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      Heavy Corvette
      KC NS-155 "Redicor"
Total Mass:
      900 tons
Maximum Speed:
      55 kpm
      4 AFPC Turrets
      4 ACF3 Missle Tubes
      4 Graser Turrets
      6 Xaser Turrets
      Type L-5 ArMax
      Type C-10 HiCS System
      1 CSS 200 Sub-Space Drive
      4 CSS 50 Sub-Space Drives
      1 Mk 5A FTL/Lyvian Drive

Unit Outline:
    The fastest capital ship in the KCDI Space Forces, the Redicor is used for a wide variety of missions.  Fast, moderately armed and protected, and easy, simple, and cheap to produce, the Redicor sees much action in the KCDI. 

System Specifications:
    The primary weapons of the Redicor are the four Aggrigated Fusion Pulse Cannon turrets.  While not nearly as powerful as the MGW, the AFPC turrets are useful at long ranges and can bring down most shields. 
    The largest punch of the Redicor are its four Antimatter Catalysed Fusion/Fission/Fusion missle tubes.  These four ACF3 tubes have an incredible range and incredible destructive power.  The fact that their range is farther than even the MGW allows the Redicor to keeps its distance while still dealing out a crippling blow to an enemy.
    The final weapons of the Redicor are 4 Graser and 6 Xaser turrets.  While the Grasers and Xasers aren't very effective against capital ships, their high rate of fire and high accuracy make them very effective against fighters and bombers. 
    The Redicor is protected by a Type L-5 ArMax system, and a Type C-10 HiCS System.  While this is very small, so is the Redicor itself.  The defense system enables Redicors to go into battle and come out alive despite their small size.

Operational Capabilities:
    Redicors are the most numerous capital ships in the KCDI Space Forces because of their speed and their price.  These ships are nearly perfect for raiding missions, scouting, convoy escort, fleet recon, and to provide fire support for larger ships in battle.  Their small size allows them to fill fire gaps in large KCDI SF fleets, and their small size and anti-starfighter armament makes them perfect for AAA duties.