Population: 568 Billion
Population Growth Rate: The Same as in any other GA colony world
Birth Rate: Expected to be the same as in any other GA colony world.
Death Rate: Very Small.
Labor Force: 450 Billion
Labor Force By Occupation: 20% military, 23% industry, 33% services, 23% other
Industries: The Hephaestus trades only with other DHR states, generating weapons and Gigerdian goods such as Space-Bananas and Industrial Replicators, also small ship hulls are being made in the shipyards
Agricultural Products: Space-Bananas, Rock-Flowers, Enzyme-Water, Orcish Berry-Juice, Oarfish-Stew,
Export Commodities: Space Bananas, Uranium, Cerium, Plasma Weapons, Industrial machines, Starship hulls, Centrium, High-Tech computers, Gene-splicing technology, medical goods, Dragonium.
Import Commodities: Star ship parts, Riletian Weapons, Shield generators, Advanced Chemicals, Mining Equipment, Bio dome repair robots.
Import Partners: Most of the trading is done with the Riletian Republic, and the DHR, they import weapons and ship repair goods to the Republic, also some "Black-market Smugglers" are known to strike a deal with the Hephaestans once in a while.
Homeworld: Hephaestus system, the second planet.
Capital: Hephaestus City.
Natural Resources: Iron, Copper, Tritanium, Colosseum, Hafnium, Plutonium, Vendium, Jerrium, Cerium, Dragonium, Desanium, Enestium.
Land Use: 50% Cities, 43% forests, 7% water.
Planets(Home system): Hephaestus 1, Hephaestus 2, Hephaestus 3, Hephaestus 4, Hephaestus 5, Mallor, Divindad, Hextor.
Moons(Home system): Rams, Ulkeb, Bertyh, Bahtus, Loitex, Nemor, Cerald, Wanton, Xasderius, Hephan.
Spaceports: 900 spaceports, 7 major spaceports
Fighter Garrisons: 200-390.
Terrain: Hephaestus 1&2 are hydrogen gas atmospheres, 3 is chlorine, 4&5 are rock based hydrogen atmospheres, Mallor is a small earth like planet, Hextor is a Gas giant, and Divindad is an ice world.
Lowest Point (not underwater): Julin Caves, -700 m
Lowest Point (Underwater): Bio-dome Grand lake-1000 m
Highest Point: Merlen Peak, 10 569 m
Natural Hazards: Contamination suits are advised when moving outside, Hephaestus 3 suffers from small Ion storms around the year.
Info: The Hephaestus System is a former GA colony world that seceded during the Hemmoian civil war. The Colony had a small mining operation, few military outposts, and weapons manufacturing plant before the secession, but the system has formed its own government based on "more democratic means" than the GA, this has caused problems between the states. The Hephaestus republic has fought two "Independence wars" against the GA, finally winning its independence and joining the DHR for financial aid; the Republic is still considered as an "Independent member state" by the GA government and politicians, although the Hephaestans have stated that they want nothing to do with the GA. The Hephaestus Defense Forces have about 400-490 space vessels built mainly in the DHR and in the orbit of the Third planet of their home system. The Hephaestus Defense forces deploy Ground security force, too. A president, elected every six years bRepublic, the President leads the state along with his "Cabinet" of six other Executivey the people, leads the members, and the so-called "Executive council" has the highest power in Hephaestus. The People's voice is listened by the Parliament consisting of 40 Councilors that relay big problems to the Executive council to decide, the parliament decides smaller Citizen-size tasks in the hierarchy. Hephaestus is considered a neutral state, but it has expressed will to help the IGA and the GA to work out their political crisis, The GA held an exercise with the Hephaestus forces in 3363, trying to work out their cool relations.