Qualleres Class Light Drone Fighter
Xjaiou Class Medium Drone Fighter
Mnatsoia Class Heavy Drone Fighter
Qualleres Class
Light Drone Fighter
Engines: Unknown.
FTL drive: Unknown.
Max. Crew: Unknown.
Min. Crew: Unknown.
Size length: 19 meters.
Size width: 16 meters.
Maneuverability: Good.
Armor: Good armor, which is partly organic.
Weapons: Four light ripper beams at front and
one at back, one small torpedo launcher.
Shields: Energy shield strength 2 000.
Capable of landing to planet: Yes.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Yes.
Reactor: Unknown.
Turrets: None.
Info: Standard Gorg drone fighter. Mostly these
were seen in the Gorg War, but some of these have been seen in the GA-IPA
conflict and in the Emissary attack. Qualleres are fast and quite maneuverable,
also they are quite powerful. A lot of these were seen in the Gorg War, more
than any other fighter in the Gorg fleet. At that time they even were quite
Xjaiou Class Medium
Drone Fighter
Engines: Unknown.
FTL drive: Unknown.
Max. Crew: Unknown.
Min. Crew: Unknown.
Size length: 22 meters.
Size width: 19 meters.
Maneuverability: Excellent.
Armor: Powerful armor, which is partly organic.
Weapons: Six light ripper beams at front and
two at back, one small torpedo launcher and one small missile launcher.
Shields: Energy shield strength 3 000.
Capable of landing to planet: Unknown.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Yes.
Reactor: Unknown.
Turrets: None.
Info: Better version of the Qualleres, these
weren't seen much in the Gorg War, but were seen a lot in the GA-IPA conflict
and in the Emissary attack. Not so much know about this fighter, since only
few were in the Gorg War.
Mnatsoia Class
Heavy Drone Fighter
Engines: Unknown.
FTL drive: Unknown.
Max. Crew: Unknown.
Min. Crew: Unknown.
Size length: 25 meters.
Size width: 21 meters.
Maneuverability: Excellent.
Armor: Powerful armor, which is partly organic.
Weapons: Eight light ripper beams at front and
four at back, one small torpedo launcher and two small missile launcher.
Shields: Energy shield strength 5 000.
Capable of landing to planet: Unknown.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Unknown.
Reactor: Unknown.
Turrets: None.
Info: Mnatsoias were only seen in the Emissary
attack and in the attack to the Emissary control world, so there is only little
of information available. Mnatsoias are the most powerful fighters in the
Gorg fleet, there might be even more powerful fighters, but for now this is
the most powerful.