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E X P E R I E N C E  P O I N T S ( E X P )
At the end of each month all ACTIVE characters are awarded 4 EXP. Players that have performed extraordinary actions during a game may request extra experience awards by submitting a detailed description of the action. Storytellers are encouraged to award points towards specific ratings, to reflect gains made in the game (i.e., if the character saves a Primogen's life, that player would be awarded a Contact, possibly even a Boon... another character may make an excellent stock deal, raising his Resources one dot). We understand that Real Life™ does on occasion have the annoying habit of interfering with the ability to spend hours on end role-playing, thus there is no minimum amount of hours that you must log to earn those baseline XP. Some players choose not to take those XP, when they haven't been online as much as they consider a reasonable amount, but ultimately that decision is left up to the player to decide. Only -you- know why you couldn't even show in the chat rooms that week.
Through participation in approved stories for the Necropolis Chronicle, a character may acquire up to 6 additional XPs per month from ST's- the absolute maximum is 10 XP per month. All ST experience awards need to be emailed to the Gangrel ST for final approval.
Additional experience from TT, LARP, or non-Necropolis WoD settings is not allowed. 
No experience can be collected for "private" IM played scenes.
C H A R A C T E R   A D V A N C E M E N T
Every three months, the players of characters on the Active Roster are required to send in an accounting of their XP, where they earned it, where it is being spent, and how much (if any) is being carried over. The Gangrel Storytellers will maintain a copy of your sheet on file, and update this official sheet based upon what you send us in these updates. Reminders will be sent to the Gangrel Clan Listbot, and we will let new players know when the next scheduled due date is, when their character is approved.
You are not required to actually RP out the learning, but it is always a plus if you can base the XP expenditure upon events that have taken place within the chats. At the very least, it is strongly recommended that you make the learning process an actual part of the character's existence. Have the character going to night school in the background, or taking classes somewhere – let that be the subject of occasional conversation in the chats. Make sure that it is plausible and realistic. Wyrm Lore doesn't come about unless you're willing to spend hours churning through arcane texts or exposing yourself to unspeakable evil, not normally something that is on the itinerary of most wanderers…
The address to which you should send the above mentioned information:
If the information is not received by the final day of the month in which it is due, your character will be placed on an Inactive Roster. If, three months later, that information has still not been received – your character will be dropped from the roster under the assumption that you no longer wish to play them.
It happens to everyone; occasionally, real-life concerns take precedence over online gaming. It may happen that a player needs to go offline for an extended period of time. If you find yourself in this situation and do not want to lose your character, it's easy to prevent that from happening. Send a simple email about the "absence" of the character(s) IC. And the "expected" length of your absence from the chats. We will put your character on "hold" on the visitor list.
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