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      Medium Battlecruiser
      KC NS-355 "Fensov"
Total Mass:
      3800 tons
Maximum Speed:
      35 kpm
      2 MGW Cannons
      18 AFPC Turrets
      8 ACF3 Missle Tubes
      10 Graser Turrets
      15 Xaser Turrets
      Type L-20 ArMax
      Type C-30 HiCS System
      2 CSS 500 Sub-Space Drives
      1 Mk 15B FTL/Lyvian Drive

Unit Outline:
    The workhorse of the KCDI Space Forces, the Fensov is a powerful and quick battlecruiser capable of taking on almost anything in space.  With a vast array of weapons, it is useful against larger ships, or against hoardes of smaller ships. 

System Specifications:
    The primary weapons of the Fensov are its fixed forward Magneto-Gravitic Wave Cannons.  These two MGW Cannons can punch through almost any ship at a very far range.  Not a weapon of brute force, the MGW is a "smart" weapon that can fool shielding systems and punch through hull armor and go right through a ship.
    The most often used weapons on the Fensov are the eighteen Aggrigated Fusion Pulse Cannon turrets.  While not nearly as powerful as the MGW, the AFPC turrets are useful at long ranges and can bring down most shields. 
    Used primarily for long range bombardment, the eight Antimatter Catalysed Fusion/Fission/Fusion missle tubes of the Fensov are lethal against all capital ships.  These eight ACF3 tubes have an incredible range and incredible destructive power.  The fact that their range is farther than even the MGW allows the Fensov to bombard enemies before they are in range to return fire.
    To give the Fensov a better anti-starfighter armament, 10 Graser and 15 Xaser turrets were added.  While the Grasers and Xasers aren't very effective against capital ships, their high rate of fire and high accuracy make them very effective against fighters and bombers. 
    The Fensov is protected by a Type L-20 ArMax system, and a Type C-30 HiCS System.  This combination of armor and shielding gives it the ability to take on enemies without suffering much damage. 

Operational Capabilities:
    Fensovs are the workhorse of the KCDI Space Forces.  These battlecruisers are a nearly perfect combination of armor, shielding, speed, and firepower that allows them to perform any mission from capital ship assault to recon and patrol duties.  They are also good at attacking enemy battleships in pairs.