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More Information About The End Of The War With The Lightness

We received more information about this peace treaty with the Lightness and with the T-Race. Both are having the same conditions. That every race must regret the death of many people they caused. Our informants have informed that all races have accepted to this. And we got news how this whole peace treaty thing started. In one battle against the Lightness the newest ship of Lightness was killing every ship it saw, but then one human captain who was onboard the federation starship U.F.S. Intrepid. He opened a channel to the Ship of Lightness and began to tell about their past and everything what have happened in this galaxy and that killing everything in this galaxy won't change anything because then they will be the killers. After this Lightness stopped firing and contacted to the Intrepid. And after long conversation The captain of the ship of Lightness said that they will stop this war whatever it takes and then the ships of Lightness leaved from the battle. More information about this how this peace settlement began will be available in Here!