Golgotha (Dauntless)Class Light Cruiser
Scheni (Dominant)Class Light Cruiser
Jylreis (Sphere)Class Light Cruiser
Mhoppia (Destroyer)Class Medium Cruiser
Qmubissa Class Medium Cruiser
Kjiuzx (Hunter)Class Medium Cruiser
Pombhooiuw Class Heavy Cruiser
Golgotha (Dauntless)Class
Light Cruiser
Engines: Unknown.
FTL drive: Unknown.
Size Length: 1,04 km
Size Width: 515 meters.
Armor: Powerful armor, which is partly organic.
Weapons: Three heavy ripper beams, one heavy
plasma cannon, 10 medium ripper beams, eight medium plasma cannons, 18 light
ripper beams, 12 light plasma cannons, two torpedo launchers, two missile
launchers and one fusion beam.
Shields: Unknown energy shield, strength about
110 000
Fighters: Has, but unknown how many.
Max. crew: Unknown.
Min. crew: Unknown.
Cargo space: Unknown.
Capable of landing to planet: Unknown.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Yes.
Reactors: Unknown.
Info: Golgothas were seen a lot in the Gorg War.
They were quite heavy in that time, but not when the shield weakness was found.
Golgothas apparently don't have so strong armor as the other Gorg ships have.
Nowadays Golgothas aren't so much seen anymore, only few were seen in the
GA-IPA conflict and few also in the attack to the Emissary control world.
In the Gorg War these ships launched fighters, but it's unknown how many these
ships actually have those since all the ships Gigerdi Federation encountered
had different amount of the fighters. Golgothas were called as Dauntless classes
during the Gorg war.
Scheni (Dominant)Class
Light Cruiser
Engines: Unknown.
FTL drive: Unknown.
Size Length: 1,25 km
Size Width: 591 meters.
Armor: Powerful armor, which is partly organic.
Weapons: Four heavy ripper beams, one heavy plasma
cannon, 15 medium ripper beams, eight medium plasma cannons, 26 light ripper
beams, 15 light plasma cannons, two torpedo launchers, two missile launchers
and one fusion beam.
Shields: Unknown energy shield, strength about
125 800
Fighters: About 40
Max. crew: Unknown.
Min. crew: Unknown.
Cargo space: Unknown.
Capable of landing to planet: Yes.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Yes.
Reactors: Unknown.
Info: Schenis were one of the most important
ships in the Gorg War, they were powerful, fast and usually went in groups.
During the Gorg War, they were called as Dominant class medium cruisers. You
never saw one Scheni, if you did see one there usually were lot's of others
waiting to come out of jump space. Gorgs used these ships as a baits for GF
and at starts they succeeded in that, but then later Gigerdi Federation realized
that they were mostly traps and started to make their own traps by sending
lesser ships to the at first, but then a lot of other ships jumped in. This
was mostly used after the shield weakness was found, so the Schenis proved
to be no match for them. After the Gorg War, these ships weren't seen so much
anymore, only few have been seen. None were seen in the GA-IPA conflict, but
few were in the Emissary attack and in the attack to the Emissary control
world. Fighter capacity was discovered after the Gorg War.
Jylreis (Sphere)Class
Light Cruiser
Engines: Unknown.
FTL drive: Unknown.
Size Length: 1,15 km
Size Width: 1,15 km.
Armor: Powerful armor, which is partly organic.
Weapons: Six heavy ripper beams, one heavy plasma
cannon, 19 medium ripper beams, nine medium plasma cannons, 29 light ripper
beams, 16 light plasma cannons, two torpedo launchers, two missile launchers
and one fusion beam.
Shields: Unknown energy shield, strength about
120 240
Fighters: About 10-20
Max. crew: Unknown.
Min. crew: Unknown.
Cargo space: Unknown.
Capable of landing to planet: Unknown.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Unknown.
Reactors: Unknown.
Info: Jylreis class ships weren't seen much before
the shield weakness was found, but immediately after it was found several
of these were seen in battles. They had strangely quite light armor, but they
had good weapons and they were fast. About 30 of these were seen in the Gorg
War, all of them were destroyed, but in some battles few of them were able
to escape even that they had quite weak armor. They were called as Sphere
class medium cruisers in the Gorg War, because they were Spheres.
Here's a picture of Jylreis in space.
Mhoppia (Destroyer)Class
Medium Cruiser
Engines: Unknown.
FTL drive: Unknown.
Size Length: 2,3 km
Size Width: 2,3 km.
Armor: Powerful armor, which is partly organic.
Weapons: Eight heavy ripper beams, two heavy
plasma cannon, 24 medium ripper beams, 10 medium plasma cannons, 34 light
ripper beams, 19 light plasma cannons, two torpedo launchers, two missile
launchers and two fusion beams.
Shields: Unknown energy shield, strength about
200 000
Fighters: About 30
Max. crew: Unknown.
Min. crew: Unknown.
Cargo space: Unknown.
Capable of landing to planet: Unknown.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Unknown.
Reactors: Unknown.
Info: Mhoppia was one of the most powerful ships
Gorgs used in the Gorg War. This was one of the first ships to be seen in
the Gorg War. They had really powerful shields, weapons and armor which made
them difficult opponents for the Gigerdi Federation. After the shield weakness
was found, these ships weren't so high problem anymore, but still remained
as a formidable opponents. Fighters were discovered in the first days of the
Gorg War. Many of these ships have been seen in the recent conflicts. Gorgs
apparently are still using this ship type, some modifications do have been
made though.
Here's a picture of Mhoppia in space.
Qmubissa Class
Medium Cruiser
Engines: Unknown.
FTL drive: Unknown.
Size Length: 6,5 km
Size Width: 4,2 km.
Armor: Powerful armor, which is partly organic.
Weapons: 16 heavy ripper beams, four heavy plasma
cannon, 34 medium ripper beams, 15 medium plasma cannons, 56 light ripper
beams, 28 light plasma cannons, three torpedo launchers, three missile launchers
and three fusion beams.
Shields: Unknown energy shield, strength about
450 000
Fighters: About 60
Max. crew: Unknown.
Min. crew: Unknown.
Cargo space: Unknown.
Capable of landing to planet: Unknown.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Unknown.
Reactors: Unknown.
Info: Qmubissa were first seen in the Emissary
attack, not even a single one was seen before that. Also only eight were seen
in the Emissary attack, but as many as 15 were seen in the attack against
the Emissary control world. Not much is known about these ships, but it has
been confirmed that these ships carry at least 60 fighters, they might carry
more, but at least 60. Qmubissas are really powerful ships and proved to be
really effective against the Emissaries. Shield strength might be more or
lesser, it's not fully sure how strong shields these ships have.
Kjiuzx (Hunter)Class
Medium Cruiser
Engines: Unknown.
FTL drive: Unknown.
Size Length: 4,2 km
Size Width: 2,3 km.
Armor: Powerful armor, which is partly organic.
Weapons: 10 heavy ripper beams, three heavy plasma
cannon, 29 medium ripper beams, 13 medium plasma cannons, 39 light ripper
beams, 22 light plasma cannons, three torpedo launchers, three missile launchers
and two fusion beams.
Shields: Unknown energy shield, strength about
340 000
Fighters: Unknown.
Max. crew: Unknown.
Min. crew: Unknown.
Cargo space: Unknown.
Capable of landing to planet: Unknown.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Unknown.
Reactors: Unknown.
Info: Kjiuzx Class cruisers weren't much seen
in the Gorg War, only one was seen in the Gorg War and it was called as the
"Hunter" since it hunted down lonely Gigerdi Federation ships and
destroyed them. This ship was first seen before the shield weakness was found,
but GF forces were unable to defeat it before the shield weakness. After it
was found, it still took a long time before the GF forces were able to locate
it, since they couldn't pack their whole fleet to one place it was really
difficult to hunt it down, it destroyed several small fleets until it attacked
to a colony at Bergas 8. The system had relatively weak defenses, but the
Gigerdi Federation ships were located quite close to the area in a nebula,
where the Gorgs were unable to detect them. Immediately when the "Hunter"
was located, the fleet moved to there and was finally able to destroy it.
After that, not many of the Kjiuzxs have been seen, several were in the GA-IPA
conflict, but none were seen in the Emissary attack or in the attack against
the Emissary control world. Fighter capacity hasn't been noticed, but these
ships might have that so it still remains unknown.
Here's picture of Kjiuzx in space.
Pombhooiuw Class
Heavy Cruiser
Engines: Unknown.
FTL drive: Unknown.
Size Length: 9,2 km
Size Width: 4,7 km.
Armor: Powerful armor, which is partly organic.
Weapons: 19 heavy ripper beams, six heavy plasma
cannon, 42 medium ripper beams, 22 medium plasma cannons, 59 light ripper
beams, 30 light plasma cannons, three torpedo launchers, four missile launchers
and three fusion beams.
Shields: Unknown energy shield, strength about
630 000
Fighters: Unknown.
Max. crew: Unknown.
Min. crew: Unknown.
Cargo space: Unknown.
Capable of landing to planet: Unknown.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Unknown.
Reactors: Unknown.
Info: Pombhooiuw Class heavy cruiser was first
seen in the GA-IPA conflict. Only three were seen there, but they weren't
seen in many battles. Five were seen in the attack to Emissary control world.
Not much is known about this ship, only that it's quite powerful. It may have
fighters, better shielding or worse shielding.