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Population: 18 000 900 Billion

Population Growth Rate: 0.70%

Life Expectancy At Birth: Infinite.

Birth Rate: Unknown (Cannot be calculated)

Death Rate: Unknown

Labor Force: 14 990 000 Billion

Labor Force By Occupation: 40% military, 20% industry, 40% services.

Industries: Q<RE-Ô manufacture general industry; they haven't specialized in any specific area. They do have the largest mining operations in the UFP though.

Agricultural Products: None.

Export Commodities: A little of almost every kind of industry except medical goods and nanotechnology, and natural resources.

Exports Partners: Other UFP colonies, Folan empire, IPA, GA, T-Race federation and Great Lightness.

Import Commodities: Medical Goods and nanotechnology.

Import Partners: Mostly other UFP worlds, but also Gigerdi Alliance, IPA and Folans.

Homeworld: H-FO/A, first planet.

Capital: R-AL=A.

Natural Resources: Zinc, Copper, Lead, Iron, Nickel, Carbon, Silver, Gold, Timber, Platinum, Titanium, Uranium, Chromium, Cesium, Gallium, Cadmium, Beryllium, Actinium, Dysprosium, Einsteinium, Hafnium, Krypton, Lawrencium, Lutetium, Nobelium, Polonium, Rhenium, Scandium, Thulium, Wolfram, Ytterbium, Aluminum, Antimony, Argon, Boron, Barium, Chromium, Californium, Lithium, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Thallium, Yttrium, Zirconium, Quicksilver, Erbium, Indium, Iridium, Sodium, Neon, Palladium, Silicon, Strontium, Tin, Vanadium, Radium and Xenon. (There are other resources too, but these are the main ones).

Land Use(Homeworld): Cities 50%, Forest 10% Water 40%

Land Use: 45% Cities, 10% forests, 45% water.

Planets(Home system): H-FO/A, B>AIR, HO|U/A, YT#V, MN_G-A<J.

Moons(Home system): OQL>LADS (B>AIR), MV:O-A (HO|U/A), GFA_P=Q (YT#V), ADF-H>A (YT#V), ZOA<F#A (YT#V), TR¤NB"F (YT#V) and 47 moons (MN_G-A<J).

Spaceports(Home system): 1262 spaceports, 17 major spaceports

Spaceports: Over 30 000 spaceports, Over 5 500 major spaceports

Fighter Garrisons(Home system): 100-120

Terrain(Home system): H-FO/A and B>AIR are volcanic worlds, very little of any other than Q<RE-Ôs live there. HO|U/A and YT#V are terran. MN_G-A<J is a gas giant.

Terrain: Mostly all planets are either terran or arid worlds, some barren, volcanic, ocean and gas giant worlds still exist.

Lowest Point (not underwater): KÎÊ;A, -22 234 m (ÃOR<HE)

Lowest Point (Underwater): E-RÄ, -28 543 m (ÛB>ER)

Highest Point: QRT_È=PÓÜ, 65 768 m (ÀÎ/KÄ)

Natural Hazards(Home system): Volcanic eruptions on the first two planets. Seismic activity as well.

Info: Q<RE-Ô are one of the Federation's founding members. They are a rather unique race since they are not organic. In fact they are rock-based race so to speak. So in a way one could say they are organic as they are based on the same materials as most organics, but still they are in more rocky form. They evolved on the hot and volcanic planet H-FO/A. Conditions were harsh and no plant life existed. However, this rock species still managed to survive this environment and only needed to "eat" other rocks, those which were unintelligent. Their technological advancements were rather efficient. They achieved space travel and FTL-drive faster than average species. They didn't develop weapon technology until they got into space, because they hadn't needed it before and were uncertain about the things they may find out there. Thus they've had no civil wars whatsoever. Their first contact was with V'As'Ta'Rs who were immediately hostile towards them. Q<RE-Ôs attempted peaceful co-existance, but V'As'Ta'Rs responded with bullets. V'As'Ta'Rs on had very primitive bullet-type weapons when Q<RE-Ôs then again had energy weapons and simple energy shields, as well as some other nice additions. Q<RE-Ôs also had superior explosives. Thus all the attacking forces were easily repelled. Q<RE-Ôs tried then to make peace, but V'As'Ta'Rs weren't interested. Q<RE-Ôs then chose to force V'As'Ta'Rs to peace by destroying almost their entire fleet. Q<RE-Ôs could have easily wiped out the entire race, but chose not to. Later encounters with other species before the UFP were peaceful. Nowadays Q<RE-Ôs are quite ordinary members of the UFP and don't so much specialize on anything, except maybe in offering variaty of services for the UFP's members.