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Weapon Technology

Distruptor Pistol
Distruptor Rifle
Light Distruptor
Medium Distruptor
Heavy Distruptor
Standard Energy Torpedo
Light Energy Torpedo
Pulse Distruptor
Plasma Torpedo

Distruptor Pistol
Info: Distruptors pistol is the standard pistol used by Folans. It has only Three settings: Stun, Kill and Vaporize. DP is much like phaser. You can put it as a wide beam and it's range is many Km. DP also has big power pack. Only Folans use this weapon. Used mostly by Folan officers.

Here's picture of Folan

Distruptor Rifle
DR is the standard rifle used by Folans. It has only two settings: Kill and vaporize. Mostly it's same kind as the T3P. DR has bigger power pack, but it's range is bigger. It also can be put as a wide beam. Folan troopers always carry these.

Here's picture of Folan Disruptor Rifle.

Light Distruptor
Info: Light distruptor is used in ships. It makes 100 damage to shields and hull. It doesn't use much power, that is why fighters can carry it too. Every ship carry this distruptor as light distruptor.

Here's picture of Distruptor beam. All the beams look same.

Medium Distruptor
Info: Medium distruptor is used in ships. It makes 800 damage to shields and hull. It uses more power than the light distruptor, that is why fighters can't carry it.

Heavy Distruptor
Info: Heavy distruptor is used in ships. It makes 5 000 damage to shields and hull. It uses really lot of power. Any fighter wouldn't be able to shoot not even single shot. Usually the main distruptor are heavy distruptor.

Standard Energy Torpedo
Info: Standard energy torpedo is used on capital ships. It makes 3 500 damage to shields and hull.

Here's picture of Energy torpedo.

Light Energy Torpedo
Info: Light energy torpedo is used in smaller ship, like Folan Shuttles and Shrikes. Light energy torpedo makes 250 damage to shields and hull.

Here's picture of Energy torpedo.

Pulse Distruptor
Info: Pulse phasers are used against fighter and smaller capital ships. Light one makes 10 damage to shields and hull, medium makes 50 and heavy 250. Pulse phaser don't use much energy and they can be fired rapidly.

Plasma Torpedo
Plasma Torpedo is used by Folans and it's only used in cap ships. It makes 3 600 damage to shields and to hull.

Here's picture of plasma

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