Population: 112 Billion
Population Growth Rate: 0.5%
Life Expectancy At Birth: 115 earth years.
Birth Rate: 2 820 000/100 000 000 population.
Death Rate: 1 730 000/100 000 000 population.
Races: 78.1% Gigerdians, 12.1% Humans, 0.9% Folans, 0.1% T-Race, 0.002% Vemrers, 0.001% Lihters, 8.6% Others
Languages: 94% Standard Gigerdian language, 1% Old Gigerdian language, 4% Human standard language and 1% others.
Labor Force: 92 Billion
Labor Force, By Occupation: 26% Military, 32% Section 18, 24% Services, 15% Industry, 3% other.
Industries: Gigerdi Prime is one of the major ship production planets in the GS and GA. Shocte is the main agricultural planet, Gref is the second shipyard planet in the GS and Divalign is the third. Seamd produces lot's of engines, shields and sensors, Groger makes quite lot of weapons, shields, turrets, antigravity chairs and other antigravity things, Href produces reactors, holowindows, replicators, power systems, turbolifts and antigravity goods, Freemond is mostly just a mining colony, Freemond has large natural resources, but it does produce jump drives, light impulse engines, plasma-, fusion cannons and fusion reactors.
Agricultural Products: Avaruus Bananas, Garls, Vaarloipsars, Vesis, Lances, Katklasses, Fransis, Hallers, Natreums, Nickals, Jelaans, Meris, Kirkers, Berryliams, Pacifisas, Ulliuums, Vandorflas, Randemias, Persiues, Lerfeusans, Aarins, Cerriaanians and fish (Only the major products have been listed here).
Exports Commodities: Xentronium, Strallium, Cerium, Neutronium, Uranium, Cesium, Germanium, Gallium, Copper, Lead, Molybdenum, Rubidium, Silver, Indium, Cadmium, Chrome, Lithium, Argon, Barium, Osmium, Thallium, Zirconium, Silicon, Niobium, Radium, Curium, Einsteinium, Francium, Hafnium, Krypton, Californium, Holmium, Neon, Radon, Promethium, Protactinium, Thulium, Thalium, Nastarium, Narelium, Lanren, Aminium, Parsiki, Cassium, Baari, Kirrelium, replicators, holowindows, torpedoes, particle distruptors, phasers, shields, reactors, power systems, light impulse engines, jump drives, turrets, antigravity things, turbolifts, Avaruus Bananas, Natreums, Nickals, Jelaans, Meris, Kirkers, Berryliams, Pacifisas, Persiues, Lerfeusans, Aarins and Vaarloipsars.
Exports Partners: Mostly they're traded to the other GA colonies, but before GA-IPA conflict GA traded these goods with UFP, Folans and Vemrers.
Imports Commodities: Aluminum, Antimony, Barium, Boron, Quicksilver, Erbium, Terbium, Strontium, Yttrium, Marrium, Fentz, Iridium, Vanadium, Ytterbium, Lawrencium, Xenon, Americium, Actinium, Europium, Helium, Hallius, Vetium, Ballemium, Darrium, Yttrerium, Sirre, Fer'la, Bha'ti, Ner'lo, Rho'la, Kli'sa, Ferlium, Zinc'ka, Glass, Tricorders, type 1-3 phasers, scavenger rifles, photon burst, plasma rifles, grenade launchers, Computer consoles, padds and isolinear rods.
Imports Partners: Mostly other GA colonies, but before GA-IPA conflict UFP, Folans and Vemrers traded these goods with GA.
Location: Alpha Quadrant, milky way galaxy.
Capital: Gigord (Gigerdi Dome), Gigerdi Prime.
Natural Resources: Zinc, Copper, Lead, Iron, Nickel, Tritanium, Carbon, Strallium, Xentronium, Gold, Timber, Platinum, Titanium, Neutronium, Zantr, Uranium, Chromium, Cesium, Germanium, Gallium, Cerium, Molybdenum, Rubidium, Silver, Indium, Cadmium, Chrome, Lithium, Argon, Barium, Osmium, Thallium, Zirconium, Silicon, Niobium, Radium, Curium, Einsteinium, Francium, Hafnium, Krypton, Californium, Holmium, Neon, Radon, Promethium, Protactinium, Thulium, Thalium, Nastarium, Narelium, Lanren, Aminium, Parsiki, Cassium, Baari, Kirrelium, Samarium, Simmurium, Zarreim, Millurian, Allurian, Heflarian, Zerrium, Derrian, Jerrium, Jurrium, and Billarian (There are other resources too, but these are the main ones).
Land Use: Cities 55%, Forest 15% Water 30%
Planets: Gigerdi Prime, Gref, Groger, Href, Divalign, Shocte, Freemond and Seamd.
Moons: Gigerdii, Halucinoid, Triscene and Reap.
Spaceports: 12 100, major spaceports 100.
Fighter Garrisons: 5 000
Terrain: All the planets are M-Class except Seamd, which is oceanic.
Lowest Point (not underwater): Ghost Valley -1 560 m, Gigerdii
Lowest Point (underwater): 88 926 m, Seamd
Highest Point: Grod Venlan 29 172m (Mount Venlan), Groger
Natural Hazards: Unusual volcanic and earthquake activity in the valley of the H'nska and in the Ghost valley. Some storms in the Seamd's land areas.
Info: There are four moons, Gigerdii which orbits GP. Halucinoid and Triscene which orbit Divalign and Reap which orbits Freemond. Gref is the biggest planet and GP is the smallest planet in GS. Divalign is the main R&D planet and GAI's HQ is on Freemond, the most of GAI's facilities are on Freemond, but some of them are on Href. Seamd has lot of scientific teams, which examine the sea and the land of Seamd. Most of the facilities are under water, because there's continues storms in the surface and not even the weather control can't keep the weather clear so all facilities were moved to underwater and the weather control was removed. Freemond is M-Class planet and it's like all the other planets in GS, except Seamd of course. Gref has also large shipyards in orbit and Href has lot of civilian shipyards, which makes cargo ships, transports and shuttles. Shocte is the main farming planet is GA. Shocte has millions of farms, all over the planet. Because everyone doesn't eat replicator food, there's also lot of freighters going. There's also lot of tourists, from different races.