Fruon Class Starbase
Selken Class Starbase
Te'en Class Colony Protector
Tolek Class Outpost
Fre'ton Class Outpost
Sagren Class Science Station
Standard Folan Shipyard
Fruon Class
Size length: 40 Km
Size width: 40 Km
Armor: Heavy capital ship armor.
Weapons: 140 heavy distruptors, 379 medium distruptors,
547 light distruptors, 20 torpedo launchers.
Shields: Energy shields 1 800 000.
Max. crew: 21 000
Min. crew: 1 000
Cargo space: 20 km³
Reactors: 10 large Antimatter reactors and 17
large fusion reactors.
Info: Fruon is the second starbase in the Folan
Empire's Military. The most common defense base. Also used as a space dock
and a living place. Its mission is to protect large colonies. Sometimes
protecting important systems or bases. It was designed little after the Gorg
Here's picture of Fruon in space.
Selken Class
Size length: 39 Km
Size width: 41 Km
Armor: Heavy cap ship armor.
Weapons: 135 heavy distruptors, 368 medium distruptors,
630 light distruptors, five missile launchers and 19 torpedo launchers.
Shields: Energy shields 1 850 000
Max. crew: 20 000
Min. crew: 100
Cargo Space: 18 km³
Reactors: 10 large Antimatter reactors and 11
large fusion reactors.
Info: Has little lesser weapons than Fruon, but
Selken has better shields. It's the commonest starbase in Folans Star Empire.
Designed in the time of the Lightness War. It's used as a colony protector
for large colonies and it can protect systems and stations. Also used as living
station. There usually live quite lot of people as well.
Here's picture of Selken in space.
Te'en Class Colony
Size length: 15 Km
Size width: 15 Km
Armor: Heavy capital ship armor.
Weapons: 20 heavy distruptors, 90 medium distruptors,
280 light distruptors and 12 torpedo launchers.
Shields: Energy shields 550 000.
Max. crew: 6 000
Min. crew: 100
Cargo space: 5 km³
Reactors: Four large Antimatter reactors and
five large fusion reactors.
Info: When planet is colonized Te'en class colony
protector is always built to protect the colony from pirates, raiders and
attacks. When colony becomes more bigger and important the station is upgraded
to Starbase.
Here's picture of Te'en in space.
Tolek Class
Size length: 10 Km
Size width: 7,5 Km
Armor: Average capital ship armor.
Weapons: 12 heavy distruptors, 60 medium distruptors,
100 light distruptors and seven torpedo launchers.
Shields: Energy shields 285 000.
Max. crew: 5 000
Min. crew: 10
Cargo space: 6 km³
Reactors: Four large Antimatter reactors and
six large fusion reactors.
Info: Toleks aren't much used, they are long
range outposts. They usually guard important borders and are not much contacted.
They also provide sensor and communication support.
Here's picture of Tolek in space.
Fre'ton Class
Size length: 200 m
Size width: 200 m
Armor: Light capital ship armor.
Weapons: One heavy distruptors, five medium distruptors,
12 light distruptors and two torpedo launchers.
Shields: Energy shields 50 000.
Max. crew: 100
Min. crew: 10
Cargo space: 30 m³
Reactors: One large Antimatter reactor.
Info: Standard border outpost, small, but not
so weak. These usually guard borders of the Folan Star Empire
Here's picture of Fre'ton in space.
Sagren Class
Science Station
Size length: 10 Km
Size width: 10 Km
Armor: Average capital ship armor.
Weapons: One heavy distruptors, five medium distruptors,
12 light distruptors and two torpedo launchers.
Shields: Energy shields 500 000.
Max. crew: 8 000
Min. crew: 20
Cargo space: 5 km³
Reactors: Five large Antimatter reactors and
one large fusion reactors.
Info: Sagren class science station is a standard
science station. They usually orbit planets where is something that must be
researcher or studied. They don't create new technology in the science stations.
There is always base or ships defending the science stations.
Here's picture of Sagren in space.
Standard Folan
Ship Yard
Size length: 40 Km
Size width: 18 Km
Armor: None.
Weapons: None.
Shields: Energy shields 600 000.
Max. crew: 40 000
Min. crew: 100
Cargo space: None.
Reactors: One large Antimatter reactor.
Info: Standard Folan shipyard. Can be modified
to build bigger ships.
Here's picture of Folan shipyard in space.