Hyperion Class Light Cruiser
Prime Class Light Cruiser
Gigerdi Mk I Light Cruiser
Commander Class Light Cruiser
Gigerdi Mk I-A Class Cruiser Prototype
Gigerdi Mk II Medium Cruiser
Universe Class Medium Cruiser
Valencia Mk I Class Medium Cruiser
Valencia Mk II Class Heavy Cruiser
Galaxy Class Heavy Cruiser
Gigerdi Mk III Heavy Cruiser
Glory Class Heavy Cruiser
Hemmen Class Battle Cruiser
Lulsa Class Battle Cruiser
Rubek's Cube Class Medium Commando Cruiser
Unity Class Light Command Cruiser
Dungeon Class Medium Command Cruiser
Almasy Class Heavy Command Cruiser
Class Light Cruiser
Max. Crew: 350
Min. Crew: 50
Length: 800 m
Weapons: Seven medium plasma pulse point-defense
cannons, One Heavy long-range Plasma Cannon and Two Anti-fighter batteries(Weaponry
may vary).
Shields: 45 000
Special Equipment: None.
Fighters: 22 Fighters.
Cargo space: 125 m³
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: No.
Info: The Hyperion came to use during the end
of the third bacterian war as a quick strike carrier. Its main role was to
quickly launch its fighters and defend the other ships in the fleet. There
weren't many Hyperions serving in the fleet at that time, but they did their
job well. After the war, Hyperions were used as a patrol and short range warships
in numerous conflicts after it. The Hyperion design used the same kind of
a jump-point system as the Omega class destroyers did. It also
had an auxiliary bridge in case the original would have been knocked over,
it was heavily shielded by armor and shields. The fighters were launched from
the mid section of the ship at the starboard and port sides. Recently, some
of the Hyperions have been given to the Colonial defense forces as a second
hand equipment, but still there are some Hyperions left in the GA fleets.
Here's picture of Hyperion in space.
Prime Class Light Cruiser
Engines: Four medium impulse engines.
FTL drive: Jump drive MkI medium version.
Size length: 1 km
Size width: 700 meters.
Armor: Light capital ship armor.
Weapons: Two heavy Incinerator Beams, Eight heavy
pulse Incinerator Beams, 32 light Incinerator Beams, four medium pulse canons
and two torpedo launchers.
Shields: Energy shields 45 000.
Special Equipment: None.
Fighters: 19 fighters.
Max. crew: 2 500
Norm. Crew: 700
Min. crew: 5
Cargo space: 125 m³
Capable of landing to planet: Yes.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Yes.
Reactors: One large Antimatter reactor and one
large fusion reactor.
Info: Prime is really old design and isn't really
much used anymore. Prime was designed quite long time before the Gorg war to
act as a medium cruiser, mostly then its job was supposed to be; clearing out
enemy fighters and smaller capital ships. Primes did serve the GF well during
the Gorg war. Primes were used to destroy Gorg fighters and smaller capital
ships during the Gorg war. Primes were one of the main medium cruisers during
the Gorg war and lots of Primes were constructed during that time. Gorgs didn't
really like Primes and destroyed almost 1/3 of all the Primes. Primes were one
of the fastest and most maneuverable capital ships during the Gorg war and before
it. Primes' gold age was during then, but then slowly they started to loose
their position in the GF and later in the GA military. During the Dominion war
they were lowered to light cruiser. Primes' construction stopped during the
Dominion war, but A LOT of Primes were then in service. Even that there were
high number of Primes in service they still weren't much used during the war.
Kyle Gigerdi acquired few Primes during the secession war, these were mostly
defected ships that came from the Mad Gigerdi's side during the secession war.
GA then started to decommission Primes shortly after the Dominion war. Many
Primes were really old and hadn't been refitted at all so the best thing to
do was to decommission them. Still several Primes still remained in service
even to the Lightness war were they played a small role, mostly they just did
the dying job. Even that lots of them were destroyed during the Lightness war
over 30 of them survived from it and about four of those are still currently
in service, 20 were decommissioned and the rest were destroyed in GA-IPA conflict,
were taken by IPA or were destroyed by the Emissaries.
Here's a picture of Prime.
MkI Class Light Cruiser
Max. Crew: 356
Min. Crew: 100
Shields: Old Energy Shields 14 000
Length: 600 m
Weapons: Six Laser Batteries, Two Missile Launchers,
Two Tractor Beam Projectors, One Ion Cannon Battery.
Special Equipment: None.
Fighters: 24 Fighters
Cargo space: 75 m³
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: No.
Info: The Gigerdi MkI class light cruiser was
one of the first ships of the Gigerdi Federation. It had the revolutionary
Hyperdrive in them enabling travel between systems to take only
a couple of weeks, maybe days or months. The ship itself was very comfortable
for the crew, having enough space for them to recreate without problems. These
ships served from the H'Vos conflict to the beginning of the first
gigerdi civil-war. Although, these ships were completely outnumbered against
the Bacterian ships, the gigerdi fighters they carried usually,
were able to score a victory or two.
Class Light Cruiser
Engines: Two heavy impulse engines.
FTL drive: Jump drive MkI heavy version.
Size length: 1,2 km
Size width: 700 meters.
Armor: Light capital ship armor.
Weapons: Two heavy Incinerator Beams, Eight heavy
pulse Incinerator Beams, 40 light Incinerator Beams, nine medium pulse canons
and two torpedo launchers.
Shields: Energy shields 55 000.
Special Equipment: None.
Fighters: 23 fighters.
Max. crew: 2 600
Norm. Crew: 700
Min. crew: 5
Cargo space: 130 m³
Capable of landing to planet: Yes.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Yes.
Reactors: One large Antimatter reactor and one
large fusion reactor.
Info: Commander is mostly just an upgraded version
of Prime, with little more firepower and shieldpower added. Commanders were
designed before the Dominion war mostly to assist Prime class cruisers. Commander
wasn't much of a upgrade of Prime, but still it was used a lot in the Dominion
war and it did become one of the most used light cruisers in the GA military.
Commanders are extremely fast, maneuverable and still have quite good weaponry.
In the Lightness war they started to replace Primes more and more because
Primes weren't much of a match against Lightness forces, but still Primes
remained as one of the light cruisers in the GA military even that Commanders
were better version of Primes. More Commanders are still being built, but
not much. They have taken the place of Primes fully, but seem to be loosing
their current position.
Here's a picture of Commander.
Gigerdi MkI-A
Class Cruiser Prototype
Max. Crew: 50
Min. Crew: 35
Shields: Old Energy Shields 12 000
Length: 400 m
Weapons: Two Double Laser Turrets
Special Equipment: None.
Fighters: None.
Cargo space: 45 m³
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: No.
Info: The first Gigerdi ship which was manufactured
in the orbital ship yards orbiting the moon, in Gigerdi
Prime. There was only one ship of the this design made, it was a prototype
of the Gigerdi MkI light cruiser which was touring around G-Prime and its
moon. The ship was called Gigerdii
due to its place of construction and the Gigerdians effort of space
exploration. The ship needed very few crew-members able to be operated correctly.
The ship had no jump drives, but had very fast sublight engine. The Weapons
weren't that great either, but it had some small cannons in the front and
back. The Gigerdii was just a prototype vessel, it could not be used in a
war situation anyway. Soon when the official Gigerdi MkI class light cruisers
line begun to be constructed, the Gigerdi MkI-A class was decommissioned.
Gigerdi Mk
II Class Medium Cruiser
Max. Crew: 400
Min. Crew: 80
Shields: Energy Shield 55 000
Length: 1,2 km
Weapons: Two Incinerator Beam Banks, One Torpedo
Launcher and Four Heavy Laser Cannons.
Special Equipment: Sensor jammers.
Cargo space: 225 m³
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: No.
Fighters: 40
Info: The Gigerdi Mk II class medium cruiser
was developed in the beginning of the Peace Station project, it wasnt
widely used by the Gigerdi Federation during the first Gigerdi civil war.
The Mk II Medium cruiser was designed by using the original MkI cruisers
hull and making it a bigger one. It Also had bigger fighter bays for the Gigerdi
fighters and shuttles, making fighters role even bigger than before.
The Ship still looked almost the same as the MkI, but was only bigger. The
greatest improvement was that the jump drive was completely new, it was the
Warp drive. There are still some of the medium cruisers in GA military (Heavily
modified), in active service. The design was widely used by the Rebel group
led by the Kyle Gigerdi during the first civil war and the Dominion War.
Universe Class Medium Cruiser
Engines: Two heavy impulse engines.
FTL drive: Jump drive MkI heavy version.
Size length: 4 km
Size width: 1,8 km
Armor: Good capital ship armor.
Weapons: Four heavy disruptors, 18 medium disruptors,
35 light disruptors and four torpedo launchers.
Shields: Energy shields 125 000.
Special Equipment: Advanced sensors and sensor
Fighters: 80 fighters.
Max. crew: 7 000
Norm. Crew: 2 000
Min. crew: 5
Cargo space: 500 m³
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Yes.
Reactors: Two large Antimatter reactors and four
large fusion reactors.
Info: Universe is quite new design, it was designed
to fight against Lightness in case they start the war again. Universe was the
only ship that was actually fully designed with the IPA shortly after its founding.
Universes are really powerful and have lots of space for fighters, but have
quite little of cargo space and their speed and maneuverability just sucks,
which makes them only good against larger capital ships. Universes were seen
a lot in the GA-IPA conflict on both sides, GA lost one Universe during the
conflict, GA military had about 11 of them at that time. Universe was designed
from the Constitution class and become slower, but more powerful than the Constitution
also it became a bit larger. Universes were in the Emissary conflicts and proved
to be a good addition to the GA military fleet, of course they didn't earn any
high place there, they still became one of the ships that GA military uses.
Currently about 19 Universes travel in the GA space and probably more will be
built, though they won't be mass produced.
Here's a picture of Universe.
MkI Class Medium Cruiser
Max. Crew: 200
Min. Crew: 0
Length: 854 m
Weapons: Seven medium particle disrupters, Two
light particle disrupters, One Antimatter torpedo launcher, One interceptor
grid One Black Hole Generator.
Shields: Heavy Antimatter shields.
Special Equipment: Cloaking device and cloak
Fighters: None.
Cargo space: 125 m³
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: No.
Info: The Valencia MkI is the smaller brother
of Valencia Mk II heavy cruiser. It was designed just before the Hemmoian
civil war. Both valencias use the same kind of organic hull design
as the new Alive class vessel. The both Valencias have the particle
disrupter weaponry as their main weapons and the Nexus(Gigerdian
name for the I.H.P.W.T.S. Drive) drive as their propulsion system and jump
drive. Not much is known about the Valencia MkI cruiser, it is kept a secret
'till the daring end. There has been at least three Valencia Mk Is at the
battlefield so far and the most seen is the Akira. The MkI Valencia
does not need a crew, it is run by a central computer linked to the ships
Brain, it also has the dangerous Black hole generator
weapon which has not been used yet. It's also equipped with a Cloaking Device,
which can't be detected in long range, but is detectable in short range. Although,
the MkI is still in experimental use
. It still is a formidable opponent.
Mk II Class Heavy Cruiser
Max. Crew: 500 (about)
Min. Crew: 0
Length: Slightly bigger than the Mk
III heavy cruiser.
Weapons: Six heavy particle disrupters, Two light
particle disrupters, One Antimatter torpedo launcher and One planet killer
Shields: Heavy Antimatter Shields.
Special Equipment: None.
Fighters: 382 MkI "Ice Javelin" Battle
Cargo space: 200 m³
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: No.
Info: The Valencia Mk II is the bigger brother
of the MkI valencia. Its weaponry is upgraded and the ship has an experimental
high energy beam weapon capable of destroying planets. It also carries the
new unmanned battle drones in its drone bays at the aft of the ship. The Jump
drive is the same as the MkI's and the hull is organic too. The odd thing
is, that the Mk II Valencias were made and seen before the Mk Is This is an
odd mistake, which the ship designers never got the hang of. At first, there
were only 6 of the Valencia Mk IIs constructed after the Lightness war, but
these days theyre one of the backbones of the fleet. As the MkI and
Mk II has the same kind of a central computer as its operator. However, Mk
II Valencia uses a new antimatter reactor as its power source.
Galaxy Class Heavy Cruiser
Engines: Four heavy impulse engines.
FTL drive: Jump drive Mk II heavy version.
Size length: 11 km
Size width: 9 km
Armor: Excellent capital ship armor.
Weapons: Ten heavy Incinerator Beams, 42 medium
Incinerator Beams, 64 light Incinerator Beams, 41 medium pulse Incinerator Beams,
70 light pulse Incinerator Beams, 11 missile launchers and eight torpedo launchers.
Shields: Energy shields 250 000.
Special Equipment: None.
Fighters: 100 fighters.
Max. crew: 20 000
Norm. Crew: 9 000
Min. crew: 15
Cargo space: 1,4 km³
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Yes.
Reactors: Three large Antimatter reactors and four
large fusion reactors.
Info: During the alliance with the Humans he
GF military research acquired the designs of the Galaxy class ship; they then
decided to do another kind of version of it, with more firepower, but lesser
shields. Galaxy class was designed by the Mad Gigerdi's side during the Secession
War with the help of Humans, though none of them were built during that time.
First Gigerdian galaxy class was built just before the last battle with the
Dominion and it was even in the last battle against the Dominion. After the
Dominion war more Galaxy classes were built and they quickly became even quite
used heavy cruiser in the GA military. Over 300 Galaxy classes were built
after the Dominion war and before the Lightness war. Galaxy classes were quite
good against Lightness, but of course they weren't much of a match against the
biggest Lightness ships. Lots of Galaxy classes were also destroyed during the
Lightness war, currently about 230 Galaxy classes are in service. Galaxy class
is extremely slow, but powerful, it's possible that the GA research & exploration
is planning to make a new design of the Galaxy class, but that remains to be
Here is picture of modified Galaxy class heavy cruiser in space.
Gigerdi Mk III Class Heavy
Max. Crew: 600
Min. Crew: 90
Shields: Energy Shields 65 000 or Antimatter shields.
Length: 1,7 km
Weapons: Four Plasma Torpedo Launchers, Eight Plasma
Point-Defense cannons and Four Pulse Cannons at front.
(Weaponry May Vary) Two Heavy Particle disrupter cannons and Interceptor grid.
Special Equipment: Advanced sensors, advanced communications
and sensor jammers.
Fighters: 40 Fighters.
Cargo space: 250 m³
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: No.
Info: The Mk III heavy cruiser is the backbone
of the Gigerdi Alliance military fleets. Its superior design and weaponry have
saved the lives of thousands during the third bacterian war and the conflicts
following it. The Mk III was the final evolution of the Mk II and MkI cruisers
which were brilliant. The Mk III also had bigger quarters and more recreational
areas for the crew than the last cruisers. The weaponry was great too. It also
carried fighters like the last cruisers. The Energy to the ship came from a
fusion reactor at the back of the ship. The ships weapons and shields also received
an update a few years ago when the particle disrupter technology was officially
discovered. These cruisers were First used at the beginning of the third Bacterian
War in which it served a bigger role. It also carries more troopers and ground
vehicles to start a small planetary invasion than the normal ships. The ship's
jump drive was new Hyperspace jump-point system, which was and is still used
by some ships of the GA fleets. Now all of the Heavy cruisers use the I.H.P.W.T.S.
Drive (Enabling the ship to travel almost anywhere in space within seconds).
Glory Class
Heavy Cruiser
Engines: Four heavy impulse engines.
FTL drive: Jump drive Mk II heavy version.
Size length: 8 km
Size width: 5,2 km
Armor: Excellent capital ship armor.
Weapons: Nine heavy Incinerator Beams, 40 medium
Incinerator Beams, 69 light Incinerator Beams, 80 light pulse Incinerator
Beams, nine missile launchers and eight torpedo launchers.
Shields: Energy shields 200 000.
Special Equipment: Sensor and communication jammers.
Fighters: 60 fighters.
Max. crew: 18 000
Norm. Crew: 5 000
Min. crew: 5
Cargo space: 1 km³
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Yes.
Reactors: Three large Antimatter reactors and
two large fusion reactors.
Info: Glory is quite old ship, first versions
of Glories came out of the dock even before the H'Vos war, though they were
a lot smaller and had a lot lesser shielding, armament and pretty much everything.
Glories have been upgraded and changed ever since the end of the H'Vos war.
It's strange that why the Gigerdi Federation and now the Alliance constantly
keep making new versions of the Glory class cruiser. Glories served as a heavy
or medium cruisers before the Lightness war, but the version that was made
just a little before Lightness war was designated as a battle cruiser. The
newest version, which info we have here, was made after the Lightness war
and was designated as a heavy cruiser, the newest version is as well the most
powerful of these, but is also the slowest and least maneuverable of all these.
Only few of the newer Glories are in service, because much haven't been yet
built, but there are a lot of older versions still in service even those that
served during the Gorg war. The first of these newest Glory classes disappeared
mysteriously on its maiden voyage, some believe that it was taken to the resistance
leader's, Justin Gron's, main fleet. The first Glory also carried a prototype
jump drive that was placed as a main reason for the ship's disappearance,
even that in the tests after the disappearance the drive worked well. It's
possible that again a new version of the Glory would be in designing, but
this cannot be confirmed yet.
Here's a picture of Glory.
Hemmen Class Battle Cruiser
Engines: Six heavy impulse engines.
FTL drive: Jump drive Mk II heavy version.
Size length: 15 km
Size width: 10,5 km
Armor: Excellent capital ship armor.
Weapons: 20 heavy Incinerator Beams, 72 medium
Incinerator Beams, 141 light Incinerator Beams. 42 medium pulse Incinerator
Beams, 42 flak guns, 38 anti-fighter beams, six missile launchers and ten torpedo
Shields: Energy shields 290 000.
Special Equipment: Cloaking device and cloak detector.
Fighters: 220 fighters.
Max. crew: 29 000
Norm. Crew: 10 400
Min. crew: 10
Cargo space: 2,3 km³
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: No.
Reactors: Four large Antimatter reactors and Five
large fusion reactors.
Info: Hemmen was made to fight against Lightness,
during the Lightness war. Though many Hemmens weren't seen in the Lightness
war, but still over 30 of them were built during that time. Hemmens showed that
they are little better than the Lulsas and that they are capable of defeating
almost any enemy. Hemmens weren't so fast, but they weren't really slow either,
their maneuverability is average. Hemmen was equipped with a cloaking device,
though it really couldn't protect from Lightness ships, it still provided protection
in long range. Hemmens were usually only seen in groups and in groups they were
really formidable opponents even to the biggest Lightness ships that were encountered
during the war. Hemmens also have the new prototype anti-fighter beams and the
new flak guns, Hemmen can also carry a lot fighters, which even increases its
combat performance. After and during the Lightness war Hemmens were only pretty
much assigned to protect some planets, bases or installations. Hemmens also
were seen in the GA-IPA conflict and in the past Emissary conflicts were they
were able to score some victories, though one Hemmen never came back from the
battle against Emissaries when they attacked Gigerdi Prime. Currently Hemmens
are the main battle cruisers in the GA military, though they aren't so widely
Here is picture of Hemmen class battle cruiser in space.
Lulsa Class Battle
Engines: Six heavy impulse engines.
FTL drive: Jump drive Mk II heavy version.
Size length: 14 km
Size width: 10 km
Armor: Excellent capital ship armor.
Weapons: 20 heavy Incinerator Beams, 80 medium
Incinerator Beams, 160 light Incinerator Beams. 50 medium pulse Incinerator
Beams, six missile launchers and ten torpedo launchers.
Shields: Energy shields 290 000.
Special Equipment: Cloak detector.
Fighters: 200 fighters.
Max. crew: 27 000
Norm. Crew: 10 000
Min. crew: 2
Cargo space: 4,5 km³
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Yes.
Reactors: Four large Antimatter reactors and four
large fusion reactors.
Info: Lulsa is older and little weaker version
of Hemmen. Lulsa class was designed during the Gorg war, to be GA's first battle
cruiser, unfortunately the space dock where the first Lulsa Class, G.F.S. Lulsa,
was being built was destroyed by Gorg forces, just before the ship was scheduled
to be released. Second Lulsa class was strangely sabotaged and destroyed during
the Dominion war. Third one was destroyed on its maiden voyage by a Dominion
ambush. Fourth and fifth Lulsas were both destroyed in their first battle. Only
then the sixth one survived for a longer period of time, but it was also destroyed
quite soon as well. After that GF started thinking to not to make any more of
these ships, because it was hard to get crew to them and because they seem to
die so quickly that they wouldn't be much of a help. GA still decided to do
one more and if it would live even quite long they would start building more
of these. The seventh was built in the last days of the Dominion war. The space
dock where the seventh Lulsa was being constructed had huge defenses and really
tight security. Dominion did attack the space dock, but was only able to damage
the Lulsa not to destroy it. This seventh Lulsa was also in the last attack
against the Dominion and did even survive there. After that GA started building
more of these ships and they even played a big role in the Lightness war where
only few of these were completely destroyed, a lot were damaged though. Lulsas
also served well in the past conflicts and have become one of GA's battle cruisers.
Here's a picture of Lulsa.
Rubek's Cube
Class Medium Commando Cruiser
Max. Crew: 570 (about)
Min. Crew: 0
Length: 850 m (about)
Weapons: Four Lightness Beam Cannons, Two Antimatter
torpedo launchers, Two Lightness Pulse weapons, Four particle disrupters and
One plasma torpedo launcher.
Shields: Unknown.
Special Equipment: Cloaking device and cloak
Fighters: 30 Lightness Drone Fighters.
Cargo space: 100 m³
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Yes.
Info: Very little has been told about the Rubeks
cube class commando cruisers. They were constructed and used during the second
Civil war to secretly strike civilian outposts to frame Bacterians as the
attackers by president Rubek. There has been speculations that there were
6 Mk III heavy cruisers implanted with Lightness weapons and hull and transferred
to the Section 18 ship yards to wait for another strike. All of the ships
systems are a mix of Lightness and Gigerdian technologies. The ship is designed
to a Hit and run tactics, thats why it has a cloaking device
same as the Valencia Mk II After President rubek was overthrown, these ships
were transferred to the full control of Section 18, the black ops division.
It is unknown if these ships were used before the recent LaFin conflict,
but at least one was spotted at the LaFin conflict. At least one of
the Rubeks cubes was used to unsuccessfully lure a Plasma storm
generator to the Interplanetary Alliance homeworld(Inster),
in which it was destroyed by IPA forces.
Here's a picture of Rubek's Cube.
Unity Class Light Command Cruiser
Engines: Four heavy impulse engines.
FTL drive: Warp drive.
Size length: 5 km
Size width: 2,2 km
Armor: Average capital ship armor.
Weapons: Three heavy Incinerator beams, 30 laser
turrets, 11 medium Incinerator beams, 23 light Incinerator beams and two torpedo
Shields: Old energy shields 90 000.
Special Equipment: None.
Fighters: 36 fighters.
Max. crew: 9 000
Norm. Crew: 2 200
Min. crew: 10
Cargo space: 1, 3 km³
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Yes.
Reactors: Two large Antimatter reactors and two
large fusion reactors.
Info: Unity worked as the command ship during
the H'Vos war. During that it was really good ship and extremely powerful.
Many of these were built before and during the H'Vos war. Unities were quite
fast and quite maneuverable, but still had excellent firepower. Unity classes
usually carried several wings of Gigerdi fighter 1 class interceptors and
few wings of Lanzi fighters. Unities were no longer used so a lot during the
Gorg war, even that they were quite good at that time, but they still were
pretty much of no match against the Gorgs. In the Dominion war, last Unities
were decommissioned or destroyed, which ended their story as the command cruiser
in the GA military.
Here's a picture of Unity.
Dungeon Class
Medium Command Cruiser
Engines: Two heavy impulse engines.
FTL drive: Jump drive MkI heavy version.
Size length: 12 km
Size width: 4 km
Armor: Excellent capital ship armor.
Weapons: Four heavy pulse cannons, five heavy
Incinerator beams, ten medium pulse cannons, 15 medium Incinerator beams,
25 light pulse cannons, 43 light Incinerator beams, 20 light pulse Incinerator
beams, four missile launchers and four torpedo launchers.
Shields: Energy shields 210 000.
Special Equipment: Sensor jammers.
Fighters: 104 fighters.
Max. crew: 19 000
Norm. Crew: 4 000
Min. crew: 10
Cargo space: 2 km³
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Yes.
Reactors: Three large Antimatter reactors and
four large fusion reactors.
Info: Dungeon was designed a little before the
Dominion war begun, mostly to replace the Unities because they had become
too outdated. Dungeons served as the command ships during the Dominion war
and were really powerful ships even when alone. One Dungeon class was with
the Kyle Gigerdi's side's forces, but was destroyed by the G.F.S. Peace, when
that Dungeon class tried to buy some time for the Kyle Gigerdi's forces. Dungeons
weren't used so much as the command ships during the end of the Dominion war
because of the Peace. Dungeons were quite widely used during the Lightness
war then again, a lot of them were also built during that time. Dungeons were
good command ships in the Lightness war and were used a lot because Peace
was destroyed and the other Peace class destroyer was heavily damaged. Several
Dungeons came out of the war, but after that when the Almasy classes came
the Dungeons started to loose their position as the main command cruiser in
the GA military. Still a lot of them have been seen in the past conflicts
like in the GA-IPA conflict and in the Emissary conflicts.
Here's a picture of Dungeon.
Almasy Class
Heavy Command Cruiser
Max. Crew: 100 000
Min. Crew: 0
Length: 16 286 km (Maybe more)
Weapons: 3000 Heavy particle disrupter turrets,
27 Antimatter torpedo launchers, Two Black hole generators, 12 Medium particle
disrupter turrets, 50 Light particle disrupters, Two planet destroying plasma
beam and Five plasma torpedo launchers.
Shields: Ultra-heavy Antimatter Shielding.
Special Equipment: Advanced sensors, advanced
communications, sensor jammers, communication jammers and cloak detectors.
Fighters: 500 000 MkI Ice Javelin
Battle Drones, 724 Of various other GA fighters.
Cargo space: 5 000 km³ (about)
Capable of landing to planet: No.
Capable of atmospheric flight: No.
Info: The final ship that GA ever needs. This
Class of ships have only recently been pulled out of the dock and has been
ordered to stand by. The ship has been covered with a Semi-organic
hull design, almost similar hull is used in the Valencias. The ships were
designed to be used in battle to house the fleet command and the leaders of
the battle. The ship has superior communications and tactical abilities than
any other ship in the fleet, also it was completely resistant to any sensor
or radio jamming. The first to come out of the assembly line was the St.
Helens, which fell to the hands of the Intergalactic Alliance only recently.
There has been at least 10 of the Almasys constructed and more will or less
will be constructed. The new Grand admiral of the GA military has got one
of the Almasy classes called the Crimson reaper which was used
in the GA-IPA conflict recently. The ships propsys is unknown, but it
uses the Nexus drive as its jump drive.