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      Light Scout Mech
      KC MA-11 "Vormar"
Total Mass:
      30 tons
Maximum Speed:
      155 kph
      4 Xasers
      1 MF-4 Launcher (30 rounds)
      2 tons ArMax
      Type 2 HiCS System

Unit Outline:
    The god of speed in ancient Kämpfer mythology, Vormar was unmatched in his lighting speed and reflexes.  Living up to its name, the Vormar Light Scout mech is built for speed, agility, and sensors.  While it is armed, it is only lightly and usually withdraws quickly if a fight ensues.  It does, however, easily escape if needed due to its incredible speed, unmatched by any other KC mech.

System Specifications:
    The main weapons of the Vormar are four Xasers, two mounted in each shoulder.  Simple weapons with moderate range and power, they are used against infantry mostly, but are also useful against other tanks or mechs. 
    The longest ranged, and most powerful weapons of the Vormar is a its 4-tube MicroFusion missle launchers.  The MF-4 has an extremely long range and its accuracy is as incredible as its destructive power.  The seeking ability of the MF-4 allows it to easily track and shoot down aerospace vehicles.  Its fast target aquisition and long range make it perfect for hit and fade tactics sometimes used by the Vormar.
    The Vormar is protected by 2 tons of ArMax armor, as well as a Type 2 HiCS System.  While this defense is very low, it is light and makes a low sensor signature.  When combined with the Vormar's speed and dodging ability, it is more than sufficient.
    The Vormar also carries some very sophisticated target monitoring and identification hardware.  This allows it to track and identify enemies at safe distances, as well as enabling it to light up targets for guided laser and omni-wave guided weapons.

Operational Capabilities:
    Vormars are essential to KCDI Ground Forces field intelligence.  Their small size matched with their high speed, and long ranged sensors allow them to monitor enemy ground forces from a safe distance.  Their sensors also allow them to use their light armaments in ambush, covert ops., and hit and fade missions.  While not the most used, nor seen, they are one of the most important mechs in the KCDI Ground Forces.