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Exploration ships

Explorer class exploration ship
Searcher class exploration ship

Explorer class exploration ship
Engines: Six heavy impulse engines.
FTL drive: Jump drive MkI heavy version.
Size length: 12 km
Size width: 8 km
Armor: Average capital ship armor.
Weapons: Five heavy Incinerator Beams, 15 medium Incinerator Beams, 40 light Incinerator Beams and three torpedo launchers.
Shields: Energy shields 330 000
Special Equipment: Special science and research capabilities, mineral scanner and advanced sensors.
Fighters: 60 fighters.
Max. crew: 26 000
Norm. crew: 6 600
Min. crew: 2
Cargo space: 3 km³
Capable of landing to planet: Yes.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Yes.
Reactors: Two large Antimatter reactors and three large fusion reactors.
Info: Explorer is the standard exploration ship in starfleet. It was designed before the Lightness war. Explorer is quite weak ship, but does have quite a lot of science and exploration equipment. Still it is a lot more powerful and better ship than the Searcher. Explorer is currently pretty much the only explorer ship currently in service.

Here's picture of Explorer in space.

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Searcher class exploration ship
Engines: Two heavy impulse engines.
FTL drive: Warp drive.
Size length: 4 km
Size width: 2 km
Armor: Light capital ship armor.
Weapons: Two medium disruptors, 17 light disruptors and one torpedo launcher.
Shields: Energy shields 90 000.
Special Equipment: Special science capabilities, mineral scanner and advanced sensors.
Fighters: 30 fighters.
Max. crew: 8 000
Norm. crew: 1 900
Min. crew: 100
Cargo space: 0,5 km³
Capable of landing to planet: Yes.
Capable of atmospheric flight: Yes.
Reactors: One large Antimatter reactor and one large fusion reactor.
Info: Searcher was designed somewhat about 150 years ago. It was used a lot during that time, however it was also a lot smaller and weaker than what its later versions were. Searchers are no longer used at all, but even only a little before the Gorg war some of these were still in service. However after that all Searchers were finally decommissioned.

Here's a picture of Searcher.

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