Warp drives
Info: Warp drives are not used much anymore,
but some old ships still have warp drive. Warp drives can now go warp 500
as their maximum speed. Warp drives might cause subspace distortion, if
they go warp 400 or faster.
Jump drives MkI
Info: Jump drive MkI is same as the MkII,
but MkI won't fit to some ships and MkII again not to those where MkI one
fits. MkI maximum speed is jump 500 (it's as fast as warp 500), but Jump
drives won't create subspace distortions. The Light version can go up to
jump 400. The medium one can go up to jump 450 and the heavy can go up
to jump 500.
Jump drives MkII
Info: Jump drive MkII is same as the MkI. It's
maximum speed is same as the MkI's. Light version goes up to jump 400, medium
goes up to jump 450 and the heavy goes up to jump 500.