Population: 56 242 000 Billion
Population Growth Rate: 1.17 %
Life Expectancy At Birth: 750 Earth years.
Birth Rate: Unknown (Cannot be calculated)
Death Rate: Unknown
Labor Force: 1 050 Billion
Labor Force By Occupation: 30% military, 20% industry, 50% services.
Industries: B² have rather little of industry, but they mostly deal with medical goods.
Agricultural Products: Lorksps, Aqowes, Zoxls, Cor'las, Yaors, Aqua Berries, Fiaols, Moorhs, Bakspzs, Korizhicon and Aqua Bananas.
Export Commodities: Medical goods and nanotechnology.
Exports Partners: Other UFP colonies, Folan empire, IPA, GA, T-Race federation and Great Lightness.
Import Commodities: Replicators, reactors, energy cells, computers, natural resources and holo-technology.
Import Partners: Mostly other UFP worlds, but also Gigerdi Alliance, IPA and Folans.
Homeworld: Foaveq, second planet.
Capital: Karjar.
Natural Resources: Aluminum, Carbon, Cesium, Chrome, Curium, Gallium, Helium, Californium, Lithium, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Nickel, Beryllium, Quicksilver, Cadmium, Strontium, Tin, Vanadium, Zinc, Copper, Plutonium, Silver, Thallium, Uranium, Titanium, Technetium, Methane, Ethene, Propane, Butane, Ethanol, Yttrium, Zirconium, Xenon, Radium, Einsteinium, Sulphur, Iron and Chlorine (There are other resources too, but these are the main ones).
Land Use(Homeworld): Cities 30%(underwater), Cities 5% (on earth), Forest 15% Water 80%.
Land Use: 45% Cities, 25% forests, 30% water.
Planets(Home system): Fpa, Foaveq, Fhoglus.
Moons(Home system): Rokir (Foaveq) and 12 moons (Fhoglus).
Spaceports(Home system): 541 spaceports, 9 major spaceports.
Spaceports: Over 46 000 spaceports, over 8 700 major spaceports.
Fighter Garrisons(Home system): 80-110.
Terrain(Home system): Fpa is terran, but used to be volcanic, Foaveq is an ocean world and Fhoglus is a gas giant.
Terrain: Mostly all planets are either terran or arid worlds, some barren, volcanic, ocean and gas giant worlds still exist.
Lowest Point (not underwater): Valley of Physics -34 643 m (Rokir)
Lowest Point (Underwater): Depths of Mendacity -96 199 m (Foaveq)
Highest Point: Un-aquatic Mountain, 65 214 m (Rokir)
Natural Hazards(Home system): None.
Info: B² are also one of the founding members of it and as well one of the biggest races in it, in terms of population. B² can live for extremely long period of time and even then the death is sort of a suicide. B² evolved on the planet Foaveq, which was and is an ocean world. They are an aquatic race. First being sort of fish-like creatures they later evolved to travel on land as well, which, however, was extremely thinly spread across the planet. B²s at first lived like beings living in the sea usually do. Later, however, they started to build building in the seas. B²s have always been very long-living race, but lack of living space forced them to limit births. They couldn't live in the deepest parts and thus their living space was limited to only portion of the entire planet. Effort was made to discover technology that would either enable them to habit the land above the seas or habit the more deeper depths. Technology to extract oxygen from air was discovered first and thus the land areas were quickly inhabited. They were also able to develop better means to travel on land. They were able to invent space travel even before actually able to travel in the deepest areas in their oceans. Their home system offered very little space for expansion. Only their moon and some of the moons orbiting Fhoglus provided sufficient environment. Their first contact was with 1110110110101111 and since the 1110110110101111s had already established connection with several other races the B²s soon got connection to them as well. The arrival of B²s caused the United Federation of Planets to be formed. B²s have specialized themselves in medical technology, as well as nanotechnology when it comes to healing with it, this is mostly due to their long life and the special healing plants on their homeworld.