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Population: 22 000 200 Billion

Population Growth Rate: 1.48%

Life Expectancy At Birth: 170 Earth years.

Birth Rate: Unknown (Cannot be calculated)

Death Rate: Unknown

Labor Force: 17 570 000 Billion

Labor Force By Occupation: 55% military, 30% industry, 15% services.

Industries: Vemrers posses many kind of industrial capabilities. Mostly they build ships and everything related to them, a lot of different equipment and weapons.

Agricultural Products: Ploer, H'Ro, J'Tral and M'Ber.

Export Commodities: No natural resources are exported. Tricorders, reactors, ship hulls, power systems, shipyards, engines, jump drives, weapons, turbolifts, computer consoles, treplicators, shields, sensors, isolinear rods, and transporters.

Exports Partners: Other UFP colonies, Folan empire, IPA, GA, T-Race federation and Great Lightness.

Import Commodities: Medical Goods, natural resources, holographic equipment, PADDs, industrial replicators and life-support systems.

Import Partners: Mostly other UFP worlds, but also Gigerdi Alliance, IPA and Folans.

Homeworld: Cu'As, fifth planet.

Capital: H'Rekel.

Natural Resources: Zinc, Copper, Lead, Iron, Nickel, Carbon, Platinum, Titanium, Uranium, Chromium, Cesium, Gallium, Cadmium, Beryllium, Actinium, Dysprosium, Hafnium, Krypton, Lawrencium, Lutetium, Nobelium, Polonium, Rhenium, Scandium, Thulium, Wolfram, Ytterbium, Aluminum, Antimony, Argon, Boron, Barium, Chromium, Californium, Lithium, Magnesium, Molybdenum, Thallium, Yttrium, Zirconium, Quicksilver, Erbium, Indium, Iridium, Sodium, Palladium, Silicon, Sulphur, Strontium, Tin, Vanadium, Radium and Xenon. (There are other resources too, but these are the main ones).

Land Use(Homeworld): Cities 50%, Forest 25% Water 25%

Land Use: 35% Cities, 25% forests, 40% water.

Planets(Home system): Hou'Kel, Bor'El, Apo'Oh, Vemrer, Cu'As, Ip'Ys, De'Nis, Rous, Lot'Ne, Porel and Nor'Mund.

Moons(Home system): Cho'Ku (Hou'Kel), Nurre (Hou'Kel), Ishna (Apo'Oh), Urne (Vemrer), 74 moons (Vemrer), Kou're (Cu'As), Lous (Cu'As), Co'Rel (Cu'As), 54 moons (Ip'Ys), Chir (De'Nis), No'Sear'Ar (Porel), Mon (Porel), Kre'Chi (Nor'Mund), Cho'Ke (Nor'Mund) and For'Ek (Nor'Mund).

Spaceports(Home system): 2123 spaceports, 24 major spaceports

Spaceports: Over 42 000 spaceports, Over 7 400 major spaceports

Fighter Garrisons(Home system): 690-720

Terrain(Home system): Hou'Kel, Bor'El, Apo'Oh, Cu'As, De'Nis and Nor'Mund are mostly terran or arid type planets. Vemrer and Ip'Ys are gas giants. Rous was a gas giant, but was artificially changed as an arid world. Porel and De'Nis are arid worlds and Lot'Ne is a barren planet.

Terrain: Mostly all planets are either terran or arid worlds, some barren, volcanic, ocean and gas giant worlds still exist.

Lowest Point (not underwater): Fo'Hu, -3 129 m (Orellia)

Lowest Point (Underwater): Deep Of Prey, -15 234 m (Denek)

Highest Point: Fear's Domain, 28 781 m (Dou'Re'Il)

Natural Hazards(Home system): Some storms on some regions of Cu'As.

Info: The Vemrer empire suffered from very brutal civil wars in its past. Many Vemrers died in those wars as several Vemrer warlords attempted to rise into power, however none of them really succeeded in that, but still many of them were destroyed as others rose. The situation stayed quite the same hundreds of years, until finally three warlords united their forces together and then destroyed all other warlords one by one, except two, which had also formed an alliance between them. Even that these three warlords had superior forces, their warriors weren't in their full strength because of the battles that they had participated in. So these two warlords attacked and easily crushed the main force. These three warlords made things that nowadays Vemrers consider to be dishonorable, also in the end they surrendered and the wars finally ended. Still these three warlords were later executed. However this two victorious warlords united their people and started reforming their culture. Honor in combat was then made as several of their melee weapons as well.

They were soon able to get to space, it took about hundred years before Vemrers got connection to Folans, when even a quite big war begun. The war lasted for about two years. Not long after that they already formed an alliance. Later then they got connection to UFP and not long after that to Gigerdians. Vemrers then decided to attack UFP with the help from Folans. Still because of the help from Gigerdi Federation the war was short and thus soon ended. Years they lived in peace even that small hostilities rose between the Vemrers and Folans, but nothing that lead to war; once their alliance almost ended. However, quite large rebellion begun in Vemrer empire, which lasted months, but because of the help from Folans it also ended quite soon. Then came the time of the Peace Station, of which the Vemrers supported quite a lot. Even that it really didn't help them much, of course they did get connection to both Hemmoians and Bacterians then.

Then later came the Gorg war, which really didn't much concern the Vemrer empire, except in the end of it. Folans many times tried to get Vemrers in the war as well, but only in the very last battles Vemrer vessels were seen and not even many of those. Vemrers also remained quiet in the secession war. Vemrers lost their belief to the Peace Station during the Dominion war, in which the Vemrers were participating a lot, even more than the Folans. Soon the war was over and so was the Peace Station. Still the Vemrer empire continued and strengthened their relations with other races. Then later came the Lightness war, which was definitely the biggest war Vemrers had ever participated in. At first Vemrers weren't participating in it, but when Folans were also attacked Vemrers joined to Folans against the Lightness, however all didn't go well at first. Still after many losses Vemrers and Folans were finally able to score victories. The war lasted almost a year, until it finally ended.

Then after that came the GA-IPA conflict in which the Vemrers immediately took the IPA's side, even that Folans were first with the Gigerdians. The conflict lasted for sometime as the Vemrer empire got some losses in it as well. Their relations with the GA wasn't good then anymore, still it wasn't at any really bad state. Later then came the Emissary conflicts, in which the Vemrers took part in and the formation of the Intergalactic Alliance, which the Vemrers have supported from the beginning. Then also the Vemrers decided that, being a rather minor power in the galaxy, they join the United Federation Of Planets and thus are currently its members and have become one of the major races in it.
This is picture of Vemrer in military's uniform.