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KC Instant Date Relay Network

    The official press service of the KC, the KCIDRN keeps the citizens of the KC informed of what is happening in the galaxy.  KCIDRN strives to have full, comprehensive, and un-biased stories for the citizens.  KC battles, alliances, and any other aspect that directly effects the whole of the Combine is covered in the KCIDRN.
Note: Dates and times expressed are currently set for Kämpfer Average Time (similar to Earth Standard Time) for the posts.

Recent Stories:

6/24/2109 KAT
Operation Trident - Sources Unveil a Bold Operation about to Unfold.
   Recently, sources at the KC fleet shipyards on the KC side of the wormhole gate have reported a massive build up of forces from all sectors of the KC fleet, aerospace corps, and ground forces.  Official sources point to the now openly admitted Operation Trident for such a large build up.  Under Operation Trident, the number of starships in the new universe will be bolstered upto 3000 starships, from the 2500 currently stationed there, as part of Plan Alpha, the first phase of Operation Trident.&nbps; Though details are sketchy, it is assumed that these ships will help relieve the beleagered GA forces, which are currenlty mostly undergoing repairs and building up for some operation, assumed to be an invasion or probing force.  The KC forces will then assist in the aformentioned operation.  In Plan Bravo, 1500 starships will be sent to the KC ally in this universe, the Unitron Alliance, to help them against the resurgent Blacktronian forces in our galaxy.  Once the Blacktronian forces are taken care of, it is thought that approximately 500 starships will remain in the area, while the other 1000 return to KC space, or are sent to aid in the operations in the new universe, through the UA/GA wormhole gate.  The final part of Operation Trident, Plan Charlie calls for 2000 KC starship to be spread across the border of KC space and for many more space outposts, sentries, stations and fortresses to be constructed for defense of KC space, thus relieving the ships being sent to other theatres of operation.  Though there have not been openly hostile forces to threaten KC space directly since the Bollarian and V'ad'Rok Conflicts nearly half a decade ago.  Since then, the only hostile forces encountered have been in the new universe, and the Blacktronian forces in UA space.  However, the KC is still little known to the hostile forces, as it controls the only entrance to the Alyvian Wormhole, and has its border facing the UA secured.  We'll keep you updated on Operation Trident as it progresses.

6/21/2109 KAT
KC Suspicions Confirmed - Situation Worsens for the AC.
   Recently, Kämpfer Combine Intelligence suspicions were confirmed about the Vhishnue Empire.  After claiming to have broken away from the Combined Enemy, KC and ITA operatives discovered they were, in fact, still in league with the CE forces on all fronts, and were only gathering information as to ITA and GA forces, positions, and other vital information they could exploit in an attack.  Because of initial distrust by the KC military, VE vessels were never allowed into the KC occupation zone, much less through the wormhole gate.  This does, however, make the situation grim for KC allies on the other side.  With the CE as strong as ever with the resurgence of VE activity, and unconfirmed intelligence reports of massive VE ships and ship groups, the outlook for the immediate future is grim, especially with other reports claiming another CE power involving itself in the battle against the Alliance Combine.  The only gleam of light in the dark sky is the confirmed annihilation of the Nexian forces in their own space.  A combined GA/UA fleet, with KC ships in support, assaulted Nexia Prime and landed forces on the surface after a long, brutal battle in space.  KC ground forces lead the charge on the ground, and the Nexian ground forces were overwhelmed by combined GA/UA/KC forces.&bnsp; While some pockets of resistance are still being cleared out, sources say the planets is 95% secure of Nexian forces.  We'll keep you updated on that situation as it progresses.

12/29/2108 KAT
New AC Member Welcomed - Remainder of Vhishnue Empire Allies with the AC.
   In an alarming turning of the tables, a recent intercept was brought in by KC agents and was made public only days later.  In a dramatic move, the CE declared the Vhisnue Empire unfit for existance and commenced on a campaign to destroy them.  Despite their resistance, the VE have been greatly weakened and attacks on AC forces had become almost non-existant in recent weeks.  However, a message was sent straight from VE capital planet to King Maxwell Baxter himself.  In it, the VE leader requested a permanent cease-fire between AC and VE forces, and also requested admittance into the AC itself.  Reports from sources inside the capital tell us that plans are underway to accept the VE as the 5th AC member.  Despite their weakened state, the Vhishnue Rebellion, as they are now called, are still a force to be reckoned with and will certainly be a great asset to the AC not only from a standpoint of ships and men, but because of their knowledge of the CE.  Reports are still coming in here at KCIDRN, but we'll keep you posted on everything that happens.  In other news, the KC force in the new universe has stabilized at about 2500 ships operating on 3 fronts.  Reports of massings of ships on this side of the wormhole have been reported, though they have not been confirmed.  We can only wonder what the this large force of ships is needed for.

12/09/2108 KAT
KC and ITA Forces Push Back Blacktron - Combined AC forces continually attack Blacktronian Command Fleet.
   Combined ITA and KC forces have begun a campaign to retake much of the ITA space that was captured by the Blacktron after their attack began nealry a month ago.  Alcor, and Normar have both been completely retaken, and Symtemp is currently being secured.  This string of victories was interrupted yesterday by an ambush on the ITA 1st Fleet which resulted in the loss of 70% of the fleet, and the life of ITA Head Admiral Nelson.  Admiral Prewer and the Cerberus are still searching for the Blacktronian main fleet, and Max's Mongrels are still on the lookout for the Challenger.  A small KC task force is accompanying the 826th in an attempt to detect its cloak field, and force it to come out of cloak and face the 826th and its flagship, the Renown.  In other news, the total number of KC ships in the new universe has risen by approxmiately 200 with the arrival of the 11th, 18th, and 23rd fleets yesterday.  All three have been sent to Nexy space to aid in the final assault in Nexy Prime.  The total number of KC ships in the new universe now is estimated at approximately 2000.  They are operating on three fronts, with 700 in ITA space looking for the Blacktronian fleet, 800 with the UA and GA fleets in Nexy space, and approximately 500 guarding the KC occupation zone.  We'll try to keep you updated of all news in the new universe.

11/10/2108 KAT
Solarus Falls to Blacktronian Fleet - Enemy fleet captures ITA stronghold.
   In an action today involving some 250 KC ships, the Blacktron main fleet assaulted the ITA system of Solarus.  The KC 3rd and 8th Fleets, and the 88th and 155th Task Forces arrived in the Solarus system only 4 days in advance of the attack to provide a heavily needed support, and just yesterday, the 120th Task Force arrived to help defend the system.  The 250 KC ships, in addition to some 500 or so ITA ships are all that stand in the way of the 1000+ ship armada of the Blacktron.  The main fear for the ITA was the large number of civilians yet to be evacuated.  When the Blacktronian ships arrived in full force, the last evacuation ships were just being launched.   The KC 88th and 120th were assigned to escort the approximately 350 ITA evac ships out of the battle and to the ITA system of Zeno, one of the most fortified in the ITA.  With the loss of these two taskforces, the KC complement in the system was just 190 ships.  As the battle started, the new assumed strategy of the KC began.  With the ITA ships heading in for their usual close-combat strategy, KC ships stayed back and bombarded enemy ships.  Any Blacktron ships that attempted to reach them were either hit, or ran into ITA ships coming head on.  The Blacktron ships began taking a beating, and the system migh have been held, but the Blacktron had an ace yet to play.  Consorting with the CE, the Blacktronians had asked the Nexy's (despite their weakened state) and Vhishnue to attack KC positions in the Occupation Zone once the Battle for Solarus started.  Only 20 minutes into the battle, word came from the 71st and 111th taskforces in the Occupation Zone who had made contact with a VE battle group of nearly 200 ships heading into KC space.  The 71st and 111th were falling back to rendezvou with the 151st and 170th task forces, and the 11th expeditionary fleet to make a stand.  At this point the KC 3rd and 8th jumped out and headed for the rendezvou point (they would arrive just in time if they left immediately), leaving only the 155th in the battle...only 30 ships.  With the loss of fire support, and being heavily outnumbered, the order was given for a steady fallback.  The 155th was assigned to provide fire support for ships that were jumping out, and then to leave and escort Adm. Prewer's Cerberus out to Zeno.  After a heroic stand, and the loss of some 100 ships, the last of the ITA ships pulled out of Solarus and headed for Zeno, though they destroyed some 250-300 Blacktronian ships in the battle.  Equally as heroic was the job that the 88th and 120th did in escorting out the evac ships.  As they exited the battlezone and prepared to make the jump, they ran into a Blacktron cruiser group sent to attack the ITA ships from behind.  Despite some 40 to 50 Blacktronian cruisers, of VE and ITA types, the KC ships detected them a long way off and decimated most of them with missle before they were in firing range.  No KC ships or evac ships were lost, though 7 KC ships sustained damage from the few Blacktron ships that got in range to fire.  All the evac ships arrived safely in the Zeno system some hours later.  Also, the VE group that entered KC space turned back and began heading out approximately 30 or 40 minutes after the KC fleets jumped out of Solarus.  The 11th, 71st, 111th, 151st, and 170th have been sent to pursue the battlegroup while the 3rd and 8th protect the Occupation Zone.  In other news, the Nexy front is getting heavy with AC ships.  Currently deployed are the GA 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 9th, and 11th battlefleets (approximately 1800 ships), as well as the KC 5th and 9th fleets (approximately 200 ships).  Soon to be deployed, once they enter the new universe later today, are the KC 2nd, 4th, and 10th fleets, and the 101st, 102nd, 115th, 150th, and 171st taskforces, which will bring the total number of KC warships in the Nexy system upto approximately 600 ships.  KCIDRN will try to keep you updated of everything that happens in the new universe.

11/9/2108 KAT
KC Forces Arrive At Solarus - Strategic ITA system now defended by KC fleets.
   The KC 3rd and 8th Fleets, and the 88th and 155th Task Forces arrived in the Solarus system to provide support for the ITA forces there on the 6th.  Just today, the 120th Taskforce, comprised of approximately 30 ships, arrived just today raising the total number of KC warships in Solarus to about 250.  The Supreme Council, today, officially decreed KC as a memeber of the AC, and at war against the CE and Blacktron threats.  The whole of the Blacktron Fleet, estimated at 1000+ ships, is expected to try to take Solarus.  We'll keep you updated.

11/06/2108 KAT
Blacktron in New Universe! - ITA Front pressed hard by Blacktron Forces.
   Blacktron, an enemy to the UA, driven from Earth a while back, has now been spotted in the GA/ITA universe.  First to contact these enemies was the ITA 56th, a fleet of 25 warships, which was reported 100% destroyed.  At present, the Blacktronian forces have pressed deep into ITA territory using ships stolen from both the VE and ITA.  Their next expected target is Solarus.  Currently, only about 700 KC ships of war in located in the GA/ITA universe.  Of them, the KC 3rd and 8th Fleets, and the 88th and 155th Task Forces are currently en route to Solarus to help the ITA hold the position.  While many ships are being prepared to head into the new universe, the only force set to arrive in time to help the effort is the 120th Task Force, comprised of 30 ships.  We at KCIDRN will report everything we can as it comes in.

10/28/2108 KAT
KC Declares War, Makes Alliance! - Alien forces destroyed by KC 8th Tactical, ITA allies with KC on behalf of AC.
   Today, in an event that is to forever change the history of the Kämpfer Combine, elements of the KC 8th Tactical space fleet encountered a hostile alien force on the other side of the Alyvian Wormhole.  These aliens, later identified as Vhishnue, were coming out of a system only a few lightyears from the egress point of the Wormhole on the other side.  The task force made up of elements of the 8th had just jumped out of hyperspace when it picked up these ships on radar. Adm.  Vashar hailed these ship, but his hailing was ignored.  Whent the alien fleet, numbering approximately 30 ships, began powering up weapons systems and launching fighters, the 8th went into high alert.  As the enemy ships began trying to close quickly, the KC ships began assaulting them with their long range missles, and then with cannons.  The enemy failed to return fire, and it was estimated that their ships were geared more towards close combat than ranged assault.  The enemy fighters soon reached the KC forces, who had deployed all fighter wings to intercept.  As the fighters began tangling, the Adm. Vashar called in the rest of the 8th as reinforcements.  The three larger ships began closing the distance and met the forward deployed Omsots and Redicors with a harsh hail of firepower.  The smaller ships took a beating, and those that could not dodge the weapons were destroyed.  The lead ship, a Valkor class, and 2 Fensovs converged on one of the larger ships, now known as a "Battle-Axe" class Battledestroyer, and, using their MGW Cannons and Torpedo tubes decimated it.  As the fighters skirmished, it was found that they were of about equal speed, though the KC fighters appeared to have an upper hand in maneuverability.  Just as the other one of the Battledestroyers and 2 escorting Corvettes came within firing distance of some of the KC carriers, a hail of missles and cannon fire consumed the ships entirely.  The rest of the 8th had arrived with the Proghurst as the lead ship.  Its weapons fire quickly destroyed the 3 enemy ships that had closed in.  As several of the smaller Omsots were hit hard, the KC was now out of its element.  The enemy ships had been too close at the start of the battle, and were now closed in.  The large ship spotted in the back of the VE fleet was assumed to be the command ship, and a whole 2 wings of Harkanos, and a Badrok wing were sent to destroy it.  As they go close, they let loose their hail of missles, and, to their surprise, this ship blew up rather easily.  Its only weapon seemed to be its large cannon it was built around.  Its explosion, however, was huge and it consumed 3 bombers, and several Vhishnue ships around it.  As the remainder of the Vhishnue forces formed up on the Battledestroyer, more ships were spotted jumping into the system.  Hailing the Proghurst, they announced their intention to destroy the Vhishnue ships, and were in turn told to proceed.  While they too seemed to have shorter ranged weapons, once they closed the distance, they were in their element as were the Vhishnue.  Their lead ship, later identified as a Draco II class battleship, supported by 4 Kaladar corvettes made an easy victim of the lone Battledestroyer.  The fighters of the friendly ships helped finish off the few Vhishnue fighters that remained.  As the only 3 Vhishnue ships remaining (identified as Thunder class Cruisers) jumped out, the friendly fleet sent several of their similar sized ships after them, and destroyed them before they got out of the system.  Once the fighters were withdrawn, and the fleets reformed, the Commander of the friendly fleet identified himself as Fleet Admiral Wes Prewer of the Intergalactic Terran Alliance (ITA).  The ITA is currently locked in a war as a member of the Alliances Combine, which also includes the Galactic Alliance (a combination of 3 empires), and, surprisingly, the Unitron Alliance, who control Earth in our universe and some how found a wormhole that leads to the same universe as the Alyvian Wormhole.  They are currently warring with the Combined Enemy, a force of many hostile empires with the objective of destroying the ITA and GA.  Though the Supreme Council has not issued a directive, Adm. Vashar has signed a temporary treaty with the AC, and once the Supreme Council issues the directive, the KC will join the AC.  According to the ITA, the Alyvian Wormhole exits somewhere between ITA, GA, and VE/CE territory.  More ships are expected to be sent to the new universe, but military officials decline to comment.  KC casualties are estimated at 7 capital ships destroyed, 3 capital ships declared mission kill, and 31 fighters destroyed (though all pilots were recovered.)  Enemy casualties are estimated at 30 ships destroyed, including 3 Battle Axe Battledestroyers and 1 Hammer class Devastator, and 52 fighters destroyed.  ITA casualties are 3 crusiers destroyed, and 7 fighters destroyed (all pilots were recovered by KC forces).  KCIDRN will keep you updated on everything that happens as this situation progresses.

9/24/2108 KAT
More Forces Leave, More Come Home - Taskforce leaves for new universe, damaged ships return.
   Today, the 155th Task Force, led by Adm. Pollard, headed out through the Alyvian Wormhole to rendezvou with Adm. Vashar's 8th Tactical in the new universe.  Made up of 20 Omsot Frigates, a number of smaller Redicor Corvettes, and a quartet of Fensov Battlecruisers, including Pollard's command ships the Loxitu.  Source indicate that no sooner had they left than some KC ships, from the 8th Tactical, came back through.  Nine ships in all (4 Omsots, 2 Fensovs, and 3 Redicors), they came back and were all put in drydock for repairs.  It is unknown how heavy the damage to these ships was, but little time was wasted in the commencing of the repairs of these ships.

9/10/2108 KAT
Alien Contact! - KC 8th Tactical Fleet sends ships home with reports of hostile aliens, reinforcements requested.
   Though all details are not known, it is confirmed by KC military officials that the 8th Tactical Fleet has engaged hostile enemy ships.  Upon contact, the aliens were hailed, but no response was recieved, and the 8th destroyed the enemy ships when they were attacked, though taking only minor losses.  These un-identified aliens are of unknown origin, but it was clear of their hostile intentions.  Only 13 hours after the 5 corvettes came back through the wormhole, they left again, accompanied by an unknown amount of ships, but it included carriers, battleships, and even a war cruiser.  KCIDRN will keep you updated on all events that occur in the new universe.

8/28/2108 KAT
Fleet Leaves Universe - KC 8th Tactical Fleet goes through Alyvian Wormhole.
   After the success of the Brak's 8 month mission, and the successful 6 month mission by her sister ship, the Kot, KCDI SF officials confirmed reports that the KC 8th Tactical Fleet entered the Alyvian Wormhole and has been communicated with from the other side.  Going in on a mission to measure the safety of the new universe from the aspect of alien forces, the 8th is currently on a "scouting only" mission, but it has been reported they have authorization to return fire and pursue hostile vessels.  Though some optimists believe that the new universe is safe, the damage done to the Brak, as well as some supposed information brought back by the Kot show that there could be, in fact, space capable aliens in the new universe.  Though some military sources say that there are, in fact, no threatening species, it was duely noted that the 8th left with full fighter and bomber complements, as well as an unknown amount of addition ships.  While the total number of ships is unknown, it is believed to be more than 80 capital ships, and full complement of smaller fighters and corvettes.

6/12/2107 KAT
Kot Returns Home - Kot Returns with information about the new universe.
   After its 6 month stay in the new universe, the Kot returned home safely as the Brak did 6 months previously.  While military leaders have not disclosed the information gathered by the Kot, some sources indicate that the first manned ships to go through the Alyvian Wormhole will not be civilian colony ships, but military warships.  While military officials have confirmed reports of evidence of alien life in the new universe, details about the technology and hostility of such aliens was not commented on.  The information the Kot brought home is now being gone through by KC military scientists, and the Kot itself now rests beside the Brak in port.  Both ships are scheduled to go on display at the Cardavian Space Exploration Museum located in orbit above Cardavia.

12/09/2107 KAT
Kot Launched - Sister-ship of Brak launched after Brak's return.
   After the Brak returned home form an 8 month mission through the Alyvian Wormhole, KC military leaders launched a similar ship, known as the Kot.  Though the ship is similar, the mission is different.  Instead of scouting for information on planets, stars, and other natural objects, the Kot is designed to look specifically for signs of life and of military forces or hostile environments.  The mission of the Kot is scheduled to last 6 months, and upon its return, the first manned ships are scheduled to go through.

12/03/2107 KAT
Brak Returns Home - Un-piloted craft returns to KC from other side.
   After an 8 month research and exploration mission on the other side of the Alyvian Wormhole, the Brak has returned.  Containing samples from planets, asteroids, and other places, the Brak has brought an un-measureable amount of data back to KC scientists.  While some scientist spokepersons have said that colonial expansion will happen soon, some sources have heard rumors of alien life on the other side, possibly hostile.  While these reports are un-confirmed, some support engineers have reported that there was damage done to the Brak, and it is unlikely that it was from natural anomolies.

4/09/2107 KAT
Probe Contact Made - Un-piloted craft communicating with KC ships from other side of Wormhole.
   In an profound moment in KC history, the un-piloted probe, known as the Brak, communicated with KC ships from the other side of the Alyvian wormhole.  Information on the other side has shown that the Wormhole leads to another universe/galaxy similar to ours which contains stars, asteroids, planets, and hopefully, life similar to our own universe.

4/01/2107 KAT
Probe Launched - Un-piloted craft enters the Alyvian Wormhole.
   As the entire KC held its breath, an un-piloted probe entered the Alyvian Wormhole that has been studied since the end of the Bollarian-Kämpfer-V'ad'Rok War.  The probe was equipped with multiple sensors and communications devices to send back information about the other side.

3/14/2107 KAT
KCIDRN Re-Established - News service revived after 3 years down time.
   In a strange business venture today, the Riivan Consortium purchased the rights to the old KCIDRN News Network.  Posts will resume on a regular basis now.

4/25/2104 KAT
Bollarians Defeated - KC 3rd Fleet Crushes Bollarians at Nar Voran.
   In a single, swift attack today, the Kämpfer Combine 3rd Fleet under the command of Adm. Jasi Morraine surprised the entire Bollarian armada docked at Nar Voran.  Supposed "leaks" from the KC were obtained by the Bollarians and told the Bollarians that the closest KC force of any size was nearly 2 days away, the 8th Tactical at Smarna.  In reality, the 3rd was only 1 hour away, hiding on the other side of the Io star in the Vir system.  As the entire Bollarian armada was in dock, or undergoing repairs, the 3rd jumped out of FTL right at max range of the KC weapons.  As the barrage of fire began, most Bollarian ships were destroyed in port, and the few that managed to cast off were soon hit hard by the fighters and bombers of the 155th, 71st, and 88th.  KC losses are unconfirmed as yet, but it is estimated less than 20 KC capital ships, and under 60 fighters and bombers were lost, compared to the whole of the Bollarian fleet, an estimated 250 capital ships, and some 900-1000 fighters and bombers.  With the destruction of the Bollarian armada, the few scattered ships remaining in KC borders have made FTL jumps back to Bollaria, and are not expected to have the strength to attack for a long time to come.  The 3rd is now heading back to home port in the Smarna system, to relieve the 8th Tactical.  With this crushing blow, all major enemies of the Combine have been brought down.  The Bollarian defeat, at what is now being called the Nar Voran Massacre, is the fourth in a series of major offensives by the KC, one other against Bollarian forces, one against the last V'ad'Rok Forces in the Garn system, and then the ground campaign on the V'ad'Rok home world, which ended only 84 days after it began with the surrender of the V'ad'Rok government, and the assymilating of the V'ad'Rok people and planets into the Combine.  When the 3rd returns to base, we will attempt to get some first hand accounts from those there, and some words from Adm. Morraine.