a mutual defense pact. A threat on either is a threat to both. 
A) Only the Prince or the Jarl can deem what a "Threat" is. 
B) Exception being an internal struggle on either parts 
C) Gangrel and Camarilla will equally be considered on merit for any war council or party, should the Prince or Jarl call for one. 
Article 4: 
   The Gangrel shall be afforded an honorary seat on the Camarilla Primogen council and the Camarilla shall have a Honorary seat on the Palatinate Witan
A) At no time can either honorary seat vote on matters presented before the Council or the Witan
B) They shall at no time be excluded from Council or Witan
i) With the exception of a breach of treaty by either party, then see Article I, Sub A ii 
Appendix 1A 
       Map of Swope Park Area
(including upper branches of  the
park, Brush Creek, Blue Valley
and Terrence parks) highlighted
in Red, Camarilla territory
highlighted in blue. 
Appendix 1B 
   Hidden Grove 
   The Ruins (and space within
                     200 meters) 
   Swope Memorial 
Appendix 1C 
   Tremere Chantry
   Individual Clan Meetings 
   Individual Havens
Cinnamon Raven, Prince of Necropolis Teri Jensen, Malkavian Primogen
Raekwon Talison, Brujah Primogen Nezetta Lowara, Nosferatu Primogen
Robert Morrison, Toreador Primogen Edward Northfeld, Ventrue Primogen
William Ranton, Tremere Primogen Michael Darius, Jarl of the Palatinate

Signed in full on January 5, 2004.  One singed copy in the keeping of each Domain.

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