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      Heavy Battleship
      KC NS-555 "Valkor"
Total Mass:
      6800 tons
Maximum Speed:
      30 kpm
      6 MGW Cannons
      23 AFPC Turrets
      10 ACF3 Missle Tubes
      4 EACF3 Torpedo Tubes
      20 Graser Turrets
      20 Xaser Turrets
      Type L-40 ArMax
      Type C-50 HiCS System
      2 CSS 1000 Sub-Space Drives
      1 Mk 20A FTL/Lyvian Drive

Unit Outline:
    Second only to the massive Proghurst, the Valkor Heavy Battleship is one of the most lethal craft in the galaxy.  Its massive armament combined with its incredible shielding and armor make it capable of destroying the even the largest enemies in one on one engagements. 

System Specifications:
    The main weapons of the Valkor are its six Magneto-Gravitic Wave Cannons.  These MGW Cannons can punch through almost any ship at a very far range.  Not a weapon of brute force, the MGW is a "smart" weapon that can fool shielding systems and punch through hull armor and go right through a ship.
    The 23 Aggrigated Fusion Pulse Cannon turrets on the Valkor enable it to deliver an overwhelming amount of fire to an enemy.  While not nearly as powerful as the MGW, the AFPC turrets are useful at long ranges and can bring down most shields. 
    Used primarily for long range bombardment, the ten Antimatter Catalysed Fusion/Fission/Fusion missle tubes on either side of the Valkor's bridge are lethal against all capital ships.  These ten ACF3 tubes have an incredible range and incredible destructive power.  The fact that their range is farther than even the MGW allows the Valkor to bombard its target before closing in with its AFPCs and MGWs.
    Though their range is only 3/5 that of the ACF3 missles, the Expanded-ACF3 torpedo tubes of the Valkor are nearly twice as powerful.  The four EACF3 tubes have a moderate range but a phenomenal amount of destructive power.  If a ship moves to within range of the EACF3 tubes, it is usually dispatched quickly.
    The Valkor's anti-starfighter armament consists of 20 Graser and 20 Xaser turrets.  While the Grasers and Xasers aren't very effective against capital ships, their high rate of fire and high accuracy make them very effective against fighters and bombers. 
    The Valkor is by a Type L-40 ArMax system, and a Type C-50 HiCS System.  This defensive systems enables the Valkor to take on the largest of enemy ships and come out on top.  Heavy, concentrated fire from other large ships is the only thing that can break through the shielding and armor.

Operational Capabilities:
    Valkors are the second largest ships in the KCDI Space Forces, and usually the largest in most fleets.  The incredible firepower they wield can destroy entire enemy convoys or small cruiser groups.  They serve as command ships for all fleets without Proghursts.