Captain Gill Mora
Race: Gigerdian
Age: 44
Military rank: Captain
Origin: Gigerdi 2
Military Education: Complete basic military
training, extensive operations training and later command training.
Family: None.
Info: Gill Mora completed Gigerdian academy
in year 3345. He was first assigned to ship G.F.S. Gizmo. While there he was
promoted to lieutenant. When the ship had strange accident Gill Mora was promoted
to lieutenant commander because he was one of the only ones who survived. After
that he was assigned to station orbiting planet Cruela 4. When the commander
of the station got ship to command, Mora got the station to command and was
promoted to commander in year 3354. After five years Mora had finally a ship
to command and he was promoted to captain. The ship he commanded was G.A.S.
Tasoth. Only after two years he was suggested the command of exploreison. He
accepted and is currently the captain of that ship.
Here's the picture of Gill Mora.
Vice Admiral (Ambassador) Gigerdius
Race: Gigerdian
Age: 47
Military rank: Vice Admiral
Origin: Gigerdi Prime
Military Education: Only a fast command training.
Has extensive ambassadorial training.
Family: One sister, killed on an accident several
years ago, he is married with Gurned Gigerdius, a Gigerdian and has a son,
Siernan Gigerdius.
Info: Gigerdius was born
on a planet Gigerdi Prime. His father worked in the GF military’s research
department and his mother was a doctor. When Gigerdius was two he got a little
At first
Gigerdius wanted to
go to the military, but after he had completed all the more basic schools
he was fascinated by the ambassadorial work and therefore went to the ambassadorial
school on Gigerdi Prime. After many years he finally graduated and got the
position as the ambassadorial assistor for the Gigerdi Federation ambassador
at the Federation. He made numerous small ambassadorial tasks then and was
able to form many smaller treaties and enhance some during those years. His
talents were therefore soon noted and he got the position as an ambassador
to the Folan Star Empire. It was an important job and Gigerdius had never
really thought he could get that. There, he was able to strengthen the relations
between the Gigerdi Federation and the Folan Star Empire. During those years
he also married Gurned Hesar, a Gigerdian who Gigerdius met when he was visiting
Gigerdi Prime. After their wedding Gigerdius requested if he could be reinstated
and his request was approved. He then started performing small tasks around
the GA space, mostly dealing with internal matters, which needed negotiations.
Soon he and Gurned got a son, Siernan Gigerdius. Not long after
that Gigerdius’s sister died in a strange accident. Still Gigerdius continued
in his current ambassadorial job and started even performing ambassadorial
tasks outside the borders of Gigerdi Federation. Many years later after many
years of dedicated work for the Gigerdi Federation, Gigerdius was captured
by the Dominion, during the Dominion war while he was on an ambassadorial mission
near the Dominion border. Dominion then inserted a shapeshifter posing as Gigerdius
to the GF. However the shapeshifter didn’t manage to survive long before
he was catch at the Peace Station. Gigerdius was then later released, but still
had to face court-martial. He was sentenced to a space dock to work for a several
years. He spent many years there, until he got offered the place as the captain
of the G.A.S. Exploreison, which was the first vessel to be built under the
name of G.A.S. (Gigerdi Alliance Ship) Gigerdius finally accepted that position
and went to quick training to learn the basics of commanding a ship. After
that their journey begins.
Here's the picture of Gigerdius.
Commander Grillka
Race: Gigerdian
Age: 42
Military rank: Commander (First officer)
Origin: Gref
Military Education: Complete
basic military training, extensive operations training and later command training.
Family: None.
Info: Grillka completed gigerdian academy
in year 3352. She was first assigned to ship called G.F.S.
Aquatod. There she was promoted to lieutenant and in year 3353 she was
promoted to lieutenant commander and assigned to G.F.S. Exes there she was
promoted to
Commander in year 3357 and then she was able to command that ship, but in the
last attack to dominion she was assigned to U.F.S. Harbinger. After that
was assigned to Exploreison. Where she currently is.
Here's a picture of Grillka.
Lieutenant Fhogli
Race: Gigerdian
Age: 25
Military rank: Lieutenant (Weapons
Origin: Corion 2
Military Education: Complete basic military
training, extensive operations training.
Family: None.
Info: Fhogli completed gigerdian academy
in year 3357 and he was best of his class. His first assignment was to exploreison.
Here's a picture of Fhogli.
Lieutenant-Commander Min'da
Race: T-Race
Age: Unknown.
Military rank: Lieutenant-Commander
Origin: Unknown.
Military Education: None.
Family: Unknown.
Info: She had never been in gigerdian academy,
but she was one of the few that wanted join to Gigerdian military. She began
as lieutenant and she was assigned to Exploreison as an advisor.
Here's a picture of Min'da.
Lieutenant Ghi'la
Race: Gigerdian
Age: 27 Gigerdian years old.
Military rank: Lieutenant (Communications
Origin: Triale 3
Military Education: Complete basic military
training, extensive operations training.
Family: Two sisters.
Info: Ghi'la completed gigerdian academy in year
3357 and was best in her class. Her first assignment was to exploreison.
Here's a picture of Ghi'la.
Lieutenant Commander Drill
Race: Human
Age: 33 human years.
Military rank: Lieutenant-Commander
(Chief Engineer)
Origin: Earth
Military Education: Complete basic military
training, extensive engineering training.
Family: One sister, one brother.
Info: Drill started in starfleet academy,
but in the middle of it he changed to gigerdian academy. His first assignment
was to ship U.F.S. Excalibur and after seven years he was assigned to exploreison.
Here's a picture of Drill.
Lieutenant Brian
Race: Human
Age: 27 human years.
Military rank: Lieutenant (Helm
Origin: Gigerdi Prime.
Military Education: Complete basic military
training, extensive operations training.
Family: None.
Info: Brian completed gigerdian academy in the
year 3357 and he was the best in his class. His first assignment was to Exploreison.
Here's a picture of Brian.
Lieutenant Commander Sprak
Race: Lihter
Age: 37 human years.
Military rank: Lieutenant-Commander
(Leading Science officer)
Origin: Biirlu.
Military Education: Extensive science
Family: One brother.
Info: Sprak was born on planet Biirlu,
which was in the Gigerdi space. It was one of the first places to have Lihters
in the Gigerdian space. Sprak was
immediately fascinated by science and therefore went to the science academy.
Later he decided to become as a military science officer and joined GF military.
He spent several years in training and was later assigned to a training on
planet Cruula 5 where he spend two years and was promoted as lieutenant,
after that he was assigned to the Exploreison.
Here's the picture of Sprak.
Lieutenant Commander R'Derex
Race: Folan
Age: 37 human years.
Military rank: Lieutenant-Commander
(Security chief)
Origin: Heneki 5
Military Education: Extensive security
Family: None.
Info: R’Derex was born on a planet
Heneki 5, which was mostly populated by Folans. The planet was still located
in the Gigerdi Federation space. R’Derex first planned to become a replicator
engineer, but after graduating from the more basic schools he decided to head
to the security training and worked as a security officer on Heneki five, before
he decided to head to the military. Because of his past training he completed
basic security officer training fast and was assigned to the training on planet
Cruula 5 where he spent two years and was promoted as lieutenant. After that
he was assigned as a chief of security to the Exploreison.
Here's a picture of R'Derex.
Lieutenant Commander Deket
Race: Parlien
Age: 37 human years.
Military rank: Lieutenant-Commander
(Lead Doctor)
Origin: Parlie Prime.
Military Education: Extensive medical
Family: None.
Info: Deket completed gigerdian academy
in the year 3355. He was assigned to medical officer training on the planet
Cruula 5. There he spent two years in training and was promoted to lieutenant.
In year 3357 he was assigned to Exploreison.
Here's a picture of Deket.
Lieutenant T'Lar
Race: Folan
Age: 34 human years.
Military rank: Lieutenant
(Leading the Special Security Force)
Origin: Heneki 6.
Military Education: Extensive security
Family: None.
Info: T'Lar completed gigerdian academy
in year 3355. She was assigned to security officer training on the planet Cruula
5. There she spent two years in training. In year 3357 he was assigned to Exploreison.
Here's a picture of T'Lar.