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Government: Bacterian Empire. Nothing more is known about them.

Homeworld(s): Unknown, primary homeworld in this galaxy is Bacterius.

History: Unknown.

Military: It has weakered past few years, becuase of their wars. But there's reports indicating that their milirary is getting stronger now.

Research And Exploration: Unknown.

Diplomacy: Have good relationship with GA and HF. And are members of the ISA (Interstellar Alliance).

People: Unknown.

Morale: Unknown.

Intelligence: Unknown.

Power: They are quite weak race, but they've groved in the past years. Their wars costed so much.

Info: Bacterians are strange race as the Hemmoians. Except that they are quite stupid. Killing their race to almost nothing. Their military is weak. Folans have tried to destroy the bacterians, but Federation has able to stop it by saying that they will attack to them and the Hemmoians. And because Folans have to cross the Federation's space. We don't know almost anything about their history except that they had wars with Hemmoians many times and with Gigerdians also many times. Bacterians are really strange race. When they had peace few months they decide to declare war, does that make sense? Their relationships to other races are as same as the Hemmoians have. We hope bacterians wouldn't continue these stupid wars!