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      Heavy Battle Mech
      KC MA-12 "Dekosi"
Total Mass:
      65 tons
Maximum Speed:
      95 kph
      2 Collapsar Guns (25 rounds per gun)
      1 Anti-Meson Beam Gun
      2 Grasers
      1 MF-6 Launcher (40 rounds)
      2 Xasers
      7 tons ArMax
      Type 10 HiCS System

Unit Outline:
    While Spirecrofs are well suited for combat, their small size and firepower limits their abilities against larger mechs.  The Dekosi was built to be a heavy front line mech that could tangle with most enemy ground units and be victorious. 

System Specifications:
    The primary weapons of the Dekosi are the twin Collapsar Guns.  Their long range combined with their incredible destructive ability makes them well liked and often used.
    To back up the twin C-guns, a single Anti-Meson Beam Gun was added just below the cockpit, and lined up center.  Though an odd weapon, it's destructive power is tremendous and is an extra heavy punch in the Dekosi's arsenal.
    To support the main weapons of the Dekosi, a pair of Grasers were added.  They provide good power at moderate range, and the power requirements and heat generation is low.  They are also quick firing and are used to make up for the slower firing rate of the C-Guns and AMB-Guns.
    The longest ranged, and perhaps the most powerful weapons carried on the Dekosi is the 6-tube MicroFusion missle launcher.  The MF-6 has an extremely long range and its accuracy is incredible, as is its destructive power. Their seeking ability allows the missles to easily track and shoot down aerospace vehicles.
    To back up the twin Grasers are twin Xasers mounted in the nose of the Dekosi.  Simple weapons with moderate range and power, they are used against infantry and vehicles alike.  Their high rate of fire makes them ideal for driving off enemies. 
    The Dekosi is protected by 7 tons of ArMax armor, and the same Type 10 HiCS System as is on its newer cousin, the Brumak.  Between its armor and shields, the Dekosi is protected from most weapons.  The shields could be stronger, but more ammunition and higher speed were opted for over extra shielding.

Operational Capabilities:
    Dekosis are between the Spirecrof and Ravinot range.  Their larger size, and heavier armor, shields, and weapons allow them to destroy enemies that a Spirecrof couldn't, while also being faster and cheaper than a larger Ravinot.  With a fairly complicated leg design, they are not cheap mechs, but are very versatile.  They perform much of the front line dirty work for the KCDI Ground Forces.